Chapter 2: Victoria

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This summer hadn't been horrible. Well, at least the Dursley's hadn't tried anything stupid recently. They were so mad at Harry for the beginning of the summer, they simply forgot that they liked being mean to me too.

Sure I still cooked for them and cleaned often, but that was the least of my worries.

Near the beginning of the summer, The Dursley's decided I was too big for the cupboard, and it was easier to lock our stuff in there. I had moved into the guest bedroom which was okay by me. Less spiders was always a plus.

I had snuck all my school books upstairs to do homework. So far, I had only finished Potions. At the moment I was working on History of Magic and trying not to fall asleep.

That was getting harder and harder though. For some reason I couldn't place, I was constantly tired. That and I was more clumsy than I had ever been which was not a good thing. It was currently some time at night either the day before or the day of Harry's birthday. Time wasn't exactly easy around here.

I cast a glance around my room as I tried to refocus on the task at hand. I had work to do after all. That slipped my mind though as I spotted the only picture I had in my room. It was in a frame on the desk. It was an image of all of us demigods in London at the beginning of this summer. That had been so much fun.

I smiled weakly at it before starting to roll up my essay. I'd finish it tomorrow, or the next day, or the next, or never. Yeah, that sounded about right. I was more likely to write this on the Hogwarts express on the way to school than I was at the Dursleys.

I looked over at my clock and sighed. One o'clock. Not bad for me, but not good either. I would be a mess in the morning. I yawned and stretched out like a cat before leaning back against my chair.

I was about to make my way to my bed after shoving all my stuff into my book bag in my desk when I spotted an owl flying for my window. I opened the window just in time for Pip to fly through the window.

He landed softly on my shoulder and held out his leg. I smiled and gently removed the letters from his foot. Then I pulled out a bird cage I had bought in London and set it out on my dresser. Pip flew into it, and I summoned a little water into it.

I stumbled back, and Pip squealed at me. I just shot him a quick smile before sitting down to read my mail. I started with my mom's letter which happened to be on top.

Dear Victoria,

Dear, we wish you would write. I'd love to hear from you soon, but I understand that might not be the easiest thing. Summers going pretty good for us. We've been training quite a lot since the Weasley's just left on vacation.

Did you hear about them winning the lottery? Hecate said it was rigged, but I'm just happy for them. Ron will be getting a new wand which'll be good for him. Maybe this year he won't blow up everything in sight.

Love you, and write soon,


I smiled at that and folded the letter back up placing it to the side. It was good that the Weasley's had won some money. I understood why they didn't like handouts, but they definitely deserved the money. I opened my dad's letter next.

Dear Vicky,

It's been a while. I might be taller than you this year. Just might. We'll have to check when I see you again. Which reminds me, all of us are going to Diagon Alley the week before school starts. We were hoping to catch you there.

Enough of that though. How are you doing? The muggles better not be treating you bad. Just send me a letter if they do. I'll come beat them to a pulp. Anyways, your mom says I shouldn't make this too long, so I love you and hope to see you soon.

With love,


I smiled and pulled out the next letter.


Look, I wasn't going to send you any of that cheesy crap. Write me back, like now. I am not afraid to shadow travel over there and take you away. Give me updates. I miss you, and you had better be in London at the same time as us.

Love your favorite,


I snorted as I looked at the rest of the blank room on the parchment she had used. She had wasted that much parchment just to tell me to write to her. I set her letter aside and picked up the second to last one.

Vicky, I love you so so much, and you know that but sending a letter to your boyfriend and not me is not nice. We shared a womb and a room for most of our lives, don't throw that away for Zagan. I expect a lengthy apology and tea.

Anywho, how are you doing? Zagan's been quiet, so I assume that the people that are playing your Aunt and Uncle aren't being all that nasty. Then again, maybe you wouldn't write that in a letter.

Either way, send me a letter or I'll set Bianca on you. She's been grumbling about not being able to see or hear from you and has it dead set that if you don't send her a letter in the next three days you're dead or dying.


Your built in best friend. (Owen)

The final letter was by far the thickest.

Hey V. Look, I didn't want to be the one to write this. I was hoping that any letter I sent you this year would be happy, but the fates obviously had other plans. First I'll ask, how are you really? None of the crap you'll tell your parents or your brother or even Bianca. Has anything bad happened? I know in your last letter you said they moved you out of the spider infested area but have they done that only to be meaner to you?

Also, how have you been feeling? Hecate says that you're going to rego through everything that happened when you were thirteen just without the poison. What are we looking at right now? Scale from 1-10. You know how to answer that.

Even if your next letter is just a number, please send one. I miss you so, so, so much. I hope to spend as much of this year with you. Maybe we can introduce ourselves as a couple this year. That sounds pretty decent. I might actually get the chance to ask you out. If I can get the courage.

I love you,


With that last letter, I placed all of them into a desk drawer with a small smile. I didn't like the news that Zagan's included, but at least it explained the klutziness and tiredness. Speaking of tiredness, I dropped down onto my bed thinking about falling asleep. Before I could though, Pip squeaked once more. I glanced between him, and the desk to notice one more letter. It was obviously my Hogwarts letter.

I read it and then set it aside. I didn't want to go to Hogsmeade. At least, not this year. I didn't think I would be able to handle walking around through a village on a weekend. Not with what Zagan had written. Plus, no way the Dursleys would ever sign.

I looked over at the clock one more time and grumbled, "Two-thirty, I should have been asleep hours ago," Before closing my eyes and trying to get a little sleep.

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