Chapter Fifteen: Fun With Paint

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By lunch time, my eyes felt heavy and tired. I had been glaring and eyeing at so many students this morning that my eyes now hurt. I sighed heavily as I rubbed at my eyes trying to ease the stinging. I'll have to a cold cloth on my eyes when I go to the teacher's office.

I picked up my things and walked out of the classroom, locking the door behind me before heading to the teacher's office. As I passed through the hallways, I noticed, hiding in the corner, was the two groups of girls and boys whispering to each other. I glanced from the teacher's office to them wondering if I should eavesdrop on them or if I should just let the police catch them in an act.

Deciding, I slowly approached them and hid so that they wouldn't see me. I tried my best to listen in on their conversation. I took my phone out too and had the camera pointing at them. I began recording them, hoping that they wouldn't notice my phone sticking out.

"Do you think Mr Jeon knows?" One of the girls asked in worry.

"I don't think he does, but I think he may suspect us because he was looking at us suspiciously this morning," one of the boys stated warily. The others nodded in agreement.

"But we shouldn't have to worry because it wasn't actually us," another one of the girls mentioned with a look of uncertainty. The others went quiet at that. "What?"

"It was Sanghee, but... we helped her wreck the art room too," another one of the boys voiced, his voice shaky. I found myself grinning at the fact that they had confessed and I had it all on camera. I had solid proof now that they did it.

"What? Why would you help her though? We would have helped her, but we decided that if they ever found out then us helping would only get us in trouble as well," the third girl stated in a loud whisper, "If anybody finds out then you guys are going to be expelled."

"We know, but Sanghee promised that she'd pay us and we needed the money," the third boy recalled with a sigh as he scratched the back of his head. Sanghee promised to pay them to help her? I guess she did actually pay them if they just confessed to helping her. "I just hope Mr Jeon doesn't find out or worse the police because not only will we be expelled, but..." I decided to stop recording and come out of hiding to face them.

"But you'll also be looking at jail time," I mentioned as I walked towards them with an icy look on my face. When they saw me and heard me, their eyes all went wide in alarm.

"M-Mr Jeon!" They all exclaimed with panicked expressions on their faces. I held my phone out, showing them the new recording of them confessing everything. Their faces turned to pure and utter horror and they looked up at me.

"This is enough evidence for me to show to the principal. Now whether it was Sanghee's idea or not, you were all involved with it and instead of stopping her, you took part in helping her destroy the art room," I said my voice laced with venom and my eyes hard as stone, "On top of that, there were some paintings in there that Y/N worked very hard on that she was planning to give to her grandfather for his birthday. It was very hard seeing her break down like that and seeing all of her hard work torn to pieces." I could feel my own feelings coming out as I thought back to Y/N's breakdown yesterday.

"Mr Jeon, we had no intention on hurting Y/N-," one of the students voiced, but I cut them off.

"It doesn't matter whether you were planning to hurt me or Y/N, what matters is that all of you and Sanghee destroyed school property and destroyed someone's hard work!" I yelled furiously as I glared down at them menacingly. As I did that, I felt a hand on my shoulder. I glanced over my shoulder to see Yoongi along with the others. The principal was also there along with group of police officers. "Guys... Sir..." The principal stepped forward along with the police officers.

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