Chapter Four: A Talk With The Principal

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"So how's it coming Y/N?" I asked curiously as I slowly walked over to her and peered over her shoulder at her artwork. My eyes widened at her recent artwork. Since she wasn't able to do the abstract assignment I assigned her yesterday, I had decided to assign it to her today.

"To be honest, abstract isn't really my forte, but I did my best," she answered with uncertainty in her voice.

"Don't say that Y/N. I think you did really well," I reassured her with a comforting smile. She smiled back at me gratefully before standing up. I watched as she walked over to the sink to rinse out her paintbrushes and water that was rich in color from her dipping her paintbrushes in it so many times.

As she rinsed her paintbrushes out, I glanced back at her artwork. I find it hard for me to understand why she doesn't seem pleased with her artwork considering the fact that it's just as amazing as her painting from yesterday.

Once she walked back over, she sighed before beginning to pack her bag. This made me glance up at the clock and my eyes widened when I realized that it was the end of class. Oh, I guess I better get packed up too. I headed to my desk and started packing up my things. Once I'm done packing up my things, I waited at the door for Y/N. She made her way over to me and smiled a bit.

"Music time~," she said in a song-like tone. I chuckled in amusement at that and nodded. She left the room first and I followed after her then locked the art room. Once locked, she turned to me and stared me straight in the eyes. My eyes locked with her and I stared at her in confusion. "Don't forget that I'm going to be coming back to the art room to pick up my painting at the end of the day."

"Yes, don't worry. I won't forget this time. I promised you and I don't ever break my promises," I recalled with a firm nod. She nodded back at that and we walked to the music room. I noticed that she was walking a little ways behind me instead of beside me, which made me raise my eyebrow in confusion and curiosity. "Y/N, are you ok? Why are you walking so far behind?"

"Oh, yes, I'm fine. I just thought that since I'm a student and you're my teacher then it would be rude to walk beside you, so I walked behind you instead," she explained shortly. I stared at her in surprise, but also awe. She seems to really respect me as a teacher. I'm glad for that, but I don't think she has to go that far and walk behind me. I mean, how am I supposed to talk to her when she's trailing behind me?

"Y/N, that's really not necessary. I mean, I am the one in authority, but you really don't have to go to such extremes. I'm already well aware that you consider me a teacher and not a student like many of the other students did. As much as I appreciate you for showing so much respect to me, I would really like it that when we walk together that you are walking beside me and not behind me. Can I ask you to do that for me?" I asked her with a small smile. Her eyes widened at that and she stared at me.

"Yes, I can do that Mr Jeon," she replied as she bowed to me. Ah, I know I've been wanting the students to treat me as an authoritative figure and yet I feel so old when students, such as Y/N bow to me. She slowly walked faster until she was walking beside me. I smiled at her and she smiled back.

Reaching the music room, I noticed many of the students had already arrived. They were all chattering away with each other. When they saw me arrive with her, they all greeted me. Some greeted me with winks and flirtatious grins, others greeted me with glares and scoffs. I ignored both of those kinds of students and focused on opening the music room.

I held the door open for the students. The last two students left to enter the room was Y/N and a girl from the first class in the morning. I can't remember what her name is, but then again I never really bothered to learn it. After all, with her sending flirty winks and showing me her cleavage, I don't believe that she deserves me remembering her name.

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