Chapter 21

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The weird creature stopped it's crackling roar and waited. "This is odd?" I said out loud to the other. "It not going to move?" Iestyn looked at it wondering what is it trying to do. "Ow" Ben put his hand on the back off his head, looking at his hand he notice their was blood on his fingers. "What?" He started to question what going on, turning around to see if anyone or anything was behind him but their was nothing. "You okay b-" Iestyn was about to ask him if he was alright but he felt a sharp pain on his left arm noticing a very deep and long cut going from his elbow down to his hand. "What is going on?" Iestyn asked moving back a little. The cut on his arm is to deep for him to heal overtime it would need to take sometime to reseal.

I look at the monster trying to see what it is doing but I can't see anything. I start to feel my right shoulder burning with a sharp pain going from my neck to the end of my shoulder. "God dam it" I say to myself, moving back quickly but whatever it is this thing almost ripped open my shoulder reviling some of the bone from the shoulder. "Rhys you alright!?" Ben asked me, he tries to come and help me but something scratches his cheek. I can feel the cold air going into my shoulder, feeling it breath against my bones and blood. "I'll b-be fine. Just wondering what this thing is doing" I tell him and close my right eye, trying to use my demon eye to check their is something we are missing. 

Just then I can see something like piano wire but a lot thinner and for some reason moving very quickly. "Iestyn can you see anything behind the creature?" I asked him, the wire was stretching behind it, it was acting like a living snake to be honest but deadlier. "No can't see anything" He tells me wondering why I asked "Same here" Ben helps by telling me if he could see it too. The wire starts heading towards Iestyn. "Iestyn move!" I tell him but whatever this is it moving so quickly it cuts straight through Iestyn right leg. He falls on his left knee gripping his hands really tightly to not say anything. The wire quickly pulls it self out of Iestyn leg but leaving him a nice gift of a hole in his leg the same size as a cannon ball. "Fu-fuck" Iestyn says to himself with a almost ripped off leg and falling back. 

Ben quickly uses his staff to make a shield for the three off us, quickly running over to Iestyn. "Jesus Christ what are we up against!?" He looks at Iestyn right leg noticing that the bones have even broken. "Can you heal him?" I asked him slowly walking towards them, I go on my knee next to them and losing the ability to feel my shoulder. "I-I'll be f-fi" Iestyn trying to speak but passes out. Normally he would be able to live through this much blood lost but we haven't had a break since we got in here. "I can but we will lose the shield when I am finished. I'm on my last bit of energy" He tells me. We both turned towards the creature noticing noises hitting the shield, it started to scream at us and it attack started to hit the shield even quicker. I sigh to my self, this attack will kill us if it keeps up and the others can't see it. 

I feel like if I asked Ben to use some sort off magic to be able to help them see the creatures attack he'll tell me he can't because he's running low. "What is the creature doing?" Ben asked me, starting to heal Iestyn leg while staring at me. "Basically he's attacking us with something like piano wire but it seems to be acting on it own like a snake. The normal eye can't see it since it going way to fast and to thin in colour to be seen. I can see it with my demon eye but even then I don't think I could keep up with it like this" I tell him while noticing my fingers on my right hand twitching on their own. "What can we do?" Ben asked me as if I new the answer to that. 

Although their something I want to try. If this creatures has an attack like this I'm pretty sure it has a weak point somewhere. "This is going to be crazy" I say out loud and flick the blood off my right hand. Taking off my brass knuckles and putting them on my belt holder. "What are you doing?" Ben asked while pushing his glasses back onto his face. I just smiled and gripped my left hand. "Something stupid but it could help" I tell him and started running towards the monster. The creature for so many eyes was still hitting the shield even though I was running towards it. 

This is going to hurt. I quickly jump towards the monster and was going for the eye in it's hand. All the creatures 20 to 30 eyes stared at me. I used my left hand, clenching it into a fist coming closet to hit it but was blocked by something. Maybe it has an invisible shield but I need to be sure. So I quickly use my right hand and clenched it into a fist and was going for a second hit. However my arm got cut clean off my body, falling to the floor. The creature watches it fall but doesn't notice that I am smiling and my demon eye starts to glow, quickly using my left fist again I try going for a third punch and it lands pushing the monster against the wall. It main eye in it hand starts to bleed as if it was crying. I land back onto the floor, gripping my right arm on the floor and almost choking on blood but keep it in. 

While I have time I start running back to Ben and Iestyn, getting into the shield. "So what was that? That wasn't a plan. That was losing your fucking arm!!!" Ben says while shouting at me. I get on my knee next to him, holding onto my own arm and slap him with it on the head. "You know for a wizard you don't keep up. Your meant to be the smartest kind in the world and you didn't notice" I say while a waterfall of blood is coming out of my right shoulder. He looks at me confused and wondering if I've goon mad. I sighed and spited blood to the side of me. "Basically if you notice. When I attacked him with the first punch did you notice nothing was happening to the shield?" I asked him and gripping my own arm feeling the pain in my shoulder healing it self but really slowly. He looks up for a second thinking of what I meant and it hit him. 

"Oh yeah. It wasn't doing anything to the shield. It was hitting it but when you attacked it the creature stopped" He says to me and wondering about what that meant. The creatures slowly was getting back up from the impact in the wall. "Yes and the second attack hit me not you" I explain and can feel my body going colder than normal but I try to stay focus. "True but you was able to hit him on the third attack which means" He says and looking at the creature screaming at us with it main eye still bleeding. "Yeah. It can't attack and defend at the same time. It seems his wire has a distance too but I just wanted to know if it could attack and defend" I tell him and get up but I'm feeling my legs shaking from how cold my body is going. "So if it attacks we can get him but I don't think we have any chance to be honest. I'm almost out, lestyn needs some time and your a mess " He says looking at Iestyn leg noticing it's almost healed. 

I laughed for a bit. "My god you didn't swear I'm stunned" I say to him and feel my shoulder fully healed. "No time for jokes Rhys" He says with a grumpy mood but worried about what we should do. I stared at the creature wondering the same question. I put the end of my right arm up against my shoulder. It slowly reattaching it self. "We need help with this one" I say to my self and the creature starts to attack the shield again.                      

Tayanne point of view

Me and Courtney are still waiting for the boys to finish their run through the maze. It's taken them hours now. I rubbed my head wondering what we should be doing. Courtney was sharping her daggers. "How do you think they are doing?" She asked me with a calm look but you can tell she was worried underneath. "Not sure to be honest. It has been a while" I tell her and makes my right hand go on fire to pass time. 

After a bit of time the Namidas showed up giggling to them self. "What so funny?" Courtney asked them, putting her dagger away and folding her arms. "Your friends have run into a problem" The one with blood on his shirt said. "Yes a big problem" The other Namida said after him. "What problem?" I asked them and has my hand still on fire. I honestly just want to burn them at this point. "We'll they have awakened the guardian to early" The blood shirt Namida said with a chuckle. "Wait what?" I asked them confused about that response. "They have awakened the guardian of the maze. One of them is passed out the angry one, the glasses is almost drained off magic and the stubborn one has lost an arm" The one with no blood chuckles. Me and Courtney quickly looked at each other and nodded. "Let us go to them" Courtney asked them but they shook their heads.

"You must run through the maze first" Namida with no blood on his shirt said. "Yes you must that the rules" The Namida with blood on his shirt said. "Fuck your ru-" Courtney shouted at them but before she could finish I put my hand on her shoulder. Looking at me with anger but worry. I simply nodded to her and she takes a breath. "Fine open the dam door" I told them and they both chuckled, opening the door for us. "Ready?" I asked her. "Yeah let's go help them!" She says and we both started running into the darkest of what is through the door. 

The ground started to shake, rocks falling from the sealing. "What was that?" Namida with the blood shirt asked the other "Not sure" He said and they both disappeared to go check. The door slowly closes locking us in.     

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