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*Two days later*
Kageyama p.o.v


I turned to Daichi's voice in the room.

"Are you feeling well today?"

I nodded, folding my shirt. "Somehow."

"Talk to us if you need to 'kay?" Nishinoya's voice piped in. "We're here for you." He smiled wide, giving my shoulder an assuring squeeze.

Did they hear me last night?

I nodded, taking out my shoe bag. "Thank you.."

We had a practice match with Fukurodani Academy today and Hinata had been Bokuto's favourite. It will come as a huge shock if I ever repeat my mistake with Fukurodani's ace. It can't happen again.

"Alright, running and then some spike drills! Warm up and get going!" Daichi sounded as soon as we stepped inside Nekoma's gym.

I exhaled, stretching my upper body and followed by my lower body. I looked everywhere but Takeda-sensei's eyes and Coach Ukai's too.

Once done, everyone gathered outside and started their run. While doing so, I let my mind wonder as I took in the scenery that went by. Memories flooded my mind.

Memories of Hinata.


Sugawara p.o.v

The match with Fukurodani was a sight to see. Bokuto was definitely in his best form today.

"Tanaka, nice serve!!"

Tanaka's jump serve was also amazing. He had put in so much practice for that serve.

I watched as the team made the best of whatever members we had. It was definitely difficult for Kageyama to adjust to the rest, however, his tosses were perfection.

Amazing... He's able to toss at their spiking point. It's a no wonder he was called the genius setter.

I imagined Hinata making those spikes. His form, his hand.

His smile when he saw the ball coming.

"Nice kill!!"

The match ended as quickly as it started. It was Fukurodani's win and our loss.

So it was true.. Kageyama hasn't been able to focus on any of our practice matches lately. He cried last night too... Is he okay?

Will our team be okay?


Kageyama p.o.v

"Ah, Tsukishima-kun!"

I eyed Bokuto as he approached Tsukishima. I really hoped he didn't ask about Hinata's whereabouts.

I sensed a presence next to me and I turned, meeting face to face with Fukurodani's setter.

"Akaashi Keiji."

"Kageyama Tobio."

He gave me a brief glance and went back to watching his captain. "You're... Hinata's friend, right?"

I gulped and nodded. This better not be where I think it's going.

Akaashi seemed to hesitate for a moment before looking back at me with the most piercing blue eyes I have ever seen.

"How is he?"

It took me a while to register what he said. "H-how?"

He nodded. "Yes."

I didn't know how to reply. I couldn't tell him the truth, how could I? "U-uh.. He's.. Feeling a bit under the weather today..."

"Oh? I would have thought he had recovered already since you also mentioned he was sick just two days ago."

"I.. I did?" I had forgotten about it.

Akaashi nodded again, this time looking much less threatening. "I heard it from Kuroo... Nekoma's captain?"

"O-oh..." I looked away, not wanting to meet his eyes. It felt like he could see through me.

"Kenma also mentioned something about Hinata... Being dead?"

I whipped my head too quickly at the mention of Kenma. He seemed surprised at first but quickly gathered himself. "I'm guessing that's the truth then."

"H-how did you-"

"I won't tell Bokuto-san. You have my word."

"Thank you."


The day ended in the worst possible way. We were still at Tokyo, outside the inn.

This is hopeless..

"Alright, make sure you've got everything. We're leaving in 10!"

While everyone went to check their things, I decided to just take a seat in the bus.

"Are you sure you've got everything?"

I turned and faced Sugawara, face masked in worry. He probably heard me last night.. "Yeah... Can I.. get on the bus first?"

He nodded and went to ask Takeda-sensei to unlock the doors. I opened it and went inside, sighing the moment I sat.

I placed my bag on the empty seat next to me and leaned my head against the window. I don't know how long more I can keep this up.

What would Hinata have done if I wasn't here? Would you still spike the tosses given to you?


Promise (KageHina) [✨Completed✨]Where stories live. Discover now