Chapter 19: Bianca

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The next morning, the common cleared out and the holidays officially began. I found Zagan, Leo, Jason, and my dad already sitting downstairs. They were talking to Ron and Hermione in hushed whispers.

Last nights conversation slowly flashed through my mind. Harry's parents best friend was Sirius Black, and that man had betrayed their trust. I for some reason didn't fully buy the story.

Maybe it was just the fact that my brain was comprehending everything rather slowly. For one, Zagan had said that Victoria had fallen ill. I didn't need him to tell me she had snuck out. That much was obvious by the fact that Zagan had returned with no cloak or scarf.

Now I sat down next to him and asked, "How is she?"

"Huh," Hermione asked, obviously oblivious to the situation.

"Victoria's sick," Zagan answered, "And to answer your question Bianca, well, I honestly don't know. She woke up around twelve last night, but that's all the news that has been shared."

"That's horrible. Does Harry know?" Ron asked.

"Nope, he was already fuming last night, didn't even catch what we were talking about," Leo said.

We all sat around in silence until lunch. Harry slowly came down looking absolutely shattered. I tuned out of any conversation about Sirius Black. I had other things to worry about like was my best friend alive. That would be the best Christmas present ever. You were all on a very important quest, but your best friend won't be going home with you. Explain that to her parents.

"Harry, listen, I didn't want to tell you this while you were angry, but-" Zagan started but was cut off by the portrait swinging open to reveal an owl. I stood and walked over, taking the letter gingerly off of it's claw before waving goodbye. I assumed that was Frank with news.

I opened the letter, taking my seat between Zagan and my dad. "It's about Victoria. She's been moved to the hospital wing." I kept reading and my eyes widened. "We've got to go."

"I'm coming," Harry offered. Ron and Hermione agreed and followed Zagan and I out of the dormitory.

We quickly made our ways down the stairs and were stopped at the door by Annabeth and Owen. Harry, Ron, and Hermione went in without us. "It's bad," Owen said.

"Obviously," Zagan said.

"Why didn't you force her inside? Back to Hogwarts where it's safe," Annabeth asked.

I heard Zagan sigh and say, "You can't keep following Victoria around like she's a ticking time bomb. She needs a little personal space and freedom. I knew if I sent her back to Hogwarts it would have been worse. She would have decided to jump into the lake or use her powers to shut me up. I've learned that the more freedom you give her, the less she acts out."

I nodded. "She's a mini Percy," Annabeth muttered under her breath as we walked inside. Victoria was laid out in one of the hospital beds very very pale. The closer I got, the worse it looked. She had baby hairs stuck to her head from sweat. Her eyes weren't open all the way, and she sniffled every few seconds along with coughing and sneezing.

"Hey," I said, standing behind the chair that Percy was sitting in. Zagan had rushed to sit in the other chair and stared in shock at her.

"Hey," She croaked before coughing a lot.

"Don't strain yourself," Percy said, taking her hand in his.

She rolled her eyes. "I think I want to go visit Hagrid," Harry said. He stood up and shot one smile at Victoria before walking out. Ron and Hermione followed after him.

"Hey, I'll come with you!" Percy called. I decided to join him. I knew Victoria would want to be alone. She hated being weak and not being able to talk probably didn't help.

The five of us headed out together. Ron and Hermione seemed nervous, but otherwise the tension I had felt all day was beginning to wear off.

When Harry knocked on the door to Hagrids, there was no response. Footsteps were heard from inside soon after, and Hagrid opened the door looking miserable. We all filed inside, but Percy pulled me to the side, "They're putting Buckbeak on trial. He won't make it out alive if Malfoy has anything to say about it."

"How'd you know that?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at him. I didn't remember him being that perspective.

"Buckbeak told me." He made it sound like an everyday thing to hear horses which for him it probably was. I scanned the room and finally spotted the hippogriff laying on the floor.

Hagrid was obviously not taking the news all that well. He was balling his eyes out, and no matter how hard we tried to tell him that we would help, he wouldn't stop crying.

Finally he believed us, and we were able to leave. It looked like this holidays would be the longest yet. Between taking care of the hippogriff trial and Victoria being sick, it would surely be an interesting holiday.

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