Chapter 27; Fire In The Alleyway

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*Dabi's POV*

I looked around the hospital from a alleyway nearby. I wasn't supposed to be here, technically, but whatever. It's actually pretty fun watching the heros try and eventually succeed at defeating the Nomu.

This fight was no less satisfying.

As soon as the Nomu grew, I knew that ant other person in the hospital was absolutely screwed. There had been a direct threat sent to the hospital so that we could limit the casualties. Sure, we may be villains, but we're literally attacking a hospital. These people can't protect themselves.

Whatever, the remaining people were just too stupid to leave. They would be saved anyway.

It surprised me when I found that we were sending out a Nomu. I had thought that Shigaraki was going to make the league lay low for a few months. Apparently not.

Doesn't involve me, why do I care?

The building was going down. The heros were actually not putting a huge dent in that thing. Shiga said the person used as a base had some sort of enlarging quirk. That, plus a quirk that allowed for tougher skin and a quirk that could cover the body in spikes.

It wasn't unstoppable, but it was pretty damn hard to.

The heros still hadn't found it's weakness, which is kinda surprising. They keep aiming for it's head, which makes enough sense. However, this monster's achilles heel was it's chest. The one area the spikes were unable to grow.

The Nomu was unable to leave that area, having grown fast enough to break through the walls, but not being able to break it further.

I heard heavy breathing behind me, but didn't pay it much mind until I felt a harsh tug on my jacket. I turned around, igniting a flame on my outstretched hand.

It was a child, a really young girl. She was crying, still pulling on my jacket. When I turned to face her, she didn't react to the fire, instead pointing to the street.

"He's hurt! Please help him, he needs help." When I didn't react, she grabbed onto my arm and started to try and pull me that way.

"Please sir, no one will help him! He won't wake up!" She cried again. If she kept crying like this, someone would notice. Sure, easiest solution is to kill her, but I couldn't. She was too young.

I pulled my mask up over the lower half of my face again and flipped up my hood before following the girl. I felt exposed. Yeah, I've been outside around people with my mask on, but normally I'm not this close to heros or the police.

The girl kept running infront of me, completely ignoring the scene next to us. They seemed to have started to take it down, so I probably only had about ten to fifteen minutes to get this girl to shut it and get away before this Nomu is taken down.

"This way!" The girl said, still running with my wrist in her hand. Finally leading me to whoever the fuck was hurt, she-


Fuck! That's Hawks!

The girl let go of my and ran beside Hawks and tried to shake him awake. I knelt down beside her, my whole body shaking. I glanced up towards the hospital and made a quick choice.

Picking up the fainted bird in my arms, I quickly made my way between two buildings and hid in the shadows, the girl following close behind.

"Yo, what are you doing?" She didn't seem scared, she must have been in shock.

"He saved me, I have to make sure he's safe too." She wasn't as fast as I was, but that didn't weaken her determination at all. Eventually, I set him down against the wall and turned to look back at the girl.

"What happened to him?" I asked stiffly as I glanced over him. None of the wounds on his face were enough to have caused him to pass out like this. Maybe it was something else.

"I was on the top floor and the wall blew apart, like, BOOM! Then my nurse fell out and I was scared, but he saved me and started to fly. The monster hurt him and it hit a building but he was okay until he landed." She had sat herself down beside him with her head sitting on his shoulder. "Is he okay now?"

"I'm not sure." I grunted, grabbing his chin and tilting his head to get a good look at his neck. Just like with his face, there were cuts and scrapes, but again they shouldn't have put him in that much pain.

"Okay kid, I might need your help, alright?" The girl looked up at me and nodded, standing up to come up to my hip. I picked Hawks up and shifted him so he was sitting, facing the wall slightly hunched over with his forehead against the wall.

There it is.

His jacket was horribly scratched and teared between his wings. The shirt he was wearing underneath was also shredded, revealing his back. His back didn't look horrible, but it would definitely hurt like hell.

I slowly stripped him of his jacket and threw it to the side, his wings were such a pain in the ass. The base of both wings were pretty banged up too, but not as bad. However, his wings kept blocking my view of the wound.

"Kid, hold his wings for me, okay?" I turned to look over at her. She had put on Kei's jacket and was flapping her arms. Nodding, she held his wings against his back so they were sticking out sideways.

"His wings are so pretty." She muttered, no longer crying as she did as she was told. Sure, she was obscuring his back a bit, but she was trying her best.

"What's your name Mister?" She asked me. I couldn't tell her my name was Dabi, even if she was like, what? Six?

"I'm Touya. What's your name?"

"I'm Aika. What's his name?"


"And what's your name?" I glared up at her which made her laugh before shutting herself up. "I'm joking."

I rolled my eyes before looking back at the wound on his back. It was pretty big, and the skin around it was bloodied. He would be able to fly after a few days, but it would probably hurt.

"Get away from Hawks and the girl." I heard from behind me causing me to freeze up. I knew that voice. That voice wasn't going to be getting anywhere near either of them.

"Aw, and why is that? That doesn't sound like a lot of fun." I shot back, turning back to face Endeavor as he stood at the end of the alleyway.

"I said get away from them." He wasn't using his fire, smart. I was too close to both Hawks and Aika. If he did attack, there was a good chance he could hit them too.

"I don't think you're currently in the position to make demands like that, now are you?" I quickly glanced over and saw Aika hiding behind Hawks.

I wasn't going to win this if I stayed in my little protection bubble. He wouldn't fire, but soon people with quirks that could only hit me would arrive. Slowly, I side stepped away from the two.

"Well come on then. This is what you wanted, right?" I asked as I crouched down and put one hand on the ground. "I'm stronger than you now."

It'll be just like old times.

But this time I'll be able to fight back.




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