Chapter 15: Zagan

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Hogsmeade was amazing. Eating so much candy was literally a dream come true, and butterbeer was almost as good as nectar. Of course, it would have been more fun if Victoria had been there, but she needed to rest while she could.

All of us got back to the common room right before the feast and dropped all our goodies off in a heap near Harry. Harry looked kind of bummed about not getting to go to Hogsmeade with us, but it was for the best for him too.

Apparently he hadn't had all that boring of a day here. He told us all about his meeting with Professor Lupin, and how Snape had given him some potion. "I wouldn't have drank it, no matter if it saved my life or not," Leo said as we all headed down to the feast.

As usual, the feast was amazing. The ghosts served as entertainment, and I noticed both Nico and Bianca ducking their heads away from the ghosts sight.

By the end of the feast, I was ready to hit the hay. After a long day like today, any demigod would be able to sleep for hours. Well, most demigods.

Leo was imitating one of the ghosts skits when we reached a traffic jam. "What's going on?" Bianca asked, standing on tip toes to try and see over everyone's heads.

Percy Weasley pushed through the crowd, standing tall and important. I would have rolled my eyes if I wasn't so focused on why we weren't going into the common room. "Somebody get Professor Dumbledore. Quick." Percy cried.

I froze and watched in silence as Dumbledore walked forward followed by a few of the Professors. I never got a good look at the portrait door, but when Peeves said it was Sirius Black, my breath hitched. Victoria. She was still in the building and very much oblivious to what was going on.

Bianca placed a hand on my shoulder and helped steer me to the Great Hall where Dumbledore had led us.

Luckily, a few minutes after our arrival, the other houses arrived. I rushed over to Victoria and wrapped my arms around her waist. She shifted a little so no one could tell that we were hugging. "What's going on?" She hissed.

"The teachers and I need to conduct a thorough search of the castle," Professor Dumbledore told them as Professors McGonagall and Flitwick closed all doors into the hall. "I'm afraid that, for your own safety, you will have to spend the night here. I want the prefects to stand guard over the entrances to the hall and I am leaving the Head Boy and Girl in charge. Any disturbance should be reported to me immediately," he added to Percy Weasley, who was looking immensely proud and important. "Send word with one of the ghosts."

Dumbledore clapped his hands together and purple sleeping bags appeared. All of us legacies claimed one each and moved off to a corner. The other demigods took spots nearer to Harry, Ron, and Hermione.

"Guys, I need to tell you something," Victoria said.

"It may need to wait. Black's in the castle meaning that you need to stay out of trouble," I said.

"Trouble, me," She scoffed, playfully pushing my shoulder, "Never. Look, Lupin's a werewolf."

"It's a full moon today, he can't be," Owen argued.

Victoria looked him in the eye, "I started my research on the werewolf potion that stops you from transforming. Snape made me switch topics, and Lupin drank that exact potion. He has to be one."

"Why hasn't he attacked us yet?" Derrick asked.

"Wizard werewolves are just slightly different from our type of werewolves. I have a feeling that he can't smell us, and if he can, he doesn't understand what he's smelling," I said.

Victoria nodded. Percy Weasley told us it was lights out, and we all pretended to head to sleep. "I'll take watch, go to sleep, V. You look like you need it," I muttered in her ear before wrapping my arms around her in her sleeping bag. I kissed just behind her ear and she shivered a little.

"I don't want to sleep," She mumbled drowsily.

I hummed in her ear and within minutes she was out cold. "How do you do that?" Bianca mouthed to me.

I just gave her a look that said, I don't know. I would have shrugged or something, but I didn't want to wake the tired bean in front of me. It was nice to see her looking so peaceful and anyone who woke her up was a whole other kind of evil.

"No PDA Miss. Potter, Mr. Zhang," Percy W. said as he hurried over to us. I was surprised the entire school didn't hear.

Victoria jolted awake, and I had to refrain from glaring at Percy as he walked away. Bianca shifted so that she was covering us up.

"Go back to sleep, V. Don't worry about idiots like him," I said, trying the same thing as before, but she was wide awake.

"Eh, I'll be fine."

I raised an eyebrow at her as she rolled over and buried her head in my chest. I hummed as I felt her breathing even out. She was asleep again no matter how much she was fighting it.

The night went on, and I found myself dozing off too. Sure, there might have been important things said, but I was dead tired, and it was hard to not fall asleep when the one person who helped you sleep without nightmares was wrapped up in your arms.

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