Coffee & Chemistry

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6:00 AM, Monday morning. You turn off your alarm that was obnoxiously ringing. As you turn your alarm off, you have a unread text from Morgan.

Morgan: Good morning princess, pick you up in 40?

Y/N: Good morning, yes please. See you then.

You get out of bed and make your way into the shower. Your shirt smelled of Spencer's cologne. You smile as you easily recognize the smell, then you continue to get undressed and get your routine started. Wash your face, wash your body, let the steam relax you for a tough day. Moments later, you get out and dry yourself of. You slip on a fitted skirt with a white collar shirt.

You apply light makeup as always, brush your hair, then put on your heels. By the time you finished with that, Morgan was outside. You make your way into his car and greet him with a hug. "Good morning pretty girl, or should I say Miss Reid? I got you a breakfast sandwich with coffee, just how you like it."

He says handing you the food. You instantly smile at his kind gesture. "Morgan, you didn't have to do that. What a coincidence that I haven't ate breakfast yet. Thank you so much." You say taking the wrapper off the sandwich. Morgan looks at you and smirks. "You didn't disagree. Talk to me hon, what happened." You look over at Morgan and think for a moment. He is one of your best friends, it wouldn't hurt to tell him right?

"I spent the weekend with him. I took Spencer and Hotch for dinner on Saturday, and had a movie day with Spencer yesterday. I don't know if I for sure have feelings for him, but I might." You say looking out the window chewing. "Finally! I knew something was up with you guys. Maybe if this week goes well we can arrange another party but at Rossi's place. That can start some chemistry." He says with excitement. "Promise me. Promise me you won't tell anybody Derek." You say with a demanding tone.

"Woah okay if you call me by my real name thats how you know it's serious. I won't say anything." He says putting his pinky finger by yours. You both pinky promise. You and Morgan are now in the Quantico parking lot. You both get out of the car as you are still sipping your coffee. You enter the building and make your way into the conference room to start today's new case, you remember Hotch said this case was very different. As everybody greets each other and eventually settles down, the discussion starts.

"Two murders have taken place in the span of 3 days. Bodies have been found by cemetery entrances with their hands crossed. Wounds on them suggest this was the act of BDSM fantasies, that went horribly wrong." JJ says pulling up photos on the board. "Sign of remorse. The unsub placed their hands crossed meaning for them to actually rest in peace." You say pointing to the photos of the bodies.

"Very good y/n." Hotch says to you. JJ continues on with her discussion. "Both murders took place in North Carolina. Both victims have been strangled to death, have marks on their wrists, and have been raped." She says. "The marks on their wrist I assume are from handcuffs?" Emily says with a confused expression. "I think so." You say agreeing with her statement.

"The unsub also leaves a note by the body. We will have forensics check for fingerprints. In the note, they explain in detail how they killed and tortured the victim. So yes, the marks were from handcuffs." Rossi says looking at you and Emily. "We will head to North Carolina tomorrow morning but for today, we will further investigate and try to come up with a profile." Hotchner says as he hands everybody a file before he leaves the room. "Get to work everybody." He says. As everyone starts further examining the files, you felt a pair of eyes on you. You look to your right and you see Spencer Reid staring at you.

He immediately refocuses his eyes back on his file. Morgan discreetly kicks your foot. You look up and turn to him and he gives you a small smirk. You roll your eyes and shake your head as you look back down to your file. "Hey, guys I think this is another female. The way it's worded sounds more feminine than masculine." Reid says showing the group the note. "Another female? That's something new." Emily says shocked. "A female who desperately wanted pleasure." You say taking a deep breath.

How relatable. After hours of putting together a profile, you and the team came to the conclusion that this was a female, approximately in her 20's to 30's, and went to medical school based off the incisions in the flesh. Also, her stressor might have been losing a boyfriend/husband. JJ told Hotch about what the team had gathered and he looked satisfied. He makes his way back into the conference room.

"Excellent work today, you guys can make your way out after JJ informs the local police in North Carolina. See you all tomorrow, bright and early." Hotch says grabbing his suitcase and making his way out the conference room. The team stays at the table for a bit to catch up with each other as they wait for JJ to call the departments. "Y/n, how was your weekend? Do anything exciting?" Morgan says to you. You clenched your fist under the table. Oh god how he was pushing it.

You gave him an annoyed look and started to talk. "Yeah actually, Reid helped me with my apartment and we hung out for the weekend." You say putting your arm around Reid playfully. "Sounds like fun, didn't get dirty did it?" Garcia says from across the table. You and Spencer's eyes widen at the same time. You feel the heat rising off your body. Oh how embarrassing this had easily become. "No. Did NOT get dirty. How unprofessional is that." You say looking down. You can tell Spencer was nervous.

He kept rubbing his clammy palms against his pants every time you would start to speak. Moments later, JJ motions you all out of the conference room. "You guys can make your way on home, just called everybody." She says putting away files. "Sounds good, come on y/n" Morgan says to you. "I'll be there in a second" You say back to Morgan making way into your office. You had to take a moment for yourself to breathe and not look so uncomfortable.

You took out a body mist from your bag and sprayed some on, before you hugged Reid goodbye. 2 Minutes later, you make way out of your office and immediately bump into Spencer. You get startled. "Sorry y/n didn't mean to frighten you. How are you? You look a little bit anxious." He says to you putting his hand on your shoulder. "I'm okay, just a lot on my mind." You say back. It was the truth. You were contemplating if you actually liked Spencer, or was it just Morgan and Garcia getting into your head.

"Well, if you ever need to talk I am always a call away." He says giving you a smile. "Thank you, Spence. I needed that" You say as you give him a hug. You held on tighter and longer than you normally do. You loved hugging Spencer. You felt so safe and secure wrapped in his toned arms. He hugged back and began to rock you side to side. "I don't know what you're going through, but it'll be okay. I promise." He says whispering into your ear. He gives you a kiss goodbye on your forehead. You say the rest of your goodbyes to the team and make way into the parking lot with Morgan.

As you both enter the car, you squeal. Morgan jumps and asks you what's wrong. "I hugged him for so long, he gave me a kiss on my forehead." You said with the biggest smile on your face. You could feel the butterflies in your stomach as you thought about him. "Bingo girl! You're getting closer. Sorry I said that at the table, just wanted to make you mad." Morgan says laughing as he starts to drive. "I wanted to kill you, no pun intended." You say laughing back.

"We don't need another female unsub, now do we?" He says. "Oh god Morgan." You say continuing to laugh. "But honestly though, make plans with him as much as you can. You can win any mans heart princess, you got this." He says lifting your chin up. "I will try my best." You say back to him. Minutes later, you arrive at your apartment. "See you tomorrow mama, I will pick you up as usual around the same time." Morgan says waving you goodbye. "Alrighty, see you then." You say waving back. You make way into your apartment and as always, get comfortable.

This time you decide to change into yet again another baggy shirt and relax in bed watching a show. You felt excited to get started on the case tomorrow, you truly loved this job. After watching your show for a while, you could feel your eyelids slowly shutting. Getting heavier and heavier. You were so comfortable in your bed and so satisfied with today. Eventually, you dozed off and slept peacefully for the night.

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