Chapter Six: A Voice Of Reason

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When the principal walked into the teacher's office with a stern look on his face, I felt my heart rate increase nervously, thinking that I was in trouble. He gestured for me to follow him. I gave a nod as I glanced at my friends. They gave me wary looks while I stood up and followed the principal out the door. I walked down the hallway, the same way I did this morning, a little bit behind the principal. Whispers could be heard and stares could be seen. I'm sure many of the students wondered if the principal had come to the decision to fire me after hearing all of the rumours.

The principal opened the door letting me. I stepped in and walked to the chair, sitting down slowly. He walked to his chair and sat down slowly as well. This silence and suspense was killing me. If he was going to fire me then I wish he would just get on and do it already instead of making me slowly lose hope of my credibility.

Once he sat down, he stared at me long and hard, without saying a word. I sat there staring back at him nervously and worriedly. He took in a deep breath before finally speaking out.

"Well Mr Jeon, it appears as if your case is looking more and more like you're the one who is... innocent," he finally spoke with a small smile. My eyes widened in surprise at this. Wait... did he already talk to Yoongi? But how can that be?

"So you've talked to Yoongi already then?" I asked in confusion and surprised, "But he's been with me the whole time this morning, so how could you have talked to him?"

"Mr Jeon, relax. It wasn't Mr Min who confirmed with me that you are innocent," he said with a lighthearted chuckle. My eyes widened even more at that and I tilted my head in slight confusion.

"What? Then did Sanghee come forward to confess that what she was saying is wrong? I'm confused sir," I proclaimed as I was growing more and more confused. He shook his head at that. Ok, now I'm officially confused. If it wasn't Yoongi and if it wasn't Sanghee finally admitting that she was the one in the wrong then who was it?

"It was a student who vouched your innocence," he replied in a suspenseful tone. A student vouched for me? I wonder who it could be. He stared at me, seemingly thinking that I would know right away who it was that vouched for me, but nobody was coming to mind. He continued to not say anything causing me to think harder. As I thought long and hard, my eyes slightly widened. It couldn't have been... He seemed to notice my shocked expression and he smiled. "I believe you have Ms Choi in three of your classes."

"By Ms Choi, do you mean Y/N?" I asked curiously as I stared at him directly in his eyes. He nodded slowly at that. So... it was Y/N who vouched for me. I'm both shocked and not surprised by this. I'm not surprised because she's such a sweet person, but I'm also shocked because I didn't think she'd go out of her way like this to help me.

"Right after her first class, she came rushing into my office and voiced that the rumours going around the school were only rumours and that she actually was a witness to Sanghee being the one who touched you inappropriately," he continued as he leaned back in his chair, "Ms Choi is about the only student I know in this school who wouldn't lie in a situation like this."

She came to his office right after my class. I can't believe she vouched for me. After I spoke to her coldly, closed the door on her, dismissed her rudely, and stood her up two times, she still vouched for me. I don't even know what to say.

"Y/N...," I voiced softly still processing the fact that she was the key to proving my innocence and she went out of her way to help me. I was already thankful to have her realize that I'm a teacher and she's a student, but it isn't until now that I realize just how thankful I am to have her as MY student. I'm going to have to thank her later, maybe in art class since she's the only one taking that class.

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