Chapter Fourteen: Strange Feelings

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I woke up early this morning. I couldn't sleep much as I kept thinking about last night after I walked Y/N home. It was such an eventful day yesterday. My art room was probably still completely destroyed. I doubt it had been repaired yesterday. Plus, all of the artwork in the art room was destroyed along with it. Her paintings and my paintings, two of which were paintings of her.

It was so hard seeing her crying so much and knowing that at the time when she really did need a hug, I couldn't hug her because we were still at school at the time, but at least I was able to give her a hug when I brought her home.

I still kept thinking about that. Her hug, her embrace, her warmth, and her smile after we had pulled apart. It was hard to forget.

After the art room had been demolished, I had been expecting her to be furious with me for not locking the door and possibly never wanting to talk to me again, but... she still remained her same, usual, kindred self. She, not once, thought that I was to blame for the misfortune even though it was very much my fault. Even when I left her house, I still felt responsible for the ruin that was brought upon her beautiful paintings that she was going to give to her grandfather as birthday gifts.

Sigh, if I had just locked the door then none of that would have happened and she wouldn't have cried. To think that I was the cause of her being heartbroken and making her cry like that continued to eat at me. I didn't like the feeling of being the cause, but it happened. There wasn't much that I do to make it up to her, but all I can do now is do my best to be the teacher that she believed me to be.

Yoongi said that he and the others would get back to me when they found out who wrecked the art room, but I still haven't heard back from any of them. I guess it was taking them longer than I expected to find the culprit or maybe it was just hard to find hard evidence that pinned Sanghee as the culprit.

Either way, I hoped whoever it was, whether it was Sanghee or not, was caught and would receive the proper punishment for what they did. They have a lot of nerve to destroy my art room and to tear Y/N's paintings. She worked so hard on them too. It pained me to know that all of her hard work was now sitting at the bottom of a trash can getting covered with disgusting garbage. If only I could have repaired her paintings, but her style is so different from mine. I know for a fact that I wouldn't be able copy her style.

Well, I guess since I was wide awake that I might as well get up now. I pushed myself to sit up out of bed. I rubbed my eyes tiredly as I grabbed my phone. Still no messages showing on the screen. I sighed dropping my phone on my bedside table before standing up and walking to the bathroom. I took my clothes off and hopped into the shower. I quickly washed my body and my hair while humming a tune.

Once I was done, I got out of the shower and dried off before putting on clean clothes. I dried my hair and styled it. I double checked that I looked alright before leaving the bathroom. I made a quick stop into my bedroom to grab my phone then walked down the stairs. I grabbed an energy drink and a chewy bar and sat at the table.

As I ate them it reminded me of the day we went to the art museum. Y/N gave me an energy drink and a chewy bar since I didn't have anything to eat that day because I was in such a rush to get to school after being slightly hung over. I smiled in remembrance of that day. Even though she had so much going on in her life, she still was such a sweetheart.

I really didn't deserve a student like her. She treated with me respect, she helped me, she cared for me. And what did I do in return? I treated her coldly, dismissed her, and now I went and got her paintings destroyed. My smile turned into a frown as I thought this. How is it that whenever I think about her my mood always goes from happy to upset in the blink of an eye?

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