Chapter Twenty: A Not-So-Secret Kiss

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It had been a week since Y/N and I both confessed to having feelings for each other. We couldn't share our feelings for each other at school and kept a student-teacher relationship. But we would text each other small messages. Most of the time, they were just us saying that we loved each other while other time, we simply just sent emojis with hearts and smiley faces. It was cheesy, but we didn't really care.

I had told the others about Y/N and I confessing our feelings for each other. They were happy for the both of us and promised to keep it a secret from everyone. I was grateful to have such loyal friends like them.

Things at home have been nice. We had been playing video games most nights, but also alternating with horror movies. She really liked horror movies. I mean, I liked horror movies, but some of the ones she chose were really gory. I had to look away just because there was so much blood in some of the scenes.

On the bright side, I won every single time we played video games. Every time she lost, she always pouted cutely and crossed her arms over her chest. I would have let her win, but I really didn't like losing, so it was practically instinctively that I won every time. Maybe the time that we play, like tonight, then maybe I'll let her win. Oh wait... never mind, it was movie night tonight.

I let out a sigh as I tapped my foot impatiently while looking at the clock. So close to lunch time. I wanted to see Y/N too. I know I saw her in first period, but I couldn't help but miss her every time she wasn't around me. I guess that this was what love did to a person. Just then, my phone buzzed. I took out and my face brightened when I saw that it was a message from her. I opened it and read it.

{To: Jungkook
From: Y/N

I'm bored... T-T
~ Y/N}

I chuckled a bit at her message and responded back quickly.

{To: Y/N
From: Jungkook

Haha, Ms Choi, aren't you supposed to be paying attention to your teacher? ;)
~ Jungkook}

After I sent the message, I waited patiently for the next one. It came in about a minute later. I got to read a preview of it on my screen. It seemed like a long one this time. When I opened it though, it wasn't as long as I thought it was going to be. I read it quickly.

{To: Jungkook
From: Y/N

I'm done my work Kookie and why are you calling me Ms Choi? Also, why are you scolding me about paying attention to the teacher when you should be paying attention to your students? -3-
~ Y/N}

I grinned in amusement at her message. We decided that through messaging we would call each other by our first names. Or at least, we decided that she would start calling me by my first name, but she also calls me by nickname, Kookie. I liked to call her by her last name since it bothered her. It was fun to tease her because her reactions were funny and cute at the same time. I texted her back while grinning to myself.

{To: Y/N
From: Jungkook

Ms Choi is your name. ;P And I'm scolding you because I'm a teacher and you're a student. You should be the one paying attention. So pay attention or else no movie night tonight~. >:)
~ Jungkook}

I grinned evilly at my message as I sent it off to Y/N. I waited for a bit, but didn't get a response back, which made me frown. Maybe she really did pay attention. I was obviously joking and wanted her to keep texting me, but perhaps she thought I was serious. I sighed heavily, but then sighed in relief when the bell rang. I said goodbye to the students as I started packing up my things.

"Stop calling me Ms Choi or else we won't play video games for a month!" A familiar voice exclaimed from the door. I looked up in surprise and saw Y/N standing there with a cute glare. I grinned at her as I approached her.

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