Chapter Nineteen: Realization & Feelings

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~ 3 Months Later ~

It had been three months that Y/N and I had been living under the same roof. Things were a bit awkward at first, I'll admit, but pretty soon it felt like I had a roommate and I loved the feeling. Sharing my house with someone else, especially if that someone was Y/N, felt so comforting. I kept waking up with a smile on my face. I didn't even care that I had to sleep on the couch. Well, actually, I did manage to buy another bed, so she decided to sleep there in a different room while I had gone back to my own bed.

I learned a lot about her in the past three months of living together. I learned that she was a big horror movie fanatic and that she was really terrible at video games, but she still enjoyed playing them. She also loved writing and of course she loved painting and drawing. Then there was also the singing. She apparently did photo editing and journalism. I was shocked by how much she was capable of doing. She told me that she couldn't dance, but I know that she had some moves in here as I had caught her dancing one time when she thought that she was alone.

It had been pretty good living with her so far. We shared the house work and alternated with the cooking. We managed to keep our living arrangements a secret. However, I let it slip to my friends that we were under the same room. I remember their reaction when I let it slip out.

~ Flashback ~

"You're hiding something from us Jungkook," Jimin stated as he stared me down with a suspicious look. The others turned to me with curious expressions and raised eyebrows. I bit my lip nervously as I tried to think of something to say.

"Come on Jungkook, how long have we been friends for?" Hoseok asked as he placed his hand on my shoulder. I looked at him and stared for a moment before sighing.

"Since elementary school," I mumbled looking away, so that I wouldn't have to stand their curious stares.

"And have we ever not told each other everything?" Taehyung asked as he nudged me. I bit my lip harder, knowing that they were trying to guilt me into telling them. I tried my best to hold my ground. They sighed at my silence.

"Well, I guess Jungkook doesn't want to be friends with us anymore," Jimin said teasingly as he shrugged. The others played along with him and shook their heads disapprovingly at me. I found myself not being able to take it anymore, so I groaned in defeat.

"Fine! I'll tell you!" I exclaimed with an annoyed expression. They all grinned victoriously as they gave each other high-fives before looking at me. "When I tell you, let me fully finish and explain before you all go off on me." They raised their eyebrows at me in confusion, but nodded in understanding. "So, Y/N is living with me, at my house." Their eyes all widened as large as golf balls and their mouths fell open. "One month ago-."

"Wait wait wait! She's been living with you for a month?!" Seokjin asked in shock as he couldn't shake off his disbelief. I nodded in response, but sent him an irritated look for interrupting me.

"Yes, she's been living with me for a month," I restated as I sent him a look, so that he wouldn't interrupt me again. He sent me an apologetic look before letting me continue. "Anyways, a month ago I was walking her home and when we reached there her house was on fire. Her grandfather was still inside at the time, so she tried to get in and help him, but I held her back. The firemen then arrived and put out the fire and brought her grandfather out, but it was too late. He was already burned to death." When I said all of this in a bit of a rush, their eyes all widened in shock.

"Oh my god..." Jimin murmured softly in surprise and worry. The others all had worried expressions on their faces.

"Yeah, so I tried to comfort her while she cried in my arms. It was the most heartbreaking thing to watch. Even though her grandfather died, seeing her crying so hard like that... it broke my heart...," I mumbled with a sigh as those memories of that day came rushing back and I could feel my heart breaking all over again. I went silent after I said this.

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