Chapter 5: Victoria

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The next few days I spent alone in my room. Harry had come to check on me a few times, but I was not in the mood to talk. I slept for around two hours then would wake up for six then repeat.

Anytime I was awake I worked on homework.

Finally, after a week, I came out. I met Harry downstairs where he was eating breakfast. I was in muggle clothes because I wanted to go into London. I wanted a few new clothes for the year. I didn't care if Fudge had told us not to go. "Hey Vicky. Nice to see you out."

I smiled at him as I sat down and ordered an omelet. "Hey, nice to see you too. Sorry it took so long."

"No, you looked like you needed the sleep. How are you on homework?"

"Everything but Binns. That is the worst essay topic ever."

He laughed at that as Tom brought over my omelet and a cup of coffee. "Coffee's on the house."

I thanked him as he walked away. I noticed that his eyes never left us. "Harry," I said, "I need your help."

"With what."

"I'm going into London," I said, leaning forward and lowering my voice.

Harry stared at me for a second before shaking his head. "I can buy you five minutes."

"I'll be gone in two," I said with a smirk as Harry went to talk to Tom. I looked around the bar for a split second before hightailing it out behind a larger looking man.


The first place I went was an american tourist chain of Starbucks. I ordered a frappuccino and drank the whole thing before leaving the area. As I was walking down the street toward a small boutique for a sweater I had seen in the window, I ran into a stray black dog. It started licking my hand, and I smiled before petting it.

I noticed that it's eyes looked familiar but settled it as something random. I left the dog and headed into the boutique.

The rest of the day I spent shopping and eating like I normally would. I only had one monster encounter, and it was just a few telkines that had been browsing in a hat store. After their attack, I decided to head back. My legs were starting to feel like jello, and I was yawning every other step.

When I got back to the Leaky Cauldron, I was not expecting a manhunt for me. A blonde haired boy who was fairly well built put a hand on my shoulder and started to lead me away. I may have felt weak, but I didn't like it when people touched me without permission, and he looked oddly familiar. I flipped the man over my shoulder and placed my knee to his throat.

"Back off," I growled, glaring at him before getting off of him and heading up to my room. I was stopped once again, this time by Tom himself.

"Where have you been?" He asked, looking over my bags in suspicion.

"Out," I said, "I'm not a little girl, I don't need protecting." I started rolling one of the beads on my necklace from nerves and also to calm myself. I was just now realizing that I had threatened one of Tom's customers. He probably wasn't all that impressed with me right now.

"You were in muggle London. The minister would kill me if he found out. Just don't do it again okay."

I nodded and walked around him and into my room. I dropped all the clothes in the chair across the room and fell onto the bed. Didn't Zagan and them say they were coming next week. My shopping could wait till then.

The next week came, and when they didn't show up by Tuesday, I went shopping without them. I was also without Harry who said he had homework to finish.

My first stop was Gringotts. I was not looking forward to going into the vaults in the mental state I was in, but I could get over it. The goblins bowed me in, and I found the nearest not busy guard. "Olympia vaults please," I said quietly.

The goblin looked up at me before his face turned to one of respect and pulled out a bag. "This bag is a direct link to your vault. We have heard that it is hard for all of you to go underground, and we are trying to accommodate. I hope this is okay."

I smiled and took the bag, thanking the goblin before hitting the streets. First I bought robes. Then I went and restocked on potions supplies, quills, and parchment. My final stop of the day was books.

The second I walked in the manager came running over in stress. "Hogwarts?" he asked, a look of terror in his eyes.

"Yes, but I need all my copies in ancient greek." He looked slightly better after this revelation.

"I don't have any of the monster books in yet. Do you know about the others that need special books?"

"Oh, yes. Umm, let's see." I started counting out the people on our quest, and what language they spoke, "Eleven greek including me and four in latin."

He wrote all of that down and told me those would be in the last day before term. I nodded and headed up the stairs to grab the rest of my books.

Once that was over I dropped everything off in my room and picked up my History of Magic essay ready to finish that. If Owen was coming soon, he would want to compare, and I couldn't let him be better than me. 

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