Coming Together

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"Hi baby" you say softly as you see him turn to face you. He starts to smile as he grips your hand harder. "I'm so glad it wasn't you." he says slowly dozing off. You felt relieved that he was alive, but you were mad that he put his life in danger for you. He starts to reposition himself as he groans, quickly shutting his eyes in pain.

"Didn't you take pain medication? I can get her if you'd like-" you say as he interrupts. "No, I cant take injection, I don't want to get any reminders of you know.." he says as his eyes start to flutter open again.

You felt horrible for Spencer. He has been through so much, now he's added getting shot again on the list. "You should've let me get shot. I cant get the image of you bleeding out of my head. I thought you were going to leave me" you say starting to choke on your own tears.

"I told you, I would never let harm come your way. I would do it again if it meant saving your life." he says gliding his thumb against your hand. "I read the journal, like you said" you say as you show a slight grin. He starts to blush as he looks into your eyes.

"I wanted to give it to you when I asked you to be my girlfriend, but I thought I was going to die. So, I made sure to say it so that you knew how long I have loved you" he says.

"I think it was absolutely beautiful. I was in tears reading the things you'd say. I'll never forget seeing you in that red suit. That night, I wished that you could be mine already. The first glance, I knew I loved you" you say leaning your head against his shoulder.

"Y/n?" he says lifting your chin. "Yeah Spencer?" you say as you melt in his touch. "I know this is a horrible time to ask, but I cant wait any longer. I want you to be mine, forever. I want to wake up and see your angelic face in front of mine, I want to hold you whenever I please, I just want you." He says.

"I know this was originally supposed to be strictly friends, we both know that it isn't like that anymore, it never really was" he continues.

"I'm yours Spence, forever." you say wiping away tears as you kiss him. You craved his soft lips against yours, you thought you'd never have this feeling ever again. He cups your face as he kisses you harder. You stop and rest your forehead against his. "I love you. I always have" you say as you close your eyes.

"And I love you, I always will" he says back. "You have to get some rest, it's late. Tomorrow, the team is coming to check on you and see what the Doctor suggests. When they give a date for when you can be released, I will drive you home. I'll stay with you so I can help you heal." you say moving the piece of hair that was hovering over his eyes.

"I'd like that" he says as his dimples make an appearance. Gosh, he was so handsome. "Now come on, close those sparkling eyes. I'll be right here the whole night, I'm not leaving you by yourself" you say getting comfortable in your chair.

He manages to scoot over and make space for you on the hospital bed. "If you're going to stay, I can't watch you sleep uncomfortably in a chair. Come lay next to me" he says getting an extra pillow. You take off your shoes and slide next to him.

"Goodnight Spencer, I'm forever thankful you're here with me" you say snuggling up to him. "Goodnight y/n, i'm forever thankful I met you" he says giving you a kiss on the top of your head. You both lay down as the warmth of your bodies comfort each other.

You couldn't grasp the fact that you and Spencer are officially together. When are we going to tell the team? Are we going to tell the team? Are they going to find out before we tell them? How is this relationship going to be different now that we are officially a couple? So many thoughts were roaming your mind as you felt the rise and fall of Spencer's chest.

After hours of replaying the horror of today's scenario, you finally are able to sleep knowing that Spencer is okay. 10:00 AM in the morning, Thursday. You slowly open your eyes as you adjust to the light that was filling the room. You hear a knock as a bubbly Penelope Garcia enters the room. "Oh, I didn't know you guys were still sleeping. Hey Spencer, how are you feeling?" she says walking up to him.

"I feel a lot better, thanks" he says giving her a grin. "I'm going to speak with the Doctor, be right back" you say walking out of the room. As you're on your way to speak with him, you see the rest of the team waiting in the waiting room.

"Hey guys, you all can go over to Spencer now. Penelope is in there with him talking, I'm going to get the Doctor" you say to them. "We didn't want to wake you both, you guys looked so peaceful" Emily says smiling. "I still can't comprehend what happened yesterday. Anyways, go on" you say motioning them to his hospital room.

"Doctor, may I speak with you?" you say as you remain patient. "Hello y/n. Is everything alright?" he says with a concerned look. "I was wondering when Spencer can be on his way back home. Can you give me a date?" you say. "If he has a speed recovery, which he looks like he will, he can be released in about three days. As long as he gets enough rest, takes his medicine, and takes care of himself, he should be perfectly fine to make way back to Virginia" he says confidently.

"That's wonderful news, thank you Doctor" you say walking back to Spencer's room. You enter the room as the team is crowded against Spencer. "Good news, Spencer can be back home in three days" you say sitting back down in your chair.

"That's great! I'm glad to hear that" JJ says as she is seated next to Spence. "We have to go back to the office tonight, but I can make an acceptance for staying until tomorrow." Rossi says.

"I'm not leaving Spencer here alone. I'll take the days I have off and dedicate it to helping him get home and be well taken care off" you quickly say.

"Sounds like a plan y/n" Hotch says. As the team leaves to go inform Quantico, Spencer calls for you as you're in the hallway talking to Morgan. "I'll see you later princess, call me if you need anything" Morgan says giving you a hug and a kiss as he leaves the hospital with the team.

"What's up?" you say closing the door. "You don't have to stay here, I feel bad" he says with a pouty face. "Spencer, don't say that. I am going to stay here with you until you can be released. Afterwards, I can help you around the house and make sure you take care of yourself." you say reassuringly.

"What did I do to deserve an angel like you? God, I love you" he says sighing. "I love you more" you say giving him a kiss. The rest of the day went smoothly. Spencer started to recover by having less pain, the team was able to stay another night, it was all coming together.

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