Chapter 23: Jason

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The night before the game against Ravenclaw, Wood had one last practice. The team worked the hardest it ever had with the new incentive of Harry having a Firebolt. When I had told Piper that he had one, she gave me a stern look, said no, and walked away.

The next morning, everyone in our dormitory followed Harry down to breakfast. Everyone stared in awe when they caught sight of his Firebolt. I was definitely jealous of him too, but I had to remind myself that I couldn't just splurge all of my dads money. Plus it would be weird if I all of a sudden had a Firebolt too.

Breakfast was a blur of happy feelings, and Wood's nervous but excited energy.

The team left at a quarter to eleven to get ready. We all piled into the locker rooms. I was astounded that it was nice and clear out today. A great day for quidditch no doubt. I threw on my quidditch robes before walking over to Zagan.

"Hoping to play some?" I asked.

"Nope, you guys do just fine on your own. I just enjoy practice," He responded.

I raised an eyebrow at that. I was shocked that he wouldn't want to play. Afterall, he was pretty good.

Wood gathered us around for a short pep-talk before we took the field. I shot a look into the stands. Leo was waving from behind a giant flag that waved in invisible wind. I smiled at that, then turned back to the game as we all mounted our brooms.

From the first kick-off, I felt in the zone. I loved the sky obviously, and it was nice to have a reason to be there. I dodged a bludger and caught a pass from Katie Bell before shooting and scoring.

The Ravenclaw Keeper grumbled as he picked up the ball and threw it to one of his other players. The game continued like this. I had scored fifty of the eighty points on the board when finally Harry caught the snitch.

Our entire team surrounded him. We had won. We were one step closer to the quidditch cup now.

Leo and Piper raced from the stands and hugged me. "Thank the gods. Now you just have to beat Slytherin," Leo said, jumping up and down. Piper kissed me on the cheek before running off to find Tristan.

The rest of the Gryffindors headed to the common room to party. I spotted Harry in the crowd and joined his side. "Nice flying today. Think I could have a go on the Firebolt soon."

"I mean maybe. It's still my broom though." Harry punched my shoulder playfully.

"Sure. I'll get one of my own when I convince Piper to let me get one," I humphed.

"Why would you need Piper's permission? It's your family's money after all."

I thought for a second before responding, "She's just a little piece of my impulse control. She makes sure I don't use up all of my fathers money and make him shoot me with lightning."

Harry looked like that bothered him but moved on to talk to Ron. I left him and went over to Nico who was standing in the corner. "Not into the party much?" I asked.

He glared at me before sighing, "Congrats on the win. I know it's important, but there are other things at play, and I have a bad feeling."

I raised an eyebrow at that. Usually I would get a bad feeling too, but I didn't have one. I told him to stop worrying and enjoy the party. He ignored me and headed to bed early.

The next group I went to was Hermione and Harry. Hermoine looked near tears as she stalked off though. I tried to think of anything I had done to annoy her, but Bianca placed a hand on both of our shoulders. "I think you should both tell Ron that he needs to work on his attitude. He's about to lose the only reason he's passing school."

With that, she followed after Hermione. I had decided that I'd had enough of partying for one night and headed up to bed. What Nico had said stuck with me, and I found myself slipping my coin into my hand before falling asleep.

My dream definitely made me think I was going insane. Only insane people dreamed about being a rat that was running around the castle. Right before the climax of me almost being eaten by a cat, I heard something shift in my consciousness.

I sat bolt upright in my bed with my sword in hand. I didn't care what anyone had to say. I first shot a glance at Harry's bed, but the noise wasn't coming from there. My eyes shifted to Ron's bed and what I saw terrified me.

Someone skinny and awfully sick looking was standing over Ron's bed with a knife. Ron screamed and the man ran. I never caught sight of his face, but Nico who was in the bed closest to Ron's looked like he might chase after the guy with his stygian iron sword.

As I glanced around the room, I noticed that Leo had out a hammer, and Zagan had out a knife. That definitely wasn't suspicious at all. When Dean asked us why we had them, we all said, "It's just an American thing." and put away our weapons.

Everyone else headed downstairs except for us demigods. "That was Sirius Black," Nico said.

"Why was he after Ron?" Leo asked.

"Hostage?" I suggested.

"Let's hope not," Zagan said, "We should head downstairs. We seem suspicious still being up here."

We all headed down the steps and had just entered the common room when Professor McGonagall burst in. "I am delighted that Gryffindor won the match, but this is getting ridiculous! Percy, I expected better of you!"

All of us demigods snorted at the mention of Percy doing the right thing, but it obviously wasn't the time nor the right person.

Professor McGonagall shot us all a glare before almost leaving. Percy explained himself, and we found out that indeed, Sirius Black had gotten back into the castle. McGonagall left in search of him, but he wasn't found. It was definitely safe to say that no one in Gryffindor tower got any more sleep that night.

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