Chapter 12: Victoria

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I was honestly pumped for Professor Lupin's first Defence Against the Dark Arts class. He seemed to be our first competent teacher for the class, and he also seemed like a decent person. What more could I ask for?

He wasn't in class when I had gotten there, but that didn't bother me. Punctuality wasn't the mark of a good person. I should know. I was usually late to things.

My dad and I took seats near the back of the classroom and pulled out our books. The Gryffindor's walked in a few minutes later and found their seats. Zagan and Bianca took seats in front of us looking just as excited as I felt.

"I wonder if we'll actually learn spells this year?" Bianca said, turning around to face us.

"I sure hope so," I responded.

Lupin didn't disappoint. His first demonstration to the class was disbanding of Peeves which got him most of our respects. We continued all the way to the staff room where Snape sat resting. I had heard all about the recent potions class with the man, and it was obvious that Snape was not happy to see the Gryffindor's again.

"Leave it open, Lupin. I'd rather not witness this." Snape got to his feet and strode past the class, his black robes billowing behind him. At the doorway he turned on his heel and said, "Possibly no one's warned you, Lupin, but this class contains Neville Longbottom. I would advise you not to entrust him with anything difficult. Not unless Miss Granger is hissing instructions in his ear."

Both Neville and Hermione blushed as Lupin said that he was going to be using Neville in his demonstration. Neville, if possible, turned even more red as Snape exited the room.

Apparently, Lupin had found a Boggart for us to face today. The second he mentioned it turning into our worst fears, I frowned. I had plenty of fears. Plenty. The question was which one would it show.

I was too busy worried about that that I missed Neville's triumph over the Snape boggart. As more and more people went my heart started racing. I prayed that I wouldn't have to face the thing. The relief and healthiness I had felt not an hour ago was slowly ebbing away into weakness and worry.

Ron was up when I finally looked up. I didn't like the sight I saw. A giant spider with no legs. It was almost scarier that way. "Victoria, you're up."

I gulped and almost called out that I didn't think I should, but I was the only Hufflepuff he had called on. I had to go.

I moved almost lethargically in front of the boggart. There was a crack and time slowed. In front of me was definitely the thing I feared seeing the most. There stood the monster of my nightmares. Large and purple, with veins of the underworlds waters. His armour was enough to make someone step back and take notice along with his height. I wanted nothing more than to get away from the thing.

Almost worse than Tartarus himself was the scene at his feet. One giant foot had been raised over the lifeless body of, of, Zagan. My brain couldn't even process what was happening. My breathing became irregular, and I knew there was no way my voice was about to work.

I felt an arm on my shoulder that pulled me away. I heard him calling for Dean to go next and leading me out of the staffroom.

The arm was gone soon, and I stood, sobbing as flashes of the pit zoomed through my mind. I couldn't see anything and squeezed my eyes shut. I heard the ruckus of students passing by before strong hands landed on my shoulders. "Victoria, focus."

I tried and failed to pull myself out of my thoughts. I knew whoever was near me definitely didn't know what the thing that scared me was. It was probably Harry or someone.

My vision cleared a few minutes later, and I scurried away from the Professor above me. "Sorry," He said quickly, holding both of his hands up.

I caught my breath and nodded. I hoped he took that as I was okay which I obviously wasn't. I tried to stand and stumbled a little before leaning heavily against the wall. "Where would you like to go? Also ten points to Hufflepuff. Facing your fear can sometimes be just as hard as defeating it."

I didn't even focus on the points he had just given me for no bloody reason. Instead my eye had shifted to the tiny little toad in the corner. I would have snorted if I didn't feel like I would pass out any second. "Just..Just give me a second. I'll be fine. Thanks."

Lupin didn't seem to believe me, but he left cautiously.

The toad in the corner shifted and crushed me in a hug. "V, I'm so sorry. I should have jumped in front, pulled you aside, something. Just, just seeing that again, well. I froze."

I nodded, burying my head in his neck. He rubbed my back soothingly. "Do you want me to carry you back to your common room?"

I nodded, and he picked me up. Everyone else was at dinner, so the hallways were empty.

We reached the common room, and Zagan was about to drop me off when I showed him how to get in and let us inside. "I shouldn't be here," He muttered.

"You can leave after you drop me on the couch. I don't think my legs would have carried me," I choked out. Zagan nodded and kissed my forehead before leaving. I sighed as I watched him go, feeling even sadder that we weren't in the same house. I would love to just get to cuddle with him for a while.

I stayed curled up on the couch till my dad walked in and asked, "How did you know what he looked like?"

"You and mom were pretty good at describing him. I've always kind of been scared of the idea of him ever since," I lied. I didn't want to break it to him that I had walked through the pit yet. I didn't think he had noticed the complete brokeness in my eyes, and I didn't want him to yet. I was just as much his little girl here as I was at home, and I felt that saying that would just break him even more.

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