Chapter 34: Victoria

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When I woke up, I had a pounding headache. Will was standing over me with a smile. "At least you aren't dead."

I blinked a few times before trying to say something, but I didn't have a voice. "Oh, yeah, nectar." Will pressed a straw to my lips, and I drank the liquid cookies.

"Thanks," I said, feeling better already. "Where is everyone else?"

"Most of them are by the lake, but you may want to catch Professor Lupin. He passed a few minutes ago for a carriage."

It clicked in my mind that Lupin had resigned. I couldn't believe it. I jumped out of the bed and sprinted out of the castle. I caught sight of Lupin's carriage and stopped the horses. I jumped inside and pulled him into a hug. "You were just going to leave without saying goodbye?" I said, trying to push back the tears that were forming in my eyes.

"I'm sorry. I thought you were still passed out. I know I offered you a place, but I'm dangerous..."

I stopped him. "No, you're not dangerous, but I can't leave Harry. Sirius is safe right. So is Buckbeak, I can feel it."

Lupin smiled at me. "You were always smarter than you let on. We will meet again, I promise."

I nodded and hugged him one last time before letting him ride off. I made my way to the lake and sat down next to my dad. "It's been quite the day hasn't it," I said.

My dad jumped about seven feet in the air before crushing me in a hug. "Gods, don't scare me like that. How long have you been up?"

"Maybe thirty minutes. I had some people to say goodbye to first."

My dad nodded. We spent the next few hours just chilling before heading back to our common rooms.

The last few days at Hogwarts were great. I knew that Harry was in turmoil because of Black and going back to the Dursleys, and Pettigrew coming back, but I couldn't let that get me down.

On the day we all rode back to Kings Cross, I took my normal compartment with all the legacies. I was leaned against Zagan with a sappy grin on my face as we all played the Bertie Botts Every Flavor Bean game we had played most years.

Derrick won out as always, but we all just laughed it off. "You have to come over this summer," Owen said, "Theres this thing called the quidditch world cup happening, and you and Harry can't miss it."

"I'll try," I said, knowing I had no control over the Dursleys.

"Oh no, I will shadow travel you out of that hell hole if I have to," Bianca said, smirking at me. Derrick wrapped an arm around her to calm her down a little.

"You and Zagan need to come out as in a relationship soon," Tristan said, switching topics. "You were going to this year after all before all the Black mess."

"Well if Zagan would get up the courage to ask me out, I'm sure I'd say yes." I winked at Tristan before kissing Zagan on the cheek. He was blushing deep red and fiddling with the bead on his necklace.

Right before the train made it to the station, Pip flew into the window. Owen opened up the window and helped the owl in. Zagan took the owl and began to pet it as I read the letter.

Dear Victoria,

I'm terribly sorry for my quick leave this year. I never got to say, but if you ever need anything, send a letter. Your owl is incredibly smart and will find me. I'd like to congratulate you on second in your year,

"I'm still sore about that," Bianca said.

"It wasn't even you," I retorted.

"I'm the one who lost money," Bianca snapped back.

I rolled my eyes and continued reading.

Though I know that is not what you had been hoping for. Your scores in Defence Against the Dark Arts were extraordinary as were your scores in Potions. I'll be keeping an eye out for letters, but here's something to make up for my quick leave.


I smiled and pulled out the other piece of parchment. What I saw left me speechless.

"Guys," I muttered, "I'm going to Hogsmeade next year."

There were a few cheers as the train slid to a stop in the station. I met up with Harry and together, after saying goodbye to our friends one last time, we left with the Dursleys. With the threat of Sirius over their heads they may not be to terrible, but I wouldn't count my chicks before they hatched. After all, summer was never fun in the wizarding world. Not with the Dursleys around.

Book 4 will be up soon!

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