Chapter 49; So I Can't Go Home?

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*Aika's POV*

I don't want to be here.

It's scary.

I want to be home.

They won't let me go home.

Ms. Toga doesn't let anyone near me when they visit. They'll come in through a mist thingy and talk. I'm not allowed on the other side of the room when they come over. Sometimes I'm put in a room and told to stay there.

I can hear them speak when they come over. They talk quietly, but not at all. I can hear what they say, but I can't understand.

"Hey Aika, go to your room now, okay? I'll play with you after everyone leaves." Ms. Toga hasn't seemed really happy either. It's scary. I want her to be happy too, even if she won't let me go home.

I didn't answer her. I went straight to my room and closed the door. I didn't have anything to do in here either. But that's okay. I have a bed and a green dress in the room. I like green.

I sat beside the door, listening to what they were saying. I could hear them so we'll.

"He called today, about the girl again." It was the mean blue one. He sounded slightly out of breath though. It was weird.

"What did he say?" Ms. Toga still sounded sad when she spoke with her friends.

"He said he went through with it. However, I don't want to distrust one of my league members, but I just don't think he's dead."

"His sudden disappearance is all that's been on the news though?" Someone's dead? But who died then? Can I help them?

There was silence for a moment. Then there was a loud ding noise before I heard the blue man speak again.

"Toga, where is the girl?"

"Why do you want to know?"

"She is here, right?"

"I'm not an idiot. Of course she's here."

"Bring her out."

I didn't stay near the door. I needed to hide. I don't wanna go out there. I want to go home, why can't I go home?

I hid under my bed. I couldn't go anywhere else. The door opened and I saw Ms. Toga come into the room. She found me easily.

"Come on Aika, we can play hide and seek later, I promise." She smiled at me. She wasn't happy though. I followed her. I didn't want to follow her but I did.

The blue man didn't have the hand on his face. He looked even more creepy. No one else was in the room.

"Good news. You're going to see Dabi again." He was grinning. I didn't like it. It was a bad face. "However, you're not going back to wherever he had hidden you away."

"So I can't go home?"

"You'll be with us. We'll give you a new home."

"But then I can't see Daddy."

"Dabi will be there."

"No, my other Dad. Will I see him?"

"Who's your other Dad?" I was about to answer. Ms. Toga didn't let me.

"She's talking about her biological father. The one who abandoned her." She was giving me a look. She doesn't want me to tell the blue man about Daddy. Why? Blue man didn't seem to believe her. She was lying.

"Is that who you're talking about?"


"Yeah. I won't have to see him again?" I'm a liar.

Blue man nodded. I don't want to go with him. He's scary. I don't like him. I want to go home. Home, with Touya and Daddy, but I can't talk to the blue man about Dad. Why can't I?

"No, no you won't."

"I don't wanna go." I shook my head. "I want to go home."

"We're bringing you to a new home. You can help us, you know that?" I don't want to help the blue man.

I want to go back home.


*Hawks's POV*

A few hours earlier

I was let out of the hospital a few days after I had been put in. I didn't walk home, hell, I didn't even go out the front door. They didn't let me. Touya was there, he said he knew what was going on and that he would tell me when we got back.

I was given a pretty big hoodie and told to make my feathers go into a bag Touya had. I did as I was told, the put the hoodie on with what was left of my wings flat against my back. They wanted to hide me.

I was brought up to the top floor with Touya and Endeavor. No doctors were there, so Touya took off his own disguise. It was obvious that Touya didn't want to be anywhere near him. He had my hand in his and kept pulling me closer to him.

"Touya, what's going on?"

"Just, let us get outside first at least. I promise, everything will be explained eventually."

We got outside, and all I was told to do was to fly out of sight. Fly as high as I could and go to Dabi's warehouse thing without being seen. The bag was unzipped and my feathers ripped into the hoodie to remake my wings. The hoodie ended up being Endeavor's, but surprisingly, he doesn't want it back.

I flew with Touya in my arms, much to his displeasure. He didn't say a single word the entire time, and as soon as he got there he said he had to call someone.

Even now, I still have no clue what's going on.


I'm so sorry I've been not updating.

I had writer's block to the point that I completely scrapped the original three times.

I love y'all, mean it


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