Not so Sweet

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"Take a seat Agent y/l/n, you can sit anywhere you feel comfortable." Hotchner says as JJ is setting up the board to start discussing the Sweetheart killer. You see an empty seat next to Morgan. "He was nice, why not." You thought to yourself. You take your seat next to Morgan as Emily closes the door to finally start the discussion. Rossi hands everybody a file and starts to talk.

"The sweetheart killer, probably one of the sickest killers we've had in a while. Two children were found in a dumpster located near their parents job. Each child a week apart, yesterday another child by the name of Kenzie Lopez went missing and was found in yet again, a dumpster." Rossi said while looking at the notes the Sweetheart killer had left. "Pardon me, why did we start calling this killer by the name of Sweetheart." You ask looking at the file. "Before the child goes missing, candy is left on the floor by the child's house. They thought it didn't mean much since it is October, but every case so far has had either lollipops, mints, or chocolates by their doorstep. Plus, in the note she refers to herself as Sweetheart." Reid says as he places the notes down.

"She is definitely not so sweet I suppose." You say as your focus is on the board. "Let's start the profile, get everybody gathered and after the profile, you are all free to go home. Get some rest and be prepared for tomorrow." Hotchner says walking out of the conference room.

"You got it." JJ says as everybody gathers around. Moments later, Morgan clears his throat and starts his commentary. "This killer is a woman, around 30-35 years old, the stressor involves either the loss of a child or loss of her spouse. She is around 180-200 pounds, a friendly neighbor that nobody would expect." Morgan says. "76 percent of missing children reports state that the child is usually dead in three hours of the abduction, and around 90 percent, the child is dead in 24 hours." Reid says as he fixes his glasses. "I'll get this report to the local news tonight, also tomorrow I'll set up a hotline if anybody has a suspicion." JJ says picking up the files and walking to her desk to start calling. "Perfect, go home everybody, tomorrow will be a busy day." Hotchner says as he makes his way out of the office.

After the profile, everybody starts gathering their belongings to head out the door for the night. You head back to your office to grab your purse as you are visited by Derek Morgan. "Hey princess, I saw you took an Uber here, would you like a ride?" He says in a soft voice as he stands by the entrance of your office. "Yes, I would really appreciate it." You say as you give him a smile. "Perfect, right this way." He says as he shows you the way to the parking garage.

He opens his trunk and takes your bags, then proceeds to open the car door for you. "After you." He says motioning his hand towards the seat. What a gentleman, you say to yourself as you start to buckle your seat belt. He gets inside and starts the car. "How was your first day? I heard from Emily that Reid used one of my pickups lines." He said chuckling. "That boy is something else, I noticed he kept staring at you as we gave the profile, pretty boy has a crush on the princess here." Morgan said jokingly as he made his way onto the highway. "My first day was more than I imagined. Everybody was very welcoming, I already feel as if i'm part of the team. As for Reid, that made me laugh because I definitely didn't expect for him to say that." You say as you look out the window to the view of the city.

"I'm glad you feel welcomed, this is your apartment complex on the left turn right?" Morgan says as he points to your building. "Yes, there it is. You can drop me off in the front and I will take it from there." You say as you start to unbuckle your seatbelt.

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