Sit In Silence

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Thursday morning, 6:00 AM. You wake up as the sunlight slowly fills the room. You notice Spencer was still out like a light, he was a heavy sleeper. "Spence, wake up. Time for work." you say whispering in his ear as you give him a kiss.

He groans as he slowly opens his eyes, he begins to smile and pull you back into bed. "Spencer, we have to get up silly" you say laughing as you tug his arm. "Fine. It's so early" he says muttering into his pillow.

"I know I know, get up" you say making way to the bathroom. You brush your teeth and wash your face. You change into your outfit for the day and you put your hair up in a high ponytail.

As you finish getting ready, you notice Spencer still in bed. "SPENCER!" you say as you see the time. He springs up from the bed and runs to get dressed. After 5 minutes of him stumbling over trying to hurry, he finally is ready to go.

You both enter the car and buckle your seatbelts. He starts to drive to work as he is still adjusting to being awake. "You're not a morning person, are you?" you say giggling. "Definitely not, especially when all I want to do is stay in bed with you." he says turning over to look at you.

You start to blush as you watch the sunrise. As you're almost at work, his phone receives a notification. "Hey y/n, can you get that for me? Read it out loud." he says. "Yeah, sure" you say holding his phone to read the message.

Lila: Can't wait to see you again! I miss you, and your body. XO
You read the message as you begin to feel the tears fill your eyes. "What the fuck is this?" you say to Spencer. "Y/n, I swear that's not what it looks like" he says with his eyes widened.

"Really? It's not what it looks like? Now that I think of it, why would you ever be with me? It was obvious from the start that I'm not good enough for you. I knew that you had to be with someone else. I followed the loyalty rule Spencer, how come you didn't?" you say as you feel yourself breaking.

"Y/n it's not what you think-" he says as you cut him off. "No Spencer, it is what I think. I knew it was too good to be true!" you say as the tears flow from your eyes. You were so beyond frustrated right now. Spencer stops the car and looses his temper, he raised his voice at you.

"She wouldn't yell at me like this! Why can't you just let me talk?" he says with instant regret in his face. You felt completely numb as your heart is breaking in a million pieces. You couldn't even feel the tears fall down your face anymore.

"Well, then if she wouldn't yell at you like this, go to her." you say as you go to open the door. He grabs your hand as you pull away from his touch. "Y/n, please. Talk to me, I didn't mean that. What are you thinking right now." he says with a worried tone.

"You know what I'm thinking Spencer? I think that maybe I fell in love with the wrong person. Obviously, that's what happened here." you say opening the car door. You were wrong. You knew he was the right person, he always would be. "You love me?" he mutters under his breath.

You storm into the building, wiping your tears as you hurry into your office. You didn't even make eye contact with anybody, you just moved in silence. You close your door as you begin to let it all out. You've never felt this betrayed. You get it together as you start to do your files.

An hour later, you hear a knock on your door. "It's open" you say clearing your throat. "Hey girlfriend, do you want to join us in the conference room? We miss seeing your face." Emily says closing the door.

You turn around as you look up at her. "Oh my goodness, what happened?" she says sitting down next to you. "Emily, have you ever fallen in love?" you say looking at the floor. "Yes, I have" she says.

"Did it hurt? you know.. when it ended." you say as your voice starts to break again. "Yes, it did hurt. After a while, the pain goes away." she says raising your chin up with her hand.

"Really? I don't think it will" you say falling into her arms, sobbing. "Y/n, it's going to be okay. I promise you that. I'll tell the team that you would prefer to stay in here, okay?" she says comfortingly.

"Okay, thank you" you say sniffling. You look up at your door and see Spencer in the distance staring at you. You get up and close your blinds. You sit back down and you put your head down on your desk.

How could you already miss him so much? You wanted to feel his comforting hugs, his lips against yours, hear his fun facts. You missed seeing the way his eyes sparkled when you said his name, the smell of his cologne when you were in his arms, his beautiful smile.

You knew it was too good to be true. How did it go downhill so fast? The rest of the day felt like a blur. The world felt so grey, so lifeless. You finished up the work you had for the day. You pick up your bags and you get out of your office.

The team was having a conversation right outside of your door, great. You go past them, looking down the whole time. You could hear Spencer's voice, which made it difficult to not breakdown again.

"Have a goodnight, y/n" you hear from behind you. It was Morgan. You stopped walking and you feel the emotions coming back. You couldn't bring yourself to turn around to see him. You hear footsteps from behind you and you feel a hand on your shoulder.

"Princess, look at me. Who hurt you?" he says in a demanding tone. "Nobody, I'm okay" you say trying to brush it off. "No, look at me. Look at me in my eyes. Who hurt you." he says staring at you. "He did." you say getting out of Morgan's way. You walk outside as you enter the uber you ordered minutes before.

All you could do was sit in silence. You wanted to crawl into your bed and never come out. You hated being mad at Spencer, but you had no choice. He went behind your back and disobeyed you.

Minutes later, you arrive at your home. You haven't been here in what felt like forever. It felt so cold, like it was missing something. You kick off your heels and crawl into bed. All you wanted to do right now was sleep and forget about what happened today. So, that's exactly what you did.

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