Chapter Twelve: Hugs Are For The Weak

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This morning, I had the biggest surprise that made me smile. Y/N had responded to my message and she thankfully didn't take it the wrong way. She told me that she was sorry for worrying me and that she would be coming back to school today. I don't know why, but hearing her say that she was going to be coming back to school made me feel all happy inside.

I popped out of bed once I had received the call. I got ready to go to work the fastest that I've ever gone. It made me wonder... was I really that excited to see her? I suppose, if I were to admit it to myself, then yes I was excited to see her, but it was only because she was my favourite student and the only student who treated me as a teacher. That was it though. That was the only reason. At least, that was what I continued to constantly tell myself as I slipped my jacket on before slipping on my shoes.

Once I was ready, I grabbed my bag and my car keys before leaving my house. I hopped into my car and drove to school, but I didn't speed like I did the day of the trip to the museum. Instead, I took my time, but also didn't go slow. I turned the radio on and switched through the stations.

I stopped at a red light, giving me a chance to pay attention to the radio. I switched through the stations some more until finally I found a station that I was happy with. I paid attention back to the road and pressed on the gas when the light turned green.

I arrived at the school with a good half an hour to go before school starts. I turned off the engine and just as I was about to get out, my phone rang. I groaned as I took my phone out and looked at the screen. It read that Jimin was calling. Sighing, I answered the phone call.

"Hey hyung, what's up?" I asked trying my best to hide my annoyance.

"Hey Jungkook, sorry for calling, but can you come pick me up?" He asked, his voice desperate and pleading.

"Hyung..., you have a car you know," I stated in a matter-of-fact tone.

"I know, but I took it in to get it checked since it was making weird sounds yesterday. I just got a call this morning that they'll be finished with it this afternoon," he explained shortly as he sighed, "Please man please? Yoongi and Seokjin already said no. Namjoon and Hoseok said that he was already at the school and Taehyung didn't pick up his phone."

I was already at the school too, so I could just say that and maybe he'll let me off the hook like he did with Namjoon and Hoseok. But then again, he was my friend, I couldn't just let him get into trouble. I let out an annoyed groan as I decided that I would go save him.

"Aish, you better be ready by the time I get there because when I do then you're getting straight into the car, so that I can get us both to the school on time you pabo," I remarked in an irritated tone.

"Oh my god! Thank you thank you thank you! I owe you," he said in happiness as he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Yeah yeah, whatever, see you," I responded as I rolled my eyes before hanging up. I placed my phone in my pocket before starting the engine. I drove off, this time, speeding a bit. I hoped that I could make it to his house and then back to the school in time. If I don't and I get into trouble then I will blame Jimin.

After around 15 minutes, I finally arrived at his place. I honked my horn super loudly, three times and out came Jimin, rushing to get into the car. I unlocked the door and he jumped into the passenger's seat, closing the door. He gave me a grateful smile of greeting while I just rolled my eyes and sighed in exasperation before driving off down the road.

"Jungkook... you're speeding," he stated in a shaky tone as he held onto the seat and glanced at me worriedly.

"Thank you Captain Obvious and I wonder whose fault that is," I retorted sarcastically as I sent him an annoyed look. He sighed heavily as he remained quiet, but he still gulped in fear. I managed to get us to the school in less than 15 minutes. We still had about three minutes left to spare. I turned the engine off and hopped out of the car before grabbing my bag out of the backseat. "Last one in is a pervy shortie!"

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