Starter A/n

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Hey my pups sorry to start off the book with an A/n I know you probably wanted a chapter but oh well I kind of wanted to start it off with this

Since I wanted to say if you haven't read or finished my other 2 books which are "Alpha and Omega: Book One: Phoenix Drop High Ein x Reader" and "Alpha and Omega: Book 2: Emerald Secret Ein x Reader" please read those 2 books first before reading this one because this book picks up from those 2 books

Anyways if you have read them thank you for all your support on them but wow book 3 already honestly I'm kind of sad I don't wanna end this series because I fucking love writing about Ein but sadly all series must come to an end

If you guys can think of plot for a 4th book than be my guest and drop your ideas in the comments or DM me and I might write one if I like the idea and you might even get a shout out in that chapter because I love writing about my version of Ein It's really fun to make him 2 sided and he just has a fun personality to write about anyways hehe

If I do write a 4th book it will probably be all my original ideas with the help of y'all of course but I was thinking it would maybe have a wedding and be a family type story with him so tell me what you think

But enough talk about that and on with the 3rd book which is as you guessed from the title with no further a due this is the Starlight Wonderland and When Angeles Fall Book

honestly In When Angeles Fall I feel like Ein is probably the evilest but then again it is because he was controlled by cannon in this series as we could see because of his green eyes

honestly In When Angeles Fall I feel like Ein is probably the evilest but then again it is because he was controlled by cannon in this series as we could see because of his green eyes

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Like no duh see so that wasn't made up by me as you know X3

Anyways I hope y'all enjoy this 3rd and possibly final Ein x Reader

So with that being said on to the book and until next time "I Love You All And I Will See You Guys Escalater" ;3

Alpha and Omega (Book 3): Starlight & WAF Ein x Reader (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now