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Hinata p.o.v, one week later

I missed a week worth of practice. Everyone came to visit me during that week.

He did this on purpose. To keep me out.

"You're pathetic." Those words just keep replaying in my head. "You're a coward."

"You should just die."

"Shoyo!!" I turned to Nishinoya's voice, cutting through my train of thoughts. "How are you today? Feeling better?"

I shrugged, pulling a smile as I wrapped the bandages on my legs. "A little. Practice is going to start soon right?"

He nodded, his smile remaining on his face. How I wish I could smile like that again... "We're gonna do some drills first though. Want to practice your serves with me while we wait?"

I wasn't really in a mood for practice but I went with it. "Sure.. Kageyama's running late anyway."

"I heard he has extra classes today," Nishinoya continued the conversation as we walked to the gym. "For modern Japanese.. and Math?"

I nodded, putting on my jacket. "Yeah... He didn't score well for his mock tests."

Nishinoya chuckled. "Well, he could ask Yachi or Kiyoko-san to help him. They're pretty smart."

"I did suggest that but he insisted on doing more self-studying. Claiming that he "can't ask for help during the actual exam"." I quoted Kageyama's words. "And besides, Kiyoko-san is a third-year."

"Oh yeah, that's true." We changed our shoes and entered the gym as Nishinoya greeted everyone else.

"Let's take that far corner of the court to practice some free throws before we start the drills."

I took a ball and nodded. "Sure."


I felt the ball hit my palm and heard the loud boom that came with it.

"Nice kill!" Kageyama's voice intercepted.

I went to pick up the ball and place it back into the basket.

"Alright, drill's over. Get your jerseys and get ready for the match."


I turned to Kageyama's voice as I grabbed my jersey number. "What?" It came out harsher than intended.

I noticed him flinch a little before continuing. "How are you?"

I shrugged. "The usual. You?"

"Classes are boring, as always."

We chuckled as we walked to the court. "Right. Then do better for your tests."

"You too, boke."

And the match started.


"Clean up and don't forget to stretch before leaving!" Coach Ukai reminded us as he left with Takeda-sensei.

"Good game today, Shoyo!" Nishinoya offered a high five and I took it. "Nice kills and serves."

I thanked him and went to put the ball basket back to the euipment room to lock up while everyone else was leaving.

I yawned as I put on my shoes and grabbed my stuff after changing out.

"Going home?"

I looked up to see Kageyama standing in front of me by the gym door.

"Y-yeah..." I responded, a second late. "Why?"

"Daichi-san's gonna buy us some meat buns before we go," He cleared his throat. "Wanna come with?"

I wish I could. "Not today.. I gotta get home early."

Disappointed, Kageyama only nodded and left. I sat a while by the door and sighed. This is tiring... I got up and locked the gym doors, returning them to the office and biked home.

I wonder what Mom cooked today...

I let my mind wonder as I took my bike and went home. Well, they would both would be asleep by the time I went home anyway.

What does it matter? No one's gonna remember me anyway... It'd be nice... To have some peace and quiet. For good.


Kageyama, first year, elementary school

"Class, this is your new classmate, Kageyama Tobio. Let's welcome him warmly~!"

That was the first time I met those orange eyes. They seemed to have brightened up when our gazes met. He looked away immediately, but he glanced over just after.

"Is this seat taken?"

Surprised, he shook his head. I smiled and sat next to him, placing my bag down on the floor. I turned to him, wondering what he was thinking and stared at him. I wanted to ask him about anything but afraid of what he might think of me, I had sighed and looked away.

It was lunch break and everyone was excited. I walked calmly and got my tray. After getting my food, I noticed how almost every table was taken and I found an empty one closest to the cafeteria windows.

I sat and ate my lunch, swinging my legs and staring out the window.

"Can I sit here?"

I turned and met eyes with the familiar orange eyes. I nodded and watched as he sat opposite me.

"I'm Hinata Shoyo!" He beamed suddenly. "Is this your first time in this neighbourhood?"

I nodded. Lunch was pretty quiet between the two of us.

"Hopefully I can find someone to send a toss later..." He seemed to have mumbled that out loud by accident.

Wait, did he say toss? "Toss.... You play... Volleyball too?"

Hinata had looked embarrassed at first but grinned and nodded. "Yeah! Well, I'm currently just doing some freelance training for my spikes. Wait, do you play volleyball too?!"

I nodded, slightly embarrassed.

His eyes seemed to sparkle with curiosity. "What position do you play?"


"Cool!! Then, when are you free?? We can play together some time!"

"Four days from now."

And every since that day, we continued playing together after school and I found myself fond of his company.


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