Planned Out

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Today was the day. The day that would explain why you have been so nervous for a simple surprise. Gosh y/n, stop thinking so much into it! You get up out of bed stumbling. Since last night was the first time you've had sex in a while, you felt very fragile.

You brush your teeth as you turn on the shower. The warm water trickled down your face as you let the steam comfort you. Minutes later, you dry off and put on a comfy outfit to go to work in.

It was chilly outside, so you put on some jeans and kissed Spencer goodbye. You hop in your car, instantly putting on the heater. Momentarily, you were now at Quantico. Your heart beats picked up the pace as you saw the team chatting in the conference room. You dropped off your bag in your office, you decided to sit down next to Hotch.

"Hot Cocoa, anyone?" JJ says walking into the room with a tray full of mugs. You nod in delight as she passes you a cup. "Okay guys, we don't have much to do today. Cases have been slow these past couple weeks. Today, I will allow you all to go home early and get ready for tonight. It'll be one we won't forget" Rossi says with a charming smile.

There it was again, that feeling. You felt as if you were being left out on something, but you didn't know what. You all enjoyed your hot cups of hot cocoa as you listened to "Part of Your World." Wait, thats OUR song, Spencer's song.

"Oh my goodness, this song brings back memories" you say shaking your head as you chuckle. "It brings back memories for us too" Emily says giving you a smile. You notice Hotch and Rossi give each other a stare before going back into their offices. You finish up filing for the day as you are dismissed.

You go home to see Spencer with a towel wrapped around his waist, he had just showered. "You're home early" he says with a smile as he grabs your waist. "Yup, Rossi let us out early so that we could get ready for tonight" you say. "I see. Are you hungry?" he says grabbing your hands.

"Just a little, I had some fruit earlier at the office" you say shrugging. "There's some mint chip ice cream in the freezer, we could experiment with that" he says with a smirk. "Crazy Spencer Reid, we have to go soon. Another day" you say giggling as you go to get your outfit ready.

Mint chip? Wonder where he got that from. You proceed to change into a tight fitting dress that hugged your curves beautifully. It was an emerald green color that had a V neck. Your cleavage was not too flashy, but very classy. You put on some heels that you haven't worn in a while. To finish off the look, you put on some jewelry and applied a darker lipstick.

You realize it's quiet, too quiet. You grab your purse and you go to the kitchen to find Spence. You see him holding something, he was examining it as if he had never seen it before. "Ready to go?" you say leaning against the door.

He jumps and closes whatever he was holding, "Yes, I'm ready. You look incredible, I love green on you" he says with a smile. "Thank you baby, you look great as well. Blue suits are a must from now on" you say winking.

You both go into the car and before Spence takes off, he looks you in the eyes. "You know I love you right?" he says with passion. "Of course I know that, I love you too" you say as your cheeks began to get warm. He smiles as he drives off to the club that started it all.

Moments later, you arrive at the club. Spencer opens the door for you as you walk inside. You could tell Spence was nervous, he kept rubbing his palms on his pants. You didn't mean to profile him, since that was strictly a rule that we couldn't break.

You and Spence walk over to the back, where the rest of the team was. They all looked more fancy, as if tonight was better than the rest. Hotch was sipping champagne, Emily had some wine in her glass. Rossi stands up with a joyful grin as he hugs Spencer.

The team hasn't seen him since the incident, so they all were getting up from their chairs to greet him. You gave your greetings to the team as you all sat down to enjoy your meals. You took a sip of a margarita that Penelope had ordered for you. You had to admit, she had great taste in alcohol.

After hours of listening to music and talking about each others personal lives outside of work, Rossi taps his glass. "Alright everyone, time for a toast. Get your glasses up! To Spencer and Y/n Reid!" he says with a huge smile. Your stomach drops as you look over at Spencer. He had a grin on his face, you on the other hand were now blushing more than ever.

What are you supposed to say? You fake laugh as you shake your head. "Guys, we aren't dating" you say slightly kicking Spencer's foot. "Princess, we all know. Why do you think Spencer called you earlier that day that Garcia found out? We had this all planned." Morgan says laughing.

Your jaw drops as you look over at Spencer. He shrugs his shoulders and starts to laugh. "Plus, the reason why that day at the club when you wore purple and Spencer wore red. Did you think that was a coincidence? We planned that too" Garcia says with a smirk. "All we are trying to say is, we have supported you both since day one. Don't forget we are profilers y/n, we know a connection when we see one" Hotch says raising his glass.

Still stunned, you manage to blurt out "Why did you guys plan this? Why didn't you guys wait until Spencer and I told you all?" you say confused. "Because Spencer couldn't wait much longer to do this" Spencer says tapping your shoulder. You look back to see him on his knee, holding the same object he had earlier in the kitchen.

"Y/n, I have loved you since the day I met you. I love everything about you. The way you tug your shirt when you get nervous, the way you blush when I compliment you, the look on your face when I.. never mind, that's for another time. Basically all I'm saying is, I would risk my life for you.. again. I cant live without you baby. Will you marry me?" he says with tears building up in his eyes.

You couldn't make out words, you felt frozen. After a couple seconds of complete shock, you nod your head and say yes. He cups your face and kisses you like there was no tomorrow. The team starts to cheer you both on as you are embraced in each others arms.

You knew Spencer was clever, but this? You didn't expect this at all, Spencer was too smart. "How about we toast to the new bride and groom, shall we?" Rossi says putting up his glass. You wipe away tears as you put your glass up.

"To the Reid's!" Hotch shouts. Everyone pings their glasses together as they all take a sip. You couldn't believe this was real life. Am I dreaming? You feel a hand on your thigh as you look to your side. It was Spencer, still wiping away tears from his eyes.

He gets the ring out of the box and places it on your ring finger, it was a perfect fit. The ring was a beautiful ruby red with diamonds, it looked magical. You gave him another kiss as you examine the ring. You couldn't believe how beautiful it was, or how beautiful tonight was. "This will be a story that we tell our kids one day" you say softly in his ear. "It definitely will be" he says back as he chuckles.

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