Chapter 20: Zagan

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The day before Christmas, Victoria was released from the hospital wing. I watched as she got out of bed, still rather shaky, but not as pale and coughing much much less. I smiled and waved good night to her as I headed back to the common room.

"She's officially out," I said as I entered the common room to the others with books spread around them all about hippogriff trials. I had tried to help, especially after Victoria asked me too, but I couldn't spend my entire day up here researching when I knew she was downstairs sick. I couldn't help but blame myself.

"Yay, she'll be at the feast for Christmas than," Bianca said, smiling over at me. I sat down next to her and read through one pointless book before heading to bed.

The next morning when I woke up, I found a bunch of presents at the foot of my bed. I opened my Weasley sweater first which turned out to be gold. Was it eye color this year? It looked like it as the others pulled out their sweaters that were all their eye colors too.

Along with that came the casual demigod gift box with the card. I smiled at the two hands that created one heart. Inside was the most basic drawing of a ghost scaring a person. I would have laughed, except that would have drawn attention to my card and that wouldn't have ended well.

The second to last present was from my parents. It was just a book, but it seemed interesting.

The last present was by far my favorite. Victoria had set up a box with a few items from Zonkos and a bunch of muggle chocolate.

"I don't believe it," Harry said. I turned to see that he had just opened up a brand new Firebolt.

"Man, that's the newest model!" Jason cried, jumping across his bed and racing toward Harry's broom. I joined him along with Leo leaving Nico the only one in the room not looking.

Hermione and Bianca joined soon after. Hermione definitely wasn't as impressed by the firebolt as the rest of us. She seemed very apprehensive when Harry said he didn't know who it was from. I kind of agreed, but I wouldn't take this away from Harry.

We all headed down to the feast. Instead of all the tables, there was just one large round table. I spotted Victoria and took the seat to her left. "Merry Christmas and thank you," I said.

"Merry Christmas to you too," she said, pulling out a sour patch kid from her pocket and popping it into her mouth with a smile. "They're great to clear the senses."

I laughed a little as I piled food onto my plate. We all talked and ate until dinner was over. I waved goodbye to Victoria as we all headed back to the common room.

The worst part of the day by far was when McGonagall came and confiscated Harry's broom. Part of me thought that it was stupid, but the other part of me felt like it was necessary. After all, Harry was being hunted by a mass murderer. Any type of precaution taken was important, no matter how unfair it felt.

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