Chapter Eight: Weak To Tears

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My alarm went off loudly and suddenly making me fall out of bed. I groaned as I my back hit the hard, cold ground. I sat on the ground, leaning against my bed and rubbed my eyes tiredly. Despite no trouble sleeping last night and all my stress removed from the events of the previous days, I felt unusually tired. Perhaps it was because I stayed up later than normal. I did stay up rather late, but that was only because I was searching something up.

After everything that Y/N did for me, I figured I owed her something even though she told me she did it not to be owed, but because she felt it wasn't right for me to be accused of something that I didn't do. So, last night, after correcting all of the work from yesterday's school day, I went online and searched up an art museum near where the school was, so that during art class I would take her there.

I managed to print out two tickets that would give us access to see the whole museum for the day. I know that this wasn't enough to repay her for everything that she did for me, but it was a start. I would find more ways to repay her.

I took in a deep breath as I slowly stood up from the ground and rubbed my back before heading downstairs to make myself some breakfast. I cooked myself some bacon with eggs along with toast. I hummed to myself as I cooked doing some cool cooking tricks that I learned from Seokjin. He's amazing at cooking and has taught me so many delicious recipes. I hope one day I can cook for him and my hyungs.

Maybe one day I can cook for Y/N as well. Wait... what the heck am I saying?! Why would I even say that?! I felt my heart rate increasing at my confused mind for saying such an outrageous and inappropriate statement. Maybe it was that I wasn't fully awake yet. Yeah, that must be it. I shook my head to bring myself out of my sleepy state and continued to cook, trying to forget what I had said, but despite doing everything I could to push it away, it still lingered in the back of my mind.

As I sat down at the table, I glanced around at my empty house. It felt so lonely just me being here. My friends and I all have our own houses to ourselves. We all originally were going to move in together until we got girlfriends, but then decided that it would too much work to move all of our stuff in and then move all of our stuff out, so we decided to just buy our own places. I could feel myself regretting that decision now. The truth is that I wanted someone to live with, I wanted to live with my hyungs or at least live with someone. I didn't care who it was, I just wanted to be able to wake up in the morning and come downstairs to find someone already down here eating, so that I could talk to that person.

I let out a sigh as I nibbled at my breakfast. Sigh, I'll eventually have someone to share my house with. I just hope I don't have to wait too long. I took in my last bite of my breakfast before standing up and putting my dishes in the sink. I went back upstairs to wash my face and get dressed. Once I was done, I came back downstairs and grabbed my things. As I started walking towards the door, I quickly checked my bag.

Wait... where did I put those tickets? They aren't in my bag. I can't lose those tickets otherwise Y/N and I won't be able to enter the museum. I hurried and searched around my house for the tickets. I opened and looked under every crack and cranny in the house, but couldn't find where they went to. Damn... what do I do now? I spent a lot of money on those tickets too.

I sighed as I leaned against the dining room table. My hand brushed up against something making me look down. It was Y/N's school work from yesterday. Oh! How did I miss that? I shrugged as I grabbed it off the table and as I did, two little piece of paper fell out. They fell to the ground. I realized that they were the tickets. There they are! I sighed in relief and picked up the tickets. I need to keep these in a safe place. I decided to place them in my wallet before placing my wallet in my bag.

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