Chapter 18: Victoria

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The holidays were coming fast, and that of course had to mean another Hogsmeade visit. All the demigods were excited, but I definitely wasn't. I didn't like missing out on all the fun they were having. It was also a good bonding experience, and I still needed to buy a few things for Christmas.

Sure I could have sent Owen to do it, but I didn't want too. I wanted to do it for myself. The whole sickness thing was definitely worse, not that I had told anyone. I didn't exactly want them to worry. I mean, after the whole falling out after the quidditch match I hadn't even been at, my guard had grown in number.

On the Saturday of the Hogsmeade trip, I waved goodbye to everyone as they left. "Promise you'll get some rest," My dad said before getting on the carriage to Hogsmeade.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night," I grumbled before calling out, "Yeah, I will!"

I met Harry back in the hall and was about to ask if he wanted to go work in the library when someone said, "Psst, Harry, Victoria."

We both turned to find the Weasley twins. They both led us into a classroom and showed us a blank piece of paper. I stared for a second, but when they said, "I solemnly swear I am up to no good," the blank piece of paper suddenly got a lot more interesting.

"It's a map of Hogwarts," I said, raising an eyebrow.

"Yep, and a map of all the passages, this one should lead you right to Hogsmeade. See you there." Both twins left us with the map.

"You coming?" Harry asked as I looked apprehensively at the map. I thought about what my family would say, but then thought about how much I wanted out of Hogwarts.

"Yeah," I said.

Together we slipped behind the humpbacked witch and into the tunnel. It was dark and the small drop sent a shudder down my spine. Harry used Lumos to light up the tunnel and walked in front of me down the earthen path.

This gave me time to think which probably wasn't the best thing. If my family actually spotted me, they would kill me. Maybe not literally, but I was already tired from walking through this tunnel. Hopefully I could get outside soon. I wasn't exactly dressed for the cold, but the snow was partially liquid and would help give me some form of energy.

Though now that I thought that through, Zagan would kill me for being outside in the freezing cold and snow. I was going to be in so much trouble, and I almost didn't care.

Harry and I had reached a set of stairs. Harry climbed in front of me still and banged his head against the top before I could warn him it was there. My limbs hurt as we both opened the trap door and raced into Honeydukes.

Harry spotted Ron and Hermione and started making his way over to them. I also happened to spot Will, Nico, and Bianca off to the side. "Harry, I'll see you back at the castle."

He nodded, and I snuck out while the other demigods weren't looking. The second I got outside I shivered once before finally feeling the energy fill me up. I sighed in content as I started to make my way to Zonko's Joke shop. I knew Derrick would be there, but that's where I needed gifts from there. Plus Derrick was the least likely to freak out on me.

I entered the shop and stopped as the store spun around me. Once the world stopped spinning, I was able to fully see what the shop looked like. It was wonderful. I headed upstairs where I knew the stuff I needed was.

I immediately spotted Derrick. He was standing right next to the thing I needed. "Excuse me," I said, grinning as he did a double take after seeing me.

"Gods Vicky, don't scare me like that. Also what are you doing here?" He asked, turning back to shopping.

"Fred and George showed us how to get here," I said.

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