Chapter 8: Owen

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The first morning at Hogwarts was interesting to say the least. As Mom, Derrick, and I headed to the Great Hall, we discussed what our new classes would be like. "Tell me all about Divination when you two get back." My mom was saying.

"We will if we don't die from how stupid the class will be," Derrick said, opening the doors to the Great Hall for us.

Inside I spotted Draco pretending to faint. I rolled my eyes at that and walked over to our table. My mom joined me and sighed, "Did you see her after the attack?" She asked.

"Yeah, and if I'm reading her face right right now, well, it hasn't gotten much better." Sure enough, when I looked over at the Hufflepuff table she looked completely dead. She was very pale and even from here I could see the bags under her eyes. She definitely hadn't slept all that much.

I turned my attention away from her and ate quickly. Professor Flitwick came around with our schedules, and when Derrick and I found out that we had Divination first we both rushed off to find the classroom.

Even with that long of a head start, we only barely made it to class on time. Zagan and Victoria were already inside. Derrick went to take a seat with his dad as I joined Zagan, Victoria, and Bianca. "How'd you beat us here?" I asked.

"Umm, I asked for directions," Victoria said like it was the easiest thing ever.

I rolled my eyes as Ron, Harry, and Hermione walked into the classroom, and the Professor came out of hiding. "Welcome," she said. "How nice to see you in the physical world at last."

I frowned at that but caught Victoria and Bianca snickering at the woman. I had never seen her around before. Maybe she was to busy doing stupid rituals to come into the world of the living. Or maybe, she just wasn't excepted by any of the other teachers.

"Sit, my children, sit. Welcome to Divination," Professor Trelawney said, as she sat herself down in an armchair. "My name is Professor Trelawney. You may not have seen me before. I find that descending too often into the hustle and bustle of the main school clouds my Inner Eye."

Victoria snorted which caused Professor Trelawney to shoot her a glare. Victoria merely rolled her eyes. I didn't know why, but I didn't think everything she was saying was stupid. Then I remembered that my sister liked to laugh off her problems. Maybe this was more serious to her than she was letting on.

"So you have chosen to study Divination, the most difficult of all magical arts. I must warn you at the outset that if you do not have the Sight, there is very little I will be able to teach you.. Books can take you only so far in this field...."

There were a few reactions to that. I eyed Victoria and knew the same thing was going through her head. This class wouldn't be nearly as easy as we had thought.

"Many witches and wizards, talented though they are in the area of loud bangs and smells and sudden disappearings, are yet unable to penetrate the veiled mysteries of the future,"

Trelawney continued, obviously trying to make the class believe that she truly could see into the future. I had no doubt that she had some gift at seeing, but she wasn't Rachel.

Our first lesson was reading tea leaves. We all drank scalding hot tea, and I partnered with Zagan as Victoria partnered with Bianca.

"Ahh," Zagan pretended to be looking very closely at my cup which had now been drained, "I see, I see an owl. Wisdom, makes since. And here I see, another owl. You must be very smart."

"Oh, he is, but if you turn it upside down," Victoria said, "It shows clouds. Deep down he's just an air head."

We all laughed as she read Bianca's cup. I read Zagan's and couldn't wait to see what would happen with Victoria's cup.

Bianca looked for a few seconds before saying, "A wave, like the ocean. You're calm sometimes, but can be very temperamental."

"Hey, this is supposed to be fun, not accurate," Zagan grumbled.

Professor Trelawney probably had guessed that we were just messing around because she walked over and took the cup from Bianca. The second the cup touched her hands she dropped it and stammered, "The, the,"

She turned away after sending Victoria a look like she might die. "Umm, I hope that means I passed," Victoria muttered to all of us.

Before any of us could respond, Professor Trelawney had a very similar reaction with Harry. "Two grims in one class. I think that we should call an end to class. Move along," Professor Trelawney retreated after saying that. A few kids looked around.

"What's a grim?" Victoria asked aloud. We all knew she was the second person the Professor had been talking about.

"The giant, spectral dog that haunts churchyards! My dear, it is an omen -- the worst omen -- of death!" Professor Trelawney called as if being summoned back by the thirst for the knowledge.

Victoria gulped, but then hid any thoughts about it, stalking out of the room. I was about to follow when Zagan rested and hand on my shoulder, "I've got Transfiguration with her next. I'll talk to her then. See you in Care of the Magical Creatures."

I nodded numbly as he left with the other Gryffindors. I was starting to think this Trelawney woman wasn't a seer. After all, Victoria couldn't be dying soon, could she?

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