Hope for The Best

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10:30 AM. You hear your phone buzzing on your nightstand, it's Garcia. You open your eyes slowly as you roll over picking up your phone and hitting the answer button. "Hello?" you say in a sleepy voice. "Rise and shine doll face we have a lot to do at work today." Garcia says in an excited tone. You rise up in a panic. "We had work today? We have 4 days off."

You say as you jump out of bed quickly heading to your closet to get dressed. "No, silly I was messing with you. The club tonight. You just moved in and I wanted to take you shopping for an outfit." Garcia says as she laughs. "Oh, what time are you thinking." You say relieved as you put down the shirt you had just picked up. "1:00? I'll pick you up." Garcia says to you. "Sounds good, talk to you soon bye." You say as you end the call.

You sigh as you put your hand over your heart. Garcia had made you freak out thinking we had work today. After you calm down, you get up and make breakfast. You put bread in the toaster as you pour a cup of orange juice. As you wait for your toast to pop up, you turn on the TV to watch Netflix to pass the time by. You get your toast and put on your favorite documentary at the moment.

Before you knew it, it's already 12:00 PM. You see the time and you get up to start getting ready. You take a quick shower and put on some casual clothing. You do light makeup and you put your hair up in a ponytail. Your phone starts to buzz again, it's Garcia. "Hey girl, I got here a little early but i'm outside." Garcia says. "No worries I'll be right out." You say as you end the call. You rush to put shoes on and you're out the door. You see Garcia as she rolls her window down. "Hop in gorgeous." She says with a beaming smile on her face. "Good afternoon babygirl." You say to her mocking Morgan's nickname for her. She laughs as she fixes her hair in the mirror.

"You ready for today?" She says to you as she starts driving. "I'm not exactly sure what I'm ready for. I thought I had a dress for the club already." You say in a confused tone. "Trust me, it wasn't fancy enough. I haven't even seen it and I know it needs to be more fabulous. These clubs aren't just normal clubs, they are top of the line expensive and hard to get into." Garcia says as she raises her eyebrows at you. "I'm gonna pick out the prettiest dress for you today along with heels so you look even more beautiful than you already are. When we are done shopping, we can get ready together at your place." She continues to say all excited.

"Oh, alright." You say smiling at her. Garcia pulls into the parking lot of the mall. You both get out of the car and start heading to a dress store that Garcia insisted on going into. "I'm not going to have you try on the dress until you get back to your apartment by the way, there is no dressing rooms or returns so when we find one then we will just have to hope for the best." Garcia says as she opens the door for you to go inside the store. "Oh goodness." You say as you giggle. As soon as you walk in, you see tons of beautiful designer dresses along with a wall dedicated to heels.

Garcia stops and looks at you and says, "We definitely need a body con dress for you so we can show them curves." She says as she snaps her fingers. "I think purple or red would look stunning on you, wait here I'll be right back. I know exactly what you need." Garcia says walking to the back of the store. As you wait, you look at the wall dedicated to heels and start to search for your perfect pair.

As you are looking, you hear Garcia yell a high pitched scream. "I got it!" she says as she makes her way back to you. Do you even dare to see what she had picked out? You turn around and see Garcia holding a plum purple dress that looked absolutely beautiful. "Wow Penelope that's gorgeous, how much is it?" You say as you lean in to pick up the tag.

Before you can hold the tag, she moves your fingers and says, "Nope, you can't see. It's on me don't worry, it's your welcome gift." She says winking. Before you even go to argue, she is at the register purchasing your dress. "Oh, I almost forgot! Your heels, what size are you y/n?" She says as she looks at the wall. "7 and a half." You say to her. "Perfect, I got it." She says picking up a box of heels you haven't seen yet, she places the box on the register and purchases that too. "It's surprise heels, you won't see until later." Garcia says. Just like Garcia said earlier, hope for the best.

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