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You wake up to feel the plane landing back at Quantico. You flutter your eyes open slowly as you begin to stretch. Your hands were sore from slamming Charles onto the table. The glass that shattered had cut your palms.

You look down at your hands and you notice that someone bandaged them for you. "How are you feeling?" you hear from beside you. It was Spencer. "I'm doing okay, just a little hungry." You admit as you start to get your things packed.

"Hotch told the team that we have a day off tomorrow. So, would you like to get dinner with me and maybe spend the night?" he says with a smile. You loved going over to Spencer's, even if it wasn't for pleasure, you loved his presence.

"That would be nice, yes." you say smiling back. The plane lands and everyone begins to say their goodbyes. "Alright princess, you ready to go?" Morgan says. "Actually, change of plans. I'm going with Spencer tonight." you say trying to hide a smirk. He gives you a look and starts to smile. "You go get him lover, have fun." Morgan says as he hugs and kisses you goodbye.

You and Spencer make your way to his car as you're holding your bag. "No no, give me the bag. Your hands need to heal right now." He says insisting. "Who bandaged them anyway?" you say letting out a chuckle. "I did silly, it looked painful. I never knew you were rough like that. When I saw you slam him, I was impressed. Plus, It was hot." He says smirking as he places your bags into his trunk.

"I guess you learn something new about me everyday." You say smiling at him. He opens the car door for you and you step inside. He enters the car and puts his seatbelt on. "So, what food are you in the mood for?" he says starting to drive. "Honestly, anything. I don't really want to go inside of a restaurant only because I'm still in this thing." You say pointing to your dress.

"Y/n, you look absolutely beautiful in that dress. Are you not confident with it on?" he says with a concerned expression. "No, I love the dress actually. It just looks to fancy for going into a restaurant." You say. "Nope, you're going inside. I'll take you somewhere that you'll enjoy, trust me." He says as he turns onto a different street.

You never had been down this road before, but it looked very alive. There was clubs, restaurants, and bars all along the sides. He pulls into a restaurant that is lit up with different color lights. "Come on." He says grabbing your hand as you get out of the car.

You go inside and you get seated. The waiter gives you a menu and you start to see what you want to eat. "Pick whatever you want, dinners on me." He says. "Spence, I can get it. Don't worry about it." You say. "No. I'm paying for it, you aren't. Don't argue with me. Remember when we had dinner with Hotch and you payed? " He says in a playful yet demanding tone.

"Well okay, Doctor" you say flipping through the menu. You stop once you realized what you just said. Oh boy. You look up at him with a nervous smile. He looks at you, slightly licks his lips, and gets closer to the table. You then feel a hand on your upper thigh.

You flinch with excitement. "Now listen Agent y/l/n. Don't tease me like that in this setting. If you do, you'll get a punishment for disobeying me." He says as he goes higher and higher up your thigh. "Do I make myself clear?" he says still touching.

You start to slowly pant as he keeps going. "Spence-Spencer, not now." you say trying to calm yourself. He laughs as he takes his hand off. "I love how turned on I make you. It's the best sight for me to see. You get so wet by me just teasing you." He says giggling as he takes a sip of water. You roll your eyes as you both begin to order. You ordered a strawberry daiquiri, you needed a little bit of alcohol. He ordered red wine, which was surprising.

As you both finish ordering, you catch him staring at you. "You know Doctor Spencer Reid, it's rude to stare." you say waiting for him to speak. You figured that he was about to punish you again for calling him Doctor. "I have a question for you y/n, answer it honestly." He says holding his wine glass. "Alright, go for it." You say.

"What excites you the most about BDSM? What would you like me to do to you?" he says smirking. "If i'm being honest, everything. The thing that excites me is whips, handcuffs, me not being able to control my body." You say as you take a sip. His eyes widen and he looks shocked.

"Everything? You want me to do everything to you?" he says concerned. "Yeah, I can take it. What, you think I can't?" you say staring into his eyes seductively. "Oh angel, when I'm done with you, I don't think that you'll be able to take it anymore." He says.

God damn, that was hot. You couldn't wait for the moment where he started experimenting with different items on you. "We will see about that." You mutter.

Your food arrives and you both begin to eat. "Hey, now I have a question for you." You say taking a bite of your food. "Ask away, kinky kitten." He says chuckling. Kinky Kitten? That's a new one.

"Why did you agree to do this with me?" you say. You've always wanted the answer to this question, but every time you asked, he wouldn't give a clear answer. "I told you, I wanted to help you explore." he says looking down. "If Emily asked you for help with this, would you help her?" you say trying to get an answer out.

"No, I wouldn't." he says. "Exactly, so why did you accept me when I asked you?" You say back. "Maybe because I have a little crush on you, miss y/l/n. I accepted to do this because I wanted to get to know you more. You're stunning, if you haven't noticed that I like you, then you're a bad profiler." He says laughing.

Spencer Reid just admitted his feelings for you. Oh my god. Don't fangirl please, not right now. You couldn't help it, you smiled really big as you heard the words slip off his tongue. "Now I have another question for you." he says still smiling.

"Why did you ask me for help?" he says. Damn it. "Same answer you said, I have a little crush on you Doctor." you say teasingly. "You're definitely getting punished for teasing me. Anyway, I'm glad to hear you say that." he says blushing.

"We broke the rules, didn't we?" you say finishing your meal. "Yes, we did indeed. On the bright side, we don't have to hide our feelings from each other anymore." He says getting up from his seat.

He grabs your hand and leads you to the car. You both start to head back to his apartment. On the way there, you still can't believe what just happened. Spencer notices you with a different expression on your face. "What's wrong gorgeous?" he says putting his hand on your thigh.

"I'm just shocked, that's all. I've liked you ever since the first day I met you. I never thought you'd like me back, nobody usually does." You say looking out the window. "I liked you the first day I saw you too. I remember the outfit you wore, how you approached me, how you would do the little thing with the bottom of your shirt." He says smiling.

"Any man would be so lucky to have you. It's crazy that you dont see that." he says shaking his head. Your heart felt so warm. You never expected this. "Oh Spencer Reid, you are something aren't you?" you say grabbing his hand. "I guess so" he says blushing.

You both make way back to his apartment. You start to get turned on because you were still shaken from his little stunt at the table. You step inside his apartment and you start to kick off your heels. You look at him and you grab his hands.

"Are we playing tonight?" you whine. "No baby, tomorrow. You need your rest today." He says grabbing your waist. "Pleaseee" you say pouting. "Tomorrow. I promise we can go for however long you want tomorrow. You need to rest." He finally says.

"Fine, tomorrow" you say changing out of your dress. He gives you another shirt and underwear for you to wear. "I love it when you wear my clothes, you look so cute." he says watching you undress. "They always smell so good, they smell just like you." You say smiling.

Spencer gets into bed as he waits for you. You brush your teeth and make way to meet him on his bed. "Come here, I want you" he says putting his hands out. Ugh, he was such a baby. You get into his arms and you hold him, closing your eyes. You adored how loving he was, especially since you both admitted your feelings for each other, holding him felt different. This truly changed everything.

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