Chapter 26: Owen

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News of the lake lifting incident spread like wildfire through the Charms classroom. I wasn't surprised that she had lost it on Draco, but I wondered how much trouble she was in.

I would find out soon enough as Zagan, Bianca, and I made our way up to Divination. We climbed up into the room and spotted a bright red Victoria sitting at our usual table. "How much trouble did you get in for setting the lake on Draco?" Bianca asked as she sat down.

Victoria blushed and tried to shoot Bianca a glare that wouldn't have scared a kitten. "Detention for a month. Sprouts idea. McGonagall almost had me suspended which I don't understand. How do they suspend you from a school you live at. Expelled I can handle. Suspend? I don't even know."

"Yeah well, try not to lift anymore lakes," I said.

She rolled her eyes at me and turned to Zagan. "You have a comment too?"

Zagan shrugged and sat down. I smirked at him. "To lost in love to say anything Zhang."

This caused both of them to blush.

For the first time I noticed the crystal balls around us. I was pretty sure we weren't supposed to start these yet, but I wasn't complaining. Every time she looked at one of us Demigods palms, she would give a whole speech about how we were going to die. She did the same to Harry which made the class more and more monotonous.

In my opinion, this was the stupidest form of magic. Honestly I found myself close to quitting every single time I walked in here. Even the jokes our table made weren't enough to keep me going in these classes anymore.

Trelawny came in talking nonsense as usual, and I found myself zoning out. When the others began to work, I stared glumly at the crystal ball in front of me.

The next fifteen minutes passed in total silence until Harry, Ron, and Hermione started talking. I turned to the others in my group. "Can you see anything?"

"I see water, and water, and more water. Also me scrubbing the glass in the herbology wing all night," Victoria said, a little venom in her voice.

Hermione soon stalked out, and Trelawny came over to our table. "Let's see your luck, Miss. Potter."

"Ten dracma it's the grim," Victoria mouthed to me.

"I-i, dear, I'm terribly sorry. It's, it's the grim."

Victoria snorted, and I handed over the ten dracma before standing. "Maybe I'll join Hermione. After all, you haven't seen that in your tea leaves." With that I walked out of a class for the first time. I wondered what my grandmother would think, but I didn't have time to wonder as I stalked out of the classroom, feeling a weight lift off my shoulders.

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