Warm Welcomings

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Emily opens the door and immediately all eyes are on you. "Wow, she is gorgeous! Hi Agent y/l/n, I'm Penelope Garcia, nice to meet you." Garcia says as she gives you a tight hug."Woah Woah, calm down babygirl, let the girl breathe." A fit man says laughing. "Nice to meet you princess, I'm Derek Morgan. You can call me Morgan." He says with a huge smile. "Nice to meet you guys! Don't worry about Garcia, I am a hugger too." You say smiling at Garcia and Morgan. You see a very pretty blonde get up from her seat making her way towards you.

"Very nice to meet you, i'm Jennifer Jareau. You can call me JJ". "I'm glad to see everybody is getting along." Hotchner says with a huge smile. "Has anybody seen Rossi and Reid? I told them to be in this room 5 minutes ago." Hotchner says as he looks around with an annoyed expression. "They're probably still downstairs talking about the Sweetheart killer case. God those two are addicted at this point." Emily says. "You're probably right Prentiss. Take agent y/l/n downstairs to introduce her to them." Hotchner said. "Alrighty, we will be back." She says as she walks you to the elevator. "So, how'd you like them so far?" Prentiss says. "They're super sweet and full of love. I know we will get along just fine." You say as the elevator doors open.

You and Prentiss walk to another room full of photographs, files, and evidence. As you two are entering the room, you see a younger man writing on a board some similarities between 2 different cases. Right beside him was an older man who looked very focused on the photographs that were on the table. "You guys are so focused on this case that you didn't even say Hello to our new agent." Prentiss says with her arms crossed. "We are so incredibly sorry Agent y/l/n, it is very nice to meet you and have you on this team! I am David Rossi, Ive heard a lot of great things about you." Rossi says with a friendly smile. "It is wonderful to meet you as well! Thank you for the kind words I really appreciate it." You say as you look at the younger man who was writing on the board. He was so focused on his writing you almost felt bad interrupting him.

"Earth to Reid, put down that sharpie for one minute and say hello to Agent y/l/n." Prentiss said sharply. The man turns around, looking flustered. Finally, the two of you make eye contact. He gives you a smile and reaches for your hand. "A pleasure to meet you Y/N, I'm Doctor Spencer Reid. You can call me Reid, or you can call me anytime." He says laughing. "I heard that from Morgan so I decided to give it a shot." He said looking nervous as if he had said something wrong. "Reid shaking hands? Oh boy." Rossi said stunned.

You, Prentiss, and Rossi laughed at what had just happened. "Very nice to meet you Doctor Reid, it's a pleasure." You say still laughing as you shake his hand. "Let's go back to the conference room, Hotch wants us to inform Agent y/l/n on the case." Prentiss says motioning everybody to follow her back to the elevator. "We will be telling you about the Sweetheart killer and showing you all the information we have so far. Then tomorrow, we will board the jet to go to Los Angeles and hopefully find this psychopath. We have to stop her before she gets to out of control." Rossi says to you as you all enter the elevator. You notice Reid starts writing in a journal. "Perfect, Sounds like a plan." You say as you wait for the elevator to go to floor 2. The doors open and you all head back to the conference room to discuss the recent case.

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