Chapter Three: Losing Patience

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My alarm blared, making me groan in annoyance. Ugh, shut up stupid alarm clock. I slammed my hand down on the alarm clock, silencing it. I let out a tired sigh as I sat up in my bed and rubbed my eyes sleepily. Another day of being surrounded by flirtatious, high school girls. At least there's Y/N who makes the classes go by quicker.

After about 15 minutes of just sitting there at the edge of my bed and staring at my closet, I managed to get myself to a standing position and began to get myself ready. As much as I would like to stay in bed all day, I can't. I took this position. Now, I need to act like a responsible adult and go to work to start my day. This week is going to be rough, but I have perseverance. I know I can make it through this week. I just hope that next week, the girls will back off because they were giving me a splitting headache yesterday.

Once I'm all dressed, I headed downstairs and made myself a coffee, along with some toast. I packed up my things before sitting down and eating my breakfast while looking at my phone. As I scrolled through my phone, it buzzed, signalling a new message had come in. I opened the message. It was from an unknown number.

It read:

{Hi Mr Jeon~, remember me from economics class right? I got your number from the office. My dad is the principal, so he let me have your phone number without asking any questions. I can't wait to text you more often. You'll text me back won't you~? ;)}

I let out an exasperated sigh. These girls!! They even have my number now. This is bad. Should I block the number? I gripped my coffee cup tightly. I'll just block her. Hopefully, she won't pass my number onto other girls in the class. I really don't want to be receiving flirty text messages from high school girls.

As I blocked this random girl's number, I received a new text message. I opened it up. My eyes widened and I almost spit out my coffee when I see the message. It was from a random number, but I knew who it was because they sent a picture. It was one of the girls from my music class. She sent me a picture of her in just her bra and underwear. Shit. These girls are going to get me fired.

I let out a huff of annoyance as I block her number as well and shut my phone off. This can't be happening to me, not on the second day. My thoughts go to what Y/N had said yesterday before she left. She said that I had a beautiful voice and that she was surprised that I decided to become a teacher instead of a singer. I should have said that she had a beautiful voice too because she did, but I was just taken aback by her compliment that I just ended up standing there, with my mouth hanging open like a fish out of the water. I'm a pretty lame excuse for a teacher. Maybe she was right. Maybe I should have become a singer. Maybe being a teacher isn't the right job for me.

I let out another sigh as I finished my breakfast before grabbing my things and heading out the door. I got into the car and drove off to the high school. I parked in the spot that I had parked yesterday and got out of the car. I walked towards the school.

"Good morning Mr Jeon~," a group of female students greeted me as they sent me flirtatious looks and winks. Taking a deep breath, I tried to hide my annoyance and simply flashed them a forced smile.

"Good morning girls," I greeted them back, forcing a smile as I walked past them. I could hear them whispering and giggling away. I rolled my eyes in irritation as I entered the school and walked down the hallway. I ignored every single flirtatious look from all the female students. I need to be stricter. Maybe they'll take me more seriously.

Opening up my classroom, I walked in and set my things down next to my desk. If being stricter is what it takes to get them to take me seriously then that's what I will do. My thoughts then go to Y/N. If I become stricter then it wouldn't be fair to her since she did nothing wrong and does respect and treat me like a teacher. I feel torn a bit. Will she hate me if I become stricter? Maybe she will. Maybe she won't. She's just one good student out of plenty of bad students. I can't just make an exception for her. It would look like I'm favoring her, even though I seemed to already have. Putting aside my doubts, I decided that I would be stricter from now on.

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