Chapter 28: Zagan

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Exams week came quicker than I had thought. We spent most of our time up in the common rooms studying or out on the grounds. This was by far the worst week at Hogwarts.

Our first test was in Transfiguration which was by far the easiest test. Everyone else came out of the classroom extremely worried, but I walked along side Bianca and tried not to sound like I was bragging when I said that it had been quite easy.

"You had private lessons with the Professor on information way past our years, no wonder you thought it was easy," Bianca cut me off.

I blushed, but couldn't disagree as we sat down to eat before charms. Charms wasn't terrible. Hermione had guessed right that the cheering charms would be on the test. Mine wasn't terribly powerful, but Bianca's left me grinning for the next two hours.

The next morning we had Care of the Magical Creatures. "I love this class," Victoria muttered to me in the middle of trying to take care of our flobberworms, "But this test is a joke."

She wasn't wrong. Flobberworms weren't hard to take care of, and if left to their own devises, would survive the whole hour. Hagrid came over to us and told us about the appeal and how he was just trying to keep Buckbeak happy.

Right before the exam ended, I spotted Victoria and Percy near the entrance to Hagrids house and knew they were communicating with Buckbeak. I was worried. I didn't want to know what would happen when Buckbeak lost. I know it wasn't the best way to think, but there was no way Hagrid was winning his appeal. Malfoy was heading the case after all. No one would choose Hagrid over wealth. No one.

Potions was the worst exam of the week. Even with all the information Victoria had tried to cram into my head, the potion wasn't even the right color.

Astronomy was at midnight and was honestly quite fun. Seeing the stars was always nice, and it was never hard to find what the professor wanted us too.

Wednesday brought both History of Magic and Herbology which were both mundane compared to the rest except for the fact that anyone in Herbology left the greenhouses with either a nice tan or a horrible sunburn.

Our second to last exam was Defence Against the Dark Arts. Lupin went highly unconventional with his test. It was more of an obstacle course which was great for us demigods, especially those of us with ADHD who were dying to do something that wasn't sit and take tests.

Leo was the first of us to go, he made it through the grindylow with great difficulty, but aced the rest of the test.

Then came Jason and Piper who both flew through like it was the easiest thing they had ever done. Percy and Annabeth both did great, but it was obvious that their boggarts hadn't been anything pleasant.

My parents went a few people after them. My dad got confused by the hinkypunks. My mom did fine except for facing the boggart. She came out screaming and sprinted straight to my dad.

Nico and Will did pretty good which left us legacies to go. Derrick did well except the grindylow, much like his dad. Owen went next and received the second set of full marks after Harry.

Tristan's score equalled his mother and fathers. He wasn't the best, but he got passed everything. Bianca almost tripped over the redcaps which made Victoria and I stifle laughter while we waited for our turn.

"Victoria, I understand if you don't want to face your boggart again," Lupin called as he told her she was up.

Victoria looked him in the eye with a spark of defiance before going through the grindylow with ease. She hopped across the potholes with the redcaps and ignored the directions from the hinkypunk. She disappeared for a few seconds with the boggart before coming up and giving a curt nod to Lupin who was gaping at her. "Full marks, Potter."

She shot him a fake smile before walking over to Owen. It was finally my turn. I couldn't say I did as well as she did. I passed the grindylow with a small struggle. I fell into one of the potholes with the redcap but got out quick enough to continue. The hinkypunk was easier said than done, but I did make it through. The final thing was the boggart. Before it got the chance to choose a form, I shouted, "Riddikulus!" and the thing disappeared.

I climbed out and stood off to the side with Bianca as the rest of the class finished. There was only one more exam to go, and I was ready. Then this day would be over and so would my third year at Hogwarts.

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