Chapter Eleven: A Week's Disappearance

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It's been a week since the field trip to the art museum. I thought that going there had improved Y/N's behaviour or at least made her a little bit happy, but I guess I was wrong. She hasn't shown up all week, excluding the weekend. It really isn't like her. She doesn't usually miss classes. I'm beginning to get worried. I tried asking the principal if he had heard from her, but all he said that it was something personal once again. Sigh, what could of happened to make her skin a whole week of school?

"Mr Jeon, hello?" A voice asked bringing me back from my trance. I blinked slowly and glanced up from my desk to see a student standing there looking at me with a raised eyebrow.

"Oh, I'm sorry. What is it?" I asked still slightly dazed as I cleared my throat.

"I'm finished my work," the student said as he handed me his work.

"I see. Thank you. I'll start correcting it now," I told him with a nod as I took his work and grabbed a pen. I started correcting his work. I could still sense him standing over me, watching what answers he got right and what he got wrong. I sighed as I glanced back up at him. "You may go sit down now unless if you have a question." He sighed realizing that I had caught him and turned around, going back to sit down.

I went back to correcting his work. Almost every other answer he got wrong and I found myself sighing. These students are either not reading the chapters I've assigned or just aren't paying attention in class or something, but they aren't doing well on the assignments and work that I give them.

I missed being able to put check marks on every single answer, but the only one who I could do that with was Y/N and she hadn't been here all week. I let out a small sigh as I finished correcting the student's work and placed it into my file.

I glanced up at the class. About half of the class were done with the work while the other half were still plowing away at it. I then glanced at the clock. It was almost lunch time. Thank god, I was starving.

I could hear some of the students chatting in the back and I noticed some of the students who weren't done yet give them annoyed looks. I sighed as I stood up began walking towards the group of students chattering away. I stopped when I was right in front of them. They all glanced at me in alarm.

"Is there something wrong Mr Jeon?" A few of the students asked nervously.

"Is there a reason as to why you are all talking?" I asked in a cold tone, my hands shoved in my pockets as I gave them an icy stare, "Please, if there is something that you'd like to say to the class then by all means say it loud and clear otherwise, I'd advise all of you to keep your voices down as there are other students in this class who are trying to finish their work."

"Y-Yes Mr Jeon...," the students responded stuttering at the harshness in my tone. I nodded back at that before turning around. As I was about to walk away, something they whispered to each other made me stop in my tracks.

"What's his problem? Why has he turned into such a jerk?" One of the students asked in a whispered to the other students in the group as they scoffed. I took in a deep breath as I turned back around to face them. When I did that, their eyes widened in surprise and panic. I stalked towards them with a death glare.

"Which one of you said that?" I asked curiously and sternly as I eyed all of the students in the group. The student who had said that remained silent, but his friends ratted him out and pointed at him. He sent them glares as he looked up at me. I stood there, staring down at him with a menacing look. "My problem is that you are being disruptive by talking amongst yourselves loudly while there are students who are still working. You are being disrespectful to them and now you are being disrespectful to me by calling me a jerk when I am only doing what any teacher would do."

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