Familiar Copycat

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Sunday, 12:13 PM. You slept in considering this week was going to be more busy. You wake up to some notifications from the group chat.

Rossi: Hello everyone, good afternoon. We have to check out a case tomorrow and possibly fly on Tuesday. Be prepared.

The message wrote. You got up and took your morning shower. After a couple minutes of relaxation, you get out and change into new clothes. You didn't have much to do today at all. You planned to just stay home and keep yourself occupied. You make some waffles and pour yourself a glass of orange juice. You think about how you and Spencer are now officially starting BDSM.

So, as you're eating, you decide to further educate yourself on BDSM to know what to expect for next time. You knew some stuff about it, only the basics, though. You knew about whips, handcuffs, gags, toys, stuff like that. You had no clue that BDSM was this hardcore. After hours of researching, you decide to give it a break and do other things.

You were ready for tomorrow's new case, so you wanted today to go by fast. You finally settle down and watch two of your favorite movies, Coraline and Corpse Bride. You loved movie styles like that.

Eventually, after a day filled with learning and free time, it was already 9:30 at night. You order dinner and as you wait for it to arrive, you take another quick shower. Minutes later, the food arrives at your doorstep.

You quickly change into new clothes and pick up the food, while tipping the delivery man. You eat as you scroll through Instagram. After finishing your meal, it's time for bed. Time to get ready for a hectic day at work, which made your adrenaline pump.

Monday morning, 6:00 AM. You woke up with excitement as you did your daily routine. You got dressed and put on some makeup, as always. You slipped on your heels and you were out the door. You see Morgan's car pulling up, him picking you up every morning was a daily occurrence now.

"Good morning princess." He says as you get into the car. "Good morning, you ready for today?" You say buckling your seatbelt. "I think so, might be a little different but I'm always ready." He says merging onto the highway.

Moments later, you arrive at work. You walk into the building and immediately go into your office. You threw away the card that your mother sent you, you didn't need any distractions today.

You notice that the whole team is already inside the conference room, and you were the only one not in there yet. As you approach the door, you overhear a conversation with Hotch and Spencer. "Reid, be honest. Do you like y/n? I see the way you act around her." Hotch says trying to get an answer out of Spencer. "No, that would never happen. Trust me, we would never work." Spencer says laughing.

Your heart immediately started to hurt. You knew that a relationship between you and Spencer wouldn't happen, but really? Hearing that made you want to breakdown. He is probably using you just because he likes your body and nothing else. Your ex did the same exact thing, wouldn't be a surprise if he was like that too.

You walk into the conference room with your head down. "Good morning y/n" Emily says looking over to you. "Good morning" You say with a low tone. You were so upset but you couldn't show your emotions at the table, you had a case to work. You took a deep breath and JJ starts her discussion.

"2 bodies have been found in different rivers in Texas. Both being females in the age group of 20-25. Both of them were strangled and drowned in rivers in the El Paso area." JJ says giving out the files to everyone. "The unsub probably lives in the area suggesting how close the rivers are to each other." You say reading the file. "I wonder what the stressor was that made them drown a victim?" Emily says looking at the photographs.

You remembered a case like this before, so you decided to share it to the group. "I could be wrong, but this case reminds me of a murder that occurred a couple months ago. The unsub, Makayla Beck, drowned victims based off her fear of drowning. She thought that if she drowned others, she wouldn't have to worry about drowning herself. She killed as a way to cope with the fear. If you look at the photographs, the marks left were the same marks Makayla left on her victims." You say shrugging your shoulders.

"Y/n, you might be onto something. Do you think it's a copycat?" Hotch says to you. "It could be possible. Plus, Makayla killed her victims in Texas. It would make sense." You say. "I think we are ready to give a profile." Morgan says looking over to Hotch. Everybody gathers around in the main office and starts to give the profile.

"This is a man in his 30's. He is smart yet has strong anxiety. He gets nervous a lot and anybody that knows him can tell that he gets easily paranoid. He is married and works at an office job." Morgan says to the audience. Everyone starts to get this profile out to the public as you walk over to Hotch.

"Do we fly to Texas in the morning?" You ask. "Yes, we will be. It might be a long ride but we are going to takeoff at 5:00 AM. Be here by 4:30 if you can." He says to you. You nod your head showing that you understand and you make way into your office. As you are packing up files, you get a knock on your office door.

"Come in" You say neatly organizing the files. "How impressive and sexy that was in there huh? You might've just figured out what this unsubs inspiration was." Spencer says closing the door. You sigh as you turn around. "Yeah, I might've." You say with a dull tone. "Hey, what's wrong?" He says concerned. "Nothing, just not into it today. I'm fine." You say turning around, as your back faces him.

He grabs your waist and placed his head on your shoulder. "What's wrong? seriously, I'm here for you." He says. You close your eyes for a second and you slightly move away from his touch. "Nothing is wrong Spencer, I'm fine." You say with a more stern tone. You were slowly starting to get choked up, you hated being rude to Spencer. You felt so stupid that you thought that you two would happen.

"Oh, okay. Call me if you need anything." He says with an upset expression. He closes the door and makes his way back into the conference room. You shed a few tears as you pack your things up for the night. You're frustrated, upset, and confused. You make your way out of the office and you are stopped by Morgan.

"I know you're upset, I know why. I know that you heard what Reid said before you came and sat down. He probably just said that because he didn't want the group to know that he had feelings for you." He says putting his hands on your shoulder. Morgan knew you had a loving heart, you rarely caught feelings for anybody but when you did, you were serious about it. You look into Morgan's eyes.

"Oh no, you were crying. I can tell you were. Come here princess." He says as he starts to hold you as you begin to cry again. You wanted Spencer so bad and the feeling of knowing that he didn't want you back, felt like he stomped on your heart.

You and Morgan make your way out of the office to head on home. You didn't say much in the car. You just laid your head on the car door as you closed your eyes. You thought about how painful it was for you to push Spencer away. You knew that he knows you're upset about something, he can read your expressions like a book.

Minutes later, you arrive at your apartment. "I'll pick you up at 4:00 so we can be there to board the plane. Get some sleep and if you need anything, you know who to call. Have a goodnight." Morgan says giving you another goodbye hug. You nod your head and smile as you get out of the car.

You enter your apartment and instantly feel weak. You just want to climb in bed and forget about today. You wish you wouldn't have heard what he said, even if he didn't mean it. I mean, seriously? He could've said it in a more respectful way. You crawl into bed setting your alarm for 3:00 AM. You instantly fall asleep as your body is wrapped in the silky sheets of your bed.

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