Chapter 6: Zagan

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The Weasley's decided to go to Diagon Alley on the last day possible. Pip didn't seem able to find Victoria which was worrying. I shook that off. She'd be at the Leaky Cauldron. According to Mr. Weasley the ministry was keeping an eye on them.

When we entered the Leaky Cauldron the first thing I did was drop my stuff off in the room I knew was hers. She wasn't in there, but I knew she wouldn't mind. Well at least, I hoped she wouldn't mind.

I went back downstairs and headed straight for the bar, begging the man to tell me where she was. He of course shrugged and said she had left for the bookstore a few hours before and hadn't returned.

I thanked him and ran to the outside of the bookstore that was just now opening. Victoria was outside and about to step inside when I hugged her from behind. "Z," She muttered.

"Yep," I said, breathing her in. She smiled at that. "Look at you, I've finally gotten taller." I smirked.

"Finally," She grumbled. I thought it was funny that she usually complained about being shorter than me and here she was happy about it.

I turned her around to see her face and frowned. "Since when did you get makeup?"

"What, do you not like it?" She asked, just enough worry in her voice to worry me. She usually didn't care about her image, or at least, she pretended to not care. Was this some insecurity that she hadn't told me about.

"No, no, just, do you like it?"

"No," She mumbled.

My heart sank a little at that. "Then don't wear it. You're beautiful either way."

She smiled at me before dragging me into the building. "I don't have any money," I chuckled.

"Doesn't matter. You can use mine." She shrugged, taking me around to pick up my books before going to the front desk. "I placed an order for eleven books in greek and four in latin."

"Ahh, yes, I can help there. Here they are. That is quite a lot of the same book."

Victoria shrugged at the manager and had me help her grab the books. Standing outside were the rest of the demigods. "Here, I got you all copies in the right language except those of you that speak english. The english versions like to actually attack you."

With that thought in mind, everyone thanked her for the books. She went to be reunited with her family and Bianca, and I walked over to my family. "You sure you two are just friends?" My dad asked, clapping me on the back.

"Positive," I lied.

"Sure, just you wait," My mom said, "There's definitely chemistry between the two of you."

I blushed at that before walking away. We all went to Gringotts and found out about the direct link bags. I wished we had had them before now, but I guessed now was better than never. From there everyone spread out. Victoria shopped with me all day until dinner where we all met up with the Weasley's.

Dinner was interesting. I spent most of the night in conversation with Owen as Victoria caught up with Bianca. Every now and then I would focus in on what the others were saying.

Soon we went up to our rooms. I waited a few hours in the room I was supposed to be sharing with Owen and Tristan before heading straight over to Victoria.

She had already changed into a hoodie I didn't recognize and a pair of athletic shorts. Her hair was a tangly mess that she was trying to brush out because it had been up in a ponytail all day.

"Here, let me help," I said, taking the brush gently from her hand and beginning to brush through her hair. She visibly relaxed the longer I did it. Finally I got up the courage to ask, "How are you, really?"

She gave out a long sigh before leaning back against me, "Like I haven't slept in three months."

"Have you slept in three months?" I asked.

"Somewhat. I can't seem to stay asleep for longer than an hour or two though. It's kind of annoying honestly."

"What's bothering you?" I leaned back against the headboard and let her head fall into my lap as she laid all the way back.

"Well, firstly, this Black guy is very suspicious."

"How so?" I wondered what she had going on. Mr. Weasley had talked about Black a few times, but nothing serious and definitely not around us all that often.

"Well, the minister of magic greeted Harry and I here, we weren't supposed to go anywhere they couldn't keep an eye on us. I think he's after us, but I don't understand why."

I shuddered at the idea of someone coming for her in the state she was about to be in. "Secondly, I'm tired and scared for the rest of the year. And lastly, I missed you."

I smiled at that and leaned down to kiss her forehead. "Well I can help with three of the four. On being scared, don't be. We'll be here for you every step of the way just as we were before. On being tired, how about we try and get some sleep. And on missing me, well here I am."

She chuckled a little at that. I moved us both so we were closer together, and I was actually laying down. "Goodnight, V."

"Goodnight, Z," She mumbled tiredly before yawning and snuggling up next to me. I smiled down at her before kissing her forehead once again and starting to drift off myself. I wasn't letting her out of my sight this year. Nope. I was going to be there for her just like I was last time because that's what she deserved, and I loved her.

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