Chapter 55; Dabi, Kill Me

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I would recommend not reading past this chapter.

The story isn't and never will be completely finished.

So, this is probably the best area to stop reading.

*Dabi's POV*

"Touya, I'm taking Aika back to the group." Keigo muttered, looking down. He still had his wings around Aika, and I understood exactly why. "I'll send them back here to get Shigaraki. Kill him if he attacks you, don't worry about laws."

"No, no don't. Leave me, I'm going to die anyway, just leave me." It took everything in me to not light him up right then and there. I couldn't tear my eyes away from the red of the grass in front of me.

Kei walked away, leaving me with him.

I could see that Shigaraki probably wouldn't be able to attack me. He was still choking on whatever feelings he had. Honestly, it reminded me somewhat of the day Kei had confessed to me his feelings. He was curled up on the ground, staring at the bloodied grass as well.

"Dabi," He choked out, starting to claw at his neck with his nails. He held himself up with one hand balled up into a fist. I couldn't see his eyes either. A part of me wanted so bad to light his ass up and claim that he had charged at me or some shit, but if I did he would die too quickly. He needed to suffer for however long I could make him.

He deserved every fucking second of it.

If I helped him long enough to keep him from dying, he would most likely be forced to get the surgery. He would be taken into custody and have to spend every day of the rest of his life rotting in Tartarus.

Or I could lock him away myself, hide him away from the hero's prying eyes. Keep him trapped somewhere no one would find him and make him suffer myself. The thought itself made me smile.

"Dabi, kill me, kill me, just kill me." Shigaraki muttered, finally able to speak in what seemed to be sentences. He didn't look up at me, panting hard as he tried to catch his breath. "I'm going to die anyway, just finish me off."

"Oh yeah?" I sneered, crossing my arms over my chest. He finally looked up at me with a surprised glance. I couldn't stop the grin that tugged at the staples in my face. "Why the fuck should I give you what you want?"

I could see his look of shock melt into one of slight fear. It was a, charming, look on him to say the least. It was different than his normal bitchy, 'I'm the leader,' look. It was a nice change of pace.

"What do you want me to do? Beg?" He snapped, but that small look of fear stayed ever present.

"Well, it probably wouldn't help your chances of me actually taking pity on you, however it would be some sight to see, now wouldn't it?" I took one step forward, towering over him as he stayed crouched on the ground.

"Tomura Shigaraki, leader of the league of villains," I easily pushed him over onto his back with my foot, keeping it on his chest. "Begging for death at he feet of the man he saw as lower than him." I snickered, adding a bit of weight onto his chest.

Shigaraki started to cough again, his arms sprawled out beside him. He could end this so easily, but he wouldn't. A few petals fell from his mouth as he screwed his eyes shut. Other than that, he didn't move.

"So go ahead. Beg all you want. I'm not going to put you out of your misery. What you just did, your not being forgiven for, and if it were up to me, I would make sure that every single second of whatever life you have left would be a living hell." After a few seconds of complete silence, I let out a sigh.

"Come on, at least let me have a bit of fun." I leaned down, grabbing a hold of his shirt before stepping off of him. He hung limp when I jerked him up. He reached one hand up to his face, covering his face just like how he would with the stupid hand he had.

He looked back up at me, glancing at me from between his fingers. He started to cough again, this time starting to turn a bit red in the face.

It wasn't hard to keep my hold on him as he struggled to breathe, thrashing around slightly. At one point, he stopped coughing, and for a second I thought that he was done. Then I heard him start gasping for air.

"Goddammit!" I snapped, shaking him slightly. "You can't die yet! Not yet! You can't get away from me that easily, not after what you did!" He shook his head, starting to thrash around more in my hold. He kept gasping, his eyes starting to roll back into his head.

I immediately dropped him onto his back, causing him to easily cough out the daffodil that was causing him to suffocate. He looked back up at me.

"Please Dabi, please just kill me! I'm going to die if you let me go, and they're going to lock me up if I don't. I don't want to live with this, please, just take it out on me!" He begged in a voice raspier than normal. A new grin spread across my face. I grabbed a hold of his collar again, pulling him back up again.

"You're sick." He muttered, looking back up at me.

"Like you're one to talk." I laughed out, burning into his shirt until the cloth in my hand detached itself from the rest of it and he fell back onto the ground. He started to try and back away, but I caught him before he could do anything.

"I thought you wanted me to kill you?" I grinned again, holding onto his wrist when he swung at me. He tried to pull away, yelling out in pain as I started to burn him. He stopped struggling as soon as I let him go, but immediately pulled away. The skin on his wrist was bright red and swollen.

I knew I couldn't continue to do this. Keigo would get the heros. If they saw me doing this, any chance of me getting pardoned from my crimes would immediately go down the drain. But if they saw the burn, they would know that something happened. I couldn't give him to them alive if I wanted a chance to be with my birdie and Aika.

That only left me with one choice.

A bright blue flame erupted from my palm held high above my head.


I actually really enjoyed writing that.

Of course, Shiga is on my top three favorite character list, so that part kinda hurt to write, but other than that it was fun.

I hope y'all enjoyed it.

Love y'all


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