Cheers to Us

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You start to change and put on the dress Garcia picked for you. You hoped that it was the perfect size since you couldn't try it on in the store. You slip on the dress and realize that it showed a lot of cleavage, but damn did it show off your curves wonderfully. You looked at yourself in the mirror doing different poses, you absolutely loved this dress.

You haven't felt this pretty in a long time. You pick up the box of heels and open it. You see shiny nude colored shoes that looked very expensive. You put on the shoes and they fit like a glove, just right. Garcia did an incredible job of picking out your fantasy outfit for tonight. "Garcia, I'm ready." You say opening the closet a tiny bit so that she could hear you. "I'm ready too, on the count of three we both open the door, okay?" Garcia says. "Okay. 3...2..1 open." You say as you and Garcia reveal your dresses to each other.

"Sugar, you look incredible. Look at that cleavage, and those curves! Wow. I'm at a loss for words y/n." Garcia says as her jaw is dropped. "You look so beautiful! Pink compliments you gorgeously Penelope." You say as you give Garcia a huge smile. "We have to start going, the group has to see this. Everybody is going to drool over you." Garcia says excitingly picking up her keys. You and Garcia head back to her car to start heading to the club.

You are a little bit nervous since you haven't seen the group in a non-work setting before. After a couple of minutes, Garcia pulls into the parking lot of a luxury building. It was huge and you could hear the bass of the music from the outside. "You ready to get your party on?" Garcia says unbuckling her seatbelt. "I've never been more ready." You say giving her a smile.

You both make your way into the entrance. You are greeted by JJ and Emily. Emily was wearing a black dress that had a slit by the thigh, which looked sexy on her. JJ wore a white dress that made her back be exposed, she looked gorgeous. "Y/n, you look stunning! I'm so glad you could make it." JJ says as she gives you and Penelope a hug. "Look at you! I'm so happy to see you tonight, it'll be a blast. Follow me."

Emily says greeting you as well. You and the girls follow Emily to a door labeled B.A.U. Emily opens the door and you see everybody sitting down as they waited for you and Penelope to arrive. "Look at my girl! You look stunning princess, look at those curves dayum!" Morgan says giving you a hug and a kiss. Morgan was wearing a blue suit that hugged his muscles in all the right places.

"Very nice to see you y/n, you look beautiful." Hotchner says to you with a smile. He was wearing his black suit that made him look handsome, as always. "Look who made it, the miracle worker! Glad to see you kiddo." Rossi says welcoming you inside. Rossi wore a grey suit that matched his new rolex. "Plum purple." You hear Reid say. "My absolute favorite color on my absolute favorite agent. Don't tell JJ." Reid says as he chuckled then winked. He greets you with a hug and a kiss. He was wearing red, your favorite. "Great seeing you here, Spence." You say as you fix the tie on his tux.

The group looked incredible tonight. The ladies wearing dresses that complimented their bodies beautifully, and the men wearing tuxedos that looked extremely clean. "How about we head to the dance floor and get some drinks going shall we?" Rossi says with a smile. The group gets excited and makes their way into the main hall. You and the team get some drinks before dancing. "What can I get for you, Miss y/l/n?" Hotchner says. "I would love some tequila." You say smiling back at him. "A woman of taste. You got it."

He says making his way to the bar. The rest of the team orders their drinks and waits for them to be made. Once everybody gets their drink, you see Rossi tapping a butter knife against his glass of wine. "A toast, to our wonderful team. Also, a toast to our new member of the family, agent y/l/n." Rossi says raising his glass. "Cheers everybody." Hotchner says raising his glass as well. "Cheers!" The whole team shouts.

Everyone takes a sip of their drinks. You hear Morgan laugh and you look over to see Reid with a stain on his tuxedo. "We haven't even started yet and pretty boy already has a stain." Morgan says laughing as he grabs a napkin to help Reid clean up. "I got an extra tux in my car, I'll go get it." Reid says shaking his head. "I'll keep you company." You say to Reid as you both make your way out of the club.

"You know, you really do look beautiful tonight y/n. I love this color on you, and your hair looks great too." Reid says as he unlocks his car. "Thank you I appreciate it." You say with a slight giggle. "Where is it." You hear Reid say to himself. "Oh got it." He says. "Don't worry, I'll look the other way." You say turning around. He starts to take off his tuxedo. As he undresses, you take a small glimpse at him through his car mirror that had a good view of him. Who knew Spencer Reid had a six pack? Wow.

You thought only Morgan had the rocking body out of the guys, guess you were wrong. "Okay you can turn around now, I changed." He says closing his car door. "Thank you for keeping me company, let's make our way back." He says with a smile putting his arm around you. "Of course, no worries." You say to him. "You look very handsome tonight as well Spence. You look nice in red, it's my favorite color." You say smiling at him. "What a coincidence that we both wore each others favorite colors. On the way here, Morgan mentioned it was your favorite." He says blushing.

"No way, on the way here Garcia said plum purple was your favorite." You say surprised. "Really? Small world. After you y/n." He says as he opens the door of the building for you. What a gentleman, you thought to yourself. You could not wait to get on the dance floor and get tipsy, especially after this stressful week.

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