Chapter 33: Bianca

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I had been helping my dad in the infirmary while my other dad tried to convince him to go to bed. "It's going to be a long day tomorrow. No ones even here," Nico said.

"They might be. When was the last time you heard from Harry and them," Will continued. They had been arguing like this for the past hour. I was about to just leave them be when the doors to the hospital wing swung open.

I peaked out of Madam Pomphrey's office and didn't like the sight I saw. "Shoot," I grumbled, running out of the office and to the side of my best friend. Jason, Leo, Zagan, Percy, Annabeth, Hermione, and Owen were all walking perfectly fine beside three stretures.

"What happened?" I asked Zagan as Snape set down the three stretures.

"That is none of your business, girl. Go to bed, all of you," Snape growled.

"Not until I've checked them all," Madam Pomphrey cried, rushing out of her office.

Zagan took a seat next to Victoria's bed, and I sat down beside him. "We ran into Black, but he's innocent. A guy named Peter Pettigrew framed him. We couldn't get Pettigrew here though, so Black is still to blame. Lupin changed into a werewolf because it's just that time of the month. Black saved us from him killing us, but he got overrun by dementors. Harry and Victoria ran after him, but both almost died."

I could see that much. Victoria was motionless on the bed in front of us. Percy and Annabeth walked over and took seats, both looking slightly disgruntled.

We all sat in silence for a few minutes as Madam Pomphrey and my dad took care of Ron. I noticed that both Hermione and Harry had woken up. I looked to see if Victoria would, but she never did.

Dumbledore came in and gave some vague instructions. All of us looked at each other, but only Hermione seemed to understand what was going on. "Harry, we've got to go," She said. Then they disappeared only to reappear at the door again.

"What the heck?" My dad said, looking shocked between the two of them.

"If you're not injured, get out," Madam Pomphrey called out.

Jason, Leo, Percy, Annabeth, Hermione, both my dads, Owen, Zagan, and I all left the hospital wing.

"I hope she wakes up soon," Zagan said.

"What about Black?" Annabeth asked.

"Isn't it obvious?" Owen said. I turned to him with a raised eyebrow.

"No, please explain."

"Harry and I went back in time," Hermione said. We were safely down the corridor and far away from the screaming voices in the hospital wing. "We were able to save Buckbeak and send Sirius off with him. I would have brought a few of y'all, but I thought the less of us there were, the better."

We all nodded and parted ways. I sat down on my bunk back in the dormitory when Hermione turned to me. "I should drop a class. I can't do this again, and I don't want to be tempted by this time-turner anymore."

"Drop Muggle Studies. It seems like a boring class anyways," I recommended.

"Your right. I live with muggles anyways. And hey, I'm sorry. I should have offered you the chance to help.

"Don't worry about it. You were right. Any more of us, and the operation would have failed. Plus, most of us our impulsive. We would have gotten ourselves spotted."

Hermione chuckled at that before leaning back in her bed and passing out. I soon joined her in dream land.

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