Bunch of Booze

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Friday morning, 6:00 AM. You wake up to dried tears on your face. Your pillow now had a puddle printed on it. You were in no mood to go to work today. You finally get out of bed and see that you have 4 messages from Spencer. Ugh, leave me alone.

You decide to open them to see what he had to say.
3:46 AM Spencer: Y/n, please talk to me. I miss you. I'm sorry I hurt you, I promise it wasn't what it looked like.
4:01 AM Spencer: You mean the world to me, I need to hear your voice.
5:12 AM Spencer: Please, let me explain. I need you to come back to me.
6:07 AM Spencer: I love you.

You left him on open as you get ready for the day. You apply makeup to cover the redness from your puffy eyes. You put on a new outfit. You had to admit, this outfit looked sexy on you. Take that Spencer. You make your way out the door. You are now on your way to work.

You arrive to work more put together this time. You walk through the doors as you see Rossi in his office. You truly needed advice to go on with your day. You knock on his door as he motions his hand for you to come in. "There's my girl, we were worried about you. Come sit, I can tell you have a lot on your mind." Rossi says pulling up a chair for you.

"I do, this is about a random topic. I'm coming to you for this because I know you've had a lot of relationships in your life." you say giving him a small smile.

"You came to the right place, talk to me." he says intrigued. "I fell in love with someone who doesn't love me. The thing is, I can't quit the love I have for him. The first day I saw him, I knew I was going to fall for him." you say starting to tear up.

"I wish I could go back to the day we met, you know? When it was a more simple time." you say looking down, messing with the bottom of your shirt. "Oh y/n, what idiot doesn't love you? What is not to like about you. You're very beautiful, you have a warm heart, and you are so caring. If he doesn't love you, it's his loss. Any man would be lucky to have you." He says grabbing your hand.

There's those words again. "Any man would be lucky to have you" ugh, thats what Spencer said. "Thank you Rossi, I just needed to get my emotions out before I started work. Thank you for listening." you say getting up from the chair, giving him a hug.

"Anytime, come in here if you need." he says as you leave his office. You start to make way to your office as you hear Morgan from behind you. "Princess, my office. Now." he says in a serious tone. You make way to his office as you close the door.

"Yeah? What's up?" you say confused. "I think pretty boy heard your conversation with Rossi. He was standing by the door and he started to cry. He is in his office now, he hasn't left." he says to you.

Oh my god, why does he have to be so nosy? "Ugh, he will be fine" you say annoyed. "Just wanted to let you know, also, if you need anything i'm here for you mama" he says putting his hand on your shoulder. "Thank you, I appreciate it." you say leaving his office.

You make way into the conference room as all the girls were in there. "Hey sugar! We made a plan since we know you are a little down. Let's go to the club tonight. We can get drunk, sing karaoke, dance with guys." Garcia says excitingly. The club? That didn't sound like a bad idea.

You smile as you nod your head. "That would be perfect, I'd love to!" you say. "Okay, see you all at 7" Garcia says leaving. You needed to get drunk tonight after yesterday's incident. You finish all the work you needed for today. Finally, you actually felt happy.

You grab your things as you wave goodbye to the girls. You see Hotch and you go up to him. "I'm sorry I have been in a mood lately. I'm all better now, thank you for being patient with me." You say with a slight grin. "Anytime y/n, we all want you to be happy." He says giving you a smile. You leave the office as you make your way back home to get ready for a night of partying.

                                SPENCERS POV:
"Morgan, can I ask you a favor?" you say nervously pacing around your office. "Go for it man" Morgan says sitting down. "I need you to call Garcia and ask what club they are going to tonight. Don't tell her that we are going. I messed up with y/n and I need to make it right. She has been ignoring my texts, my calls, everything." you say feeling empty.

"You really messed up man. She couldn't even make out words that's how much she was crying. So, you better come up with something good. I'll call Garcia now." he says dialing Garcia's number. I cant believe I made her cry. After a few rings, she answers.

"Hey Babygirl, what club are you going to tonight? I want to know just in case you guys get too drunk." he says. "Oh my love, you're too sweet. We are going to Peabodys Nightclub. You can tag along if you want." She says with a bubbly tone.

"We will see. Alright, talk to you soon." he says ending the call. "They're going to Peabodys, go home and get dressed. I'll pick you up." he says getting his bags together. You had one chance to make things right with y/n, you couldn't fail again.

                           BACK TO Y/N POV:
You dashed home to get ready for tonight. You took a quick shower and put on one of your favorite dresses. It was a navy blue dress that looked classy yet sexy. You put on your makeup and you curled your hair. You put on your heels and you were out the door. The time was now 6:58 PM. You pull up to Peabodys as you saw Emily, JJ, and Garcia standing outside the door.

You had been the last to arrive. "Hey girls!" you say getting out of the car. "You look beautiful y/n!" JJ says giving you a hug. "Thank you, you all look stunning. Now, let's go get drunk shall we?" you say with a grin. "I'm so ready for vodka." Emily says walking into the club.

As you enter the club, you notice a car that looked exactly like Morgan's  park next to yours. What a strange coincidence. You start to drink as the music is blasting, you could feel the bass all through your body. Drink after drink, within minutes you were already slurring your words.

"Come on y/n, let's do karaoke." Emily says pulling you to the stage. You both start to sing "Part of your world" as you are stumbling on stage. You and Emily couldn't stop laughing as the high from the drinks filled your bodies with excitement. Garcia was recording as she was dying of laughter. As you finish singing, you get off stage and start to drink more.

A man approaches you and starts to introduce himself. The music was so loud that you barely could hear what he was saying. "I'm Christopher, nice to meet you." you hear him say. "I'm y/n, I like your tux." you manage to blurt out. "Thank you, want to go over to my place?" he says grabbing your hand.

"No, I'm good. Thanks though" you say pulling your hand back. He gets closer and insists you come with him. As you say no again, he tightens his grip to your wrist. As he is dragging you out of the club, the grip loosens and he falls to the floor. "Y/n, are you okay? I'm here now." You hear as Spencer grabs you.

This can not be happening right now. Spencer punched Christopher in the face. "Spencerrr, why are you here? You hate me so much, you probably want me dead. I love you so much, so so much. Why don't you love me back. This was all bullshit." you cry out as you sink into his chest.

He could smell the booze coming from your breath. "Come on baby, I'll take you home. You need some rest." he says escorting you out into his car. He takes you home as you're crying in the car. You felt so confused, you were drunk out of your mind. You arrive at his place, he carries you out of the car. He places you into the tub and starts to take care of you for the night.

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