Drunk Texting

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11:25 AM, you hear a notification. Your eyes slowly flutter open as you go to reach to your side to grab your phone. As you open your texts, you see a message from Rossi.

Rossi: Hey everyone! Dinner at my place at 5?

Rossi was a great cook from what you've heard, how could you pass that up?

Y/N: I'll be there.
As you respond, you feel hands grabbing and pulling your waist in. "Good morning beautiful" You hear in your ear. His voice was so raspy and sexy, literal heaven. You instantly smile and turn over to see his face. "Hey" You say smiling back at him.

"Can we stay here for the rest of the day until Rossi's get together? Please" He says to you. "Of course we can. Around 3:00 though, you have to go back to your apartment and change." You say studying his glistening eyes. "Alright, sounds good." He says as he picks you up. You instantly start laughing and he laughs along. He places you on top of him, you're now on his lap. Looking into his eyes, and to his lips.

You feel his bulge as you rearrange yourself. Well good morning to me. "What are we going to do in this bed all day?" you say discreetly biting your lip. You knew exactly what you wanted to do in bed all day. "Sleep, and cuddle" He says so innocently. "If that's what you want, you shall receive." You say getting off of his lap and placing yourself next to him. He pulls you closer as you two began to sleep in.

Hours go by and you wake up to the touch of Spencer. His hand touching your hair, and the other rubbing your thigh. You have dreamed about this moment. Your feelings grew even stronger just by his touch and gentleness. You get up and grab your phone. 2:47 PM. Damn, did we sleep that long? You get up out of bed to stretch. You hear a whistle coming from behind you, classic Spencer Reid.

"Do a twirl for me." He says. You laugh it off because you truly thought he was kidding. "Cmon, twirl" He says smiling. "You were serious?" You say confused. He gets up out of bed and goes over to you. "When I say twirl, be good and listen to me." He says in a demanding yet soft tone as he lifts your chin. Say less. He grabs your hand and twirls you.

"So beautiful" He says with a grin. "Come on, you have to go home and change, silly" You say tugging his hand. "Fine, before I go, can I request something?" He says leaning on the wall. "Go for it" You say back to him. At this point, you would do anything he requested. "Wear red for me. That color looks stunning on you." He says as he walks out the door and shuts it softly.

Right as he leaves, you run over to get your phone, you start to text Morgan.

Y/N: Can you pick me up around 4:30 for Rossi's dinner party? I have a lot of stuff to say in the car ;)

You type to him. 2 Minutes later, you get a response.

Morgan: Of course princess, can't wait to hear.

You go over to the kitchen to eat something small before you start getting ready. You knew you had to look extra sexy tonight. After eating, you hop into the shower. You start to shave and moisturize. Got to be prepared, right? You wash yourself and begin to wash your hair. After you are finished, you step out to start the makeup process.

You let your hair air dry as you get your products ready. You start to apply more makeup than you usually do, still looking natural. You make sure to wear a gorgeous red lip to catch Spencer's eye. You wanted him to know that you were going to be good and listen. After your makeup, you get started on the hair. You decide to go with big voluminous curls. 25 minutes later, you are finished with your hair. Time for accessories.

You put on some hoops and your favorite ring, which happened to be red. Finally, you find the perfect dress to wear. You knew Rossi's dinner parties were very formal, you had to dress to impress. You slip on a tight fitted dress that hugged your curves perfectly. You looked very daring with your cleavage. The color was a dark gorgeous red, you looked so hot.
You slip on heels and hear the honk from Morgan, just in time.

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