Chapter 16: Victoria

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Over the course of the next few days, the only relevant topic at Hogwarts was Sirius Black. My friends and family had started taking shifts of walking with me. I was never allowed to walk around alone.

That wasn't all Black's fault, but I liked to think that it was. I knew though that my health was getting worse. My grades slipped a little just because I would forget to do something, or would only half do it when I could keep my eyes open. That wasn't even the worst of it. I was starting to feel nauseous more which sure was annoying when you were trying to get things done.

On top of them trying to walk me around, teachers had started doing it too. None were worse than Professor Lupin who would constantly come up and try and walk with me. Once I told him to go find Harry and leave me alone as I was walking with Piper. He looked very hurt as he walked off. "That was kind of rude you know," Piper said.

"I hate it when people escort me places. Makes me feel weak and trapped," I grumbled though in the back of my head I felt bad. I really did like Lupin, he just happened to have gotten on my nerves on the wrong day.

That seemed to be everyone's idea of a fun game that day because Professor McGonagall called Harry and I to the front of her class once everyone had left. Bianca had muttered something about waiting for me outside, and I almost snapped at her that she might be waiting an eternity.

"There's no point hiding it from either you any longer," she said in a very serious voice. "I know this will come as a shock to you, but Sirius Black --"

"I know he's after me," Harry said wearily. "I heard Ron's dad telling his mum. Mr. Weasley works for the Ministry of Magic."

"It wasn't that hard to tell, but if you'll excuse it, I don't really like being followed around. I can handle myself." I snapped.

"Seeing as Black is a mass murderer, and you are merely a third year student, I would say you could take the help," Professor McGonagall said, obviously trying to keep her cool.

"Keep your help, I don't want it." I turned and stalked off, not caring if I had just ruined my reputation with her. She actually liked me, and I probably just ruined that.

I swept past Bianca and down to dinner without even looking her in the eye. I was sick of this. Why did Black have to come the one year where I looked and felt like a weak small fragile child. Ugh...

The weather outside began to perfectly display my mood. My friends tried to keep me away from outside. The first time I had been poisoned, water had energized me while I was in it, but the second I stopped being in it my body was left even more drained than I had been before. Because of this, I was banned from any kind of water powers or getting wet.

Lupin seemed to be getting more distant, and I truly felt bad for snapping at him the other day. I should have controlled my temper, but I wasn't in the right mind to apologize to anyone, explaining why I hadn't gone and tried to apologize yet.

I decided I would try and talk to him after class on Thursday and made sure to show up a little early. Of course I wasn't paying any attention to the moon positions because when I walked into class, Snape was sitting at the front.

He shot me a glare, "Miss. Potter, do you have no manners, go line up outside."

I didn't argue even though I really wanted to. I walked out and spotted Hazel walking up to me. "Here to yell at me for leaving you guys?" I asked, looking down at the floor and leaning against the wall.

"No. Are you okay?" She asked.

"Yeah, or at least, I will be. Snape's teaching today."

Hazel nodded and left me be when Frank and Will walked over. I noticed so much of Zagan in her it was scary. She was so good at reading me and knowing exactly what I needed. I smiled softly before Snape finally let us in the classroom.

I noticed as we all sat down that both Zagan and Harry were missing. That was odd, but Snape started talking, and I turned my attention to him.

Ten minutes later both Harry and Zagan burst into the classroom. Snape threw a fit pretty much, and they both sat down. Today we did werewolves even though we were no where near there in the curriculum. I didn't mind though. Other than the fact that Snape taught the class, I didn't see a problem with it. I liked the idea of knowing more about werewolves anyways.

Class ended with a new essay being due and a lot of other mess. "Hey, Zagan, wait up," I called as he walked away. "Why were you late?" I asked, panting a little from the short jog down the steps.

"Oh, Wood keeps trying to tell us how to win the quidditch match. He's worried about Cedric."

I chuckled a little at that but felt a stab of guilt. "I'm sorry I won't be there," I muttered, looking down at my feet.

"Hey, hey, don't worry about it, V. Your health has always been the most important thing. There will be more games I promise. I'm not even playing this game most likely." Zagan tried to make me feel better, but it didn't work.

"Good luck," I said before walking away. I didn't miss the look of confusion and worry that crossed his face and that almost made me feel bad for leaving. Almost.

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