Dreaming of Dresses

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In the next three months, things went by smoothly but beautifully. By now, you had sold your apartment to live full time with your fiancé, Spencer. And for the BAU, there had been 4 cases which was very rare. During these past couple of months, you had been planning your wedding with Spence everyday after work.

You and Spencer had decided to get married on Valentine's day. Cheesy.. I know. You had a list of your bridesmaids, groomsmen, and guests who would attend. You wanted all the BAU ladies to be your bridesmaids, and the BAU men to be his groomsmen.

Rossi had attended a church that would allow him to marry you and Spence. He said he wanted to do it for his favorite kids. You had chose Hotch and Morgan to walk you down the aisle, since your relationship with your family wasn't good. The last thing you needed was your wedding dress, which was going to be difficult.

Saturday morning, 10:00 AM. You flutter your eyes open with excitement. Today was the day you would go with the girls to find your wedding dress. You were quite nervous, but overly joyful. You turn to your side to see Spencer sleeping peacefully. He always looked so handsome. You kissed his cheek as you got up out of bed.

You changed your clothes and you made your way out the door. Momentarily, you arrived at Tom's Bridal, which had an insane variety of dresses. You walk in to see the girls sitting down on the couches they had there.

"Hey guys!" you say with a grin. "Here comes the bride" JJ says excitingly. "Are you ready to look around?" Garcia says with a bubbly attitude. "Let's go" you say making your way to the racks of dresses. You were quite clueless in finding a dress. Out of the group, only JJ had bought a wedding dress before. So, you made sure that she helped you a bit extra.

"What kind of dress are you looking for?" Emily says searching. "I want something that compliments my curves. I don't want a huge cinderella type dress, I want it to be sexy" you say. "Sounds perfect, lets go to the back where they have those" Garcia says making her way.

After 40 minutes of looking through thousands of dresses, the girls finally met in the center of the store. They all had at least 5 dresses for you to try on. They all had great style, so you trusted them. You went to the fitting room as you took Emily's dress options in first.

You tried them all on, you weren't feeling amazed by them. As you go to try on JJ's picks, you hear Garcia gasp. "What happened?" you say concerned. "Morgan sent me a photo of him in a beautiful deep purple tux. I guess he is out with Spencer and the rest of the team finding him a tuxedo" she says smiling. You giggle as you continue to try on the dresses. The thought of Spencer trying on tuxedos as you're trying on dresses was magical.

You tried on JJ's picks. Yet again, you weren't amazed. Last but not least, you try on Garcia's dresses. Garcia was a very stylish person. She was always so colorful and creative, so you had high hopes. As soon as you try on the first dress, your eyes widen with excitement.

This dress looked great on you. You had already felt that this was the one. It had shown enough cleavage to the point where it looked classy. Your curves were hugged tightly by the dress as the sparkles made your eyes pop. The lace on the front of the dress was to die for, it was glamorous.

"Guys, I think Garcia hit the jackpot here" you say. "Let us see!" you hear from outside the fitting room. You open the door to see them with their jaws dropped. You did a spin as they all hyped you up. "Y/n, this one looks absolutely beautiful. It looks like it's perfect for you" Emily says in awe. "Emily's right, this is wonderful. The lace looks so beautiful too" JJ says. "Garcia, how would you feel if I wore the dress you picked out for me?" you say with a smile. "I would be honored!" she says running up to you. She gave you a tight hug as she had tears in her eyes.

"Let's go get it, shall we?" you say wiping away her tears. She nods as you all make your way to the register. You couldn't believe you were buying your dress. As you're about to pay, Emily hands the cashier a credit card. "Emily? I could've paid for it" you say confused. "Rossi told me to pay with his card" she says.

You laugh as you shake your head. Gosh, that man is too kind. You pay for the dress as you all exit the store. "Thank you guys for coming with me today, remember, you guys dresses are going to be red. Preferably a darker deep red, send me photos when you get them" you say waving goodbye to the girls. You enter your car as you drive back home.

Minutes later you arrive, you notice Spencer's car is there. Had he found a tuxedo that fast? You walk in and see Spencer eating food. He was humming the song "Daddy Issues" as he danced around the kitchen. "Someone's happy" you say setting down your bags in the living room. "Definitely very happy, it's so good to see you. How did it go?" he says kissing your forehead.

"It went wonderfully, I found a dress and it's gorgeous. Garcia picked it out for me, they are going to find their dresses now" you say. "I cant wait to see, and I found a tux too. The guys bought their tuxedos and they all had a great time" he says smiling. "I cant believe I'm marrying the love of my life so soon" you say staring into his sparkling eyes. "I cant believe it either, crazy isn't it?" he says in a soft voice as he kisses you.

The two of you stayed like that for a moment in each other's arms. The warmth and comfort of his touch was enough for you to melt. You loved him so much, so much. His grip on your waist got tighter as he began to kiss you more lovingly.

Who would've thought the boy genius from your job would now be your fiancé? After minutes of drowning in each others love, you both stop to get ready for bed. It had been a long day for both of you.

You quickly took a shower as you put on one of Spencer's old T shirts and your laced underwear. You crawl into bed as the tired wave crashes over you. Once your head hit the pillow, you were out for the night.

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