Epilogue: Our Date With Destiny

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Today was Y/N's graduation day. I was super excited to attend. Even though I was no longer her teacher and just her boyfriend, I was still so proud of her. I was sitting with my friends in the seats and watched the stage as the students walked across the stage getting their little certificates to say that they graduated. I waited patiently for her turn.

"So, how's the job hunt coming along?" Namjoon asked curiously as he nudged me. My friends had found out about me getting fired and were all sad that I wouldn't be working with them in the same school, but they got over it after about a day or so. They've been helping me find a new job. The job hunt went well. After about a week that I was fired from Y/N's school, I sent out my resume to a bunch of schools and I got job offers right away. I'd say that I went to about 10 interviews before finally deciding on a high school near here. It was perfect, after the school day, I could come pick up Y/N and drive us both home.

"I took a job near my house and it's also near here," I responded with a smile. Namjoon smiled at that. Just as I answered, Y/N came up onto the stage and walked across. As she did, I stood up along with the others and cheered as loudly as I could. "Whoo!! Go Y/N!!" When she heard her name being called, she turned to the crowd. Our eyes met and she smiled shyly before waving at me. I waved back before she walked off the stage and sat with the other graduates. The principal gave a long speech congratulating the graduates of this year.

Once he was all done, the graduates all walked off to their families and friends. Y/N skipped off towards me and the others with a bright smile.

"Hey, you came," she stated with a happy grin as she jumped into my arms. I chuckled in amusement as I held her up and hugged her tightly.

"Haha, of course I came beautiful. I wouldn't miss your graduation," I replied with a smile as I twirled her around in the air before placing her down on the ground. We pulled apart and smiled at each other.

"Sigh, you two make me wish that I was in a relationship," Hoseok complained with a heavy sigh.

"I'm already in a relationship with myself, so I'm good," Seokjin commented with a confident smile. We all raised our eyebrows at that before laughing. "Well, let's head over to the food table."

"Dude, you're always eating," Yoongi pointed out as he shook his head disapproving. Seokjin shrugged in response as he walked over to the food table. We joined him there as well.

"So, you two planning on sneaking off or are you going to stick around a bit?" Jimin asked curiously as he winked at us. In a way I did want to sneak away because I had something planned, but I also wanted to hang around a bit more here since I don't see my friends everyday like I used to.

"We can hang around a bit more," Y/N suggested with a smile as she glanced at me. I looked at her and smiled before kissing her nose. She smiled shyly at that and looked off to the side in embarrassment.

"Ugh, I'm going to go throw up. See you guys later," Yoongi commented in disgust as he wrinkled up his nose, but before he left he sent me a small smile.

"You two make a cute couple, I'm jealous," Taehyung mentioned with a small pout. I snickered a bit, realizing that I was the first out of all of us to get a girlfriend.

"Haha, don't worry TaeTae. You'll find someone special to spend the rest of your life with too, I just know it," Y/N responded with a determined smile. Taehyung smiled at that and went to hug Y/N, but I pulled her behind me.

"Hyung, hands off," I grumbled with a warning stare. He chuckled at that as he patted my shoulder.

"Relax Jungkookie, I won't go after your girl," he reassured me with an amused laugh as he smiled at Y/N before walking off to join the others. After that, I suddenly didn't want to stay any longer. I sighed as I turned to her, who had a small grin on her face.

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