Dancing with The Devil

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You and Emily pull into Rossi's driveway, which was filled with cars. Who else could he have invited besides the team? As you're stepping out of the car, you think about what Morgan said in his text. You begin to wonder what Spencer decided to be, since he was so creative.

Also, who he paired up with for the costume. You and Emily walk through the open doors and immediately feel alive. Music blasting, people dancing, the smell of fresh baked cookies from the kitchen.

"Wow. Look at this place, Em." You say star struck. "We told you he goes all out." Emily says with a giggle. You see Rossi in the distance, he was dressed as a pimp. Makes sense. "If it isn't my favorite girls! You two look great, I love it. Let me take a picture." Rossi says taking out his phone joyfully.

You and Emily pose for the photo as you hear a gasp coming from your left side. You turn as you see a bubbly Penelope Garcia and JJ.

They were dressed as cheetahs, you had to admit, they looked adorable. "You two look so cute!" You say giving an individual hug to both of them. "So do you both! You look so sexy." Garcia says clapping her hands. "Thank you! Do you know where Morgan is? I texted him a couple minutes ago that I was on the way." You say to JJ as you look around trying to find him.

"Yes, he is in the kitchen with Reid. They're making sure the cookies don't get burnt." She says shaking her head as she lets out a soft chuckle. "Perfect, thank you. Cmon angel, lets go say hi." You say grabbing Emily's arm.

You and Emily make way to the kitchen, Rossi's mansion was absolutely huge, you almost got lost. Your stomach starts to build up with butterflies, you couldn't wait to see Spencer's reaction. You enter the kitchen as you see Morgan taking out the cookies, wearing a white buttoned down shirt that was buttoned to expose his abs. The shirt fit his muscles perfectly, he looked good. "Holy smokes. We came here for a halloween party, not the gun show." Emily says jokingly as she walks towards him.

Morgan turns around and his jaw drops. "No way. I cannot believe what I'm seeing right now. You two look hot! Is it getting hot in here or is it just y/n?" He says giving you a hug. "Are you a sexy nerd? Oh my goodness, Morgan." You say giggling.

He had on fake glasses and suspenders with shorts. "Where is Reid?" Emily says still confused. "Speaking of Reid, here he comes." Morgan says pointing in his direction. Oh my god. Spencer walks over as he was wearing the same thing as Morgan. His abs showing, his v line fully exposed, and his dripping wet hair.

"Morgan! When were you going to tell me you were a duo with Spencer?" You say quietly to him. "I wasn't going to, it was a surprise. You're welcome." He says putting his arm around you laughing. You couldn't believe Spencer was a sexy nerd, even though he was one in real life. But this costume? Definitely will thank Morgan again later. You go up to Spencer with a glistening smile, you couldn't hold your emotions.

"Hey Mr. Reid, have any fun facts to tell me?" You say giving him a huge hug. "Actually, I do. Fun fact of the night is that you're the most beautiful girl ever. This costume just got you some points for your next visit to my place, you look so sexy." He says whispering in your ear.

You could hear the rasp in his voice as he spoke. His eyes were beaming with desire as he stared at you, up and down. You instantly get turned on by the thought of his touch. Your moment is disrupted by Hotch. "Hey guys! You all look great. Y/n and Emily is a fantastic duo." Hotch says greeting everyone.

"Oh my goodness Hotch, are you a pimp with Rossi?" You say. "Definitely" Hotch says as he places his cane infront of him with a smirk on his face. "You have got to be kidding me, this is priceless!" Emily says admiring his costume. Rossi walks over to the group with a tray full of margaritas. "Let's get this party started, shall we?" He says handing out a drink to everyone.

"Yes! Come on y/n." Garcia says chugging down her drink as she tugs you all the way to the dance floor. The rest of the group tags along. As you and Garcia begin to dance, the strippers began to get to work. "No way!" You say as you look at the men and women working the pole.

You actually can't believe that David Rossi invited strippers. What a strange world it is outside of work. You and the girls are all dancing as the DJ puts on a faster song. "This is my song! This is my song!" Emily says jumping up and down as she starts to get even more hyped up. When Emily is at a party, she turns into a completely different person. She quickly has no worries in the world.

She loved to be crazy and dance, that was one thing you both had in common. You start to dance with her as she starts to twerk. "Go Prentiss, Go Prentiss!" You hear Morgan chant as he claps his hands.

Moments later, male strippers start to come onto the dance floor. One approaches Garcia and she starts to blush. He takes her by the hand and guides her to a chair. He starts dancing on her as she goes along. Seconds later, another male approaches, but he comes up to you this time. He asks you if you want to dance and the group cheers you on to go for it, except Spencer.

You remember what Spencer said when you had the conversation about BDSM. Your mind replayed the moment where he was stating his rules of being his partner, you remember he said to respect and be loyal. So, that's exactly what you did. You declined the dancer and you took a quick glance at Spencer.

He was smirking with a expression of relief. You make your way over to him as you go through the sweaty bodies bumping against each other on the dance floor. "Did you really think I would be a bad girl and not respect you?" You teasingly say into his ear. His face lightens up. "I'd hope you wouldn't. I wouldn't want another man to dance with you. Since you declined him, you receive even more points." He says placing his hands on your waist.

You had so many points tonight, jackpot. "How about you come dance with me so that another man won't?" You say licking your lips. "If that's what you want." He says giving in. You and Spencer start to dance. You take a quick glance at Morgan, he gives you a thumbs up with a wink.

You both dance the night away as more songs play. "Everyone come back to the kitchen." You hear Hotch say. You all get off the dance floor and make your way over. "Thank you all for coming. Here's a toast to our incredible team. Dinner is ready, everyone pick a seat and dig in." Rossi says placing plates full of food on the table.

You sit next to Hotch as Spencer sits right across from you. You all begin to eat as you feel a slight kick. You look up and you see Spencer discretely point to his phone. You check your notifications and see that you have one unread message.

Spencer: Can you come over tomorrow night? I miss hanging out with you. I cant believe how beautiful you look right now. That dress on you is heaven on earth.
Y/N: I can come over after I trick or treat with Hotch and Jack. I'd have to change at your place though, you will see why I have to change tomorrow. I loved the idea of this costume because it was Red, just how you like it ;)
Spencer: Perfect, Can't wait to see why. You have been such a good girl lately y/n, you need a reward.
Y/N: I try my best, just for you. Now stop teasing me, I'm trying to eat my fettuccine.

You hear Spencer laugh as he reads the message.

Spencer: Fine pretty girl, eat your food. I'll talk to you later.

You all finish your meals and it's time to say your goodbyes. You give everyone a hug goodbye, you saved Spencer for last. "How was your fettuccine? Since you insisted on not texting me to eat it." Spencer jokingly says as he looks into your eyes.

"It was fantastic. I'll let you know tomorrow when I can come over, I'll bring a bag full of clothes to spend the night." You say as you're wrapped in his arms.

"Look at you. Already planning to stay the night, I like it. Have a goodnight y/n." He says as his hand cups your cheek. You smile and go to find Emily to drive her home. You drop her off and make way back to your apartment. What a night. You couldn't wait for tomorrow's visit with Mr. Reid.. tehe

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