Chapter 23

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Ben point off view

"So in short that what happened" I was telling Courtney and Tayanne what happened to the three off us when they wasn't around. Courtney had her hand on Iestyn cheek "He's alright but warn out by the way his heart is beating" She told us rubbing her head wondering what to do. Tayanne was helping me heal Iestyn while Rhys is dealing with the monster. 

"He should come around in a moment but what do we do about the monster?" Tayanne asked us, before we could answer Rhys comes flying towards us skidding along the floor, stopping right next to us. "That hurt" He said out loud, slowly getting back onto his feet. "How's sleepy head?" He asked us while clicking his fingers with one hand and his other hand is on the left side off his stomach. "He's healed and should be waking up soon" I told him and can feel my self completely drained. "You don't look so good" Courtney asked me and I waved my hand at her but then fell back, closing my eyes. 

Courtney point off view   

"We'll he's goon" Rhys says jokingly and coughs up blood onto his hand. "We need to think off a plan before anyone else start going unconscious" I tell the two off them and staring at the monster while it trying to break the shield. "Have you got my positions?" Rhys asked Tayanne going on one knee next to her. "Yes actually we used one off them with our fight" She tells him and gives him her bag while holding up the shield. 

He walks over to me searching for something in his bag. "Courtney random question since you should know this" He goes on trying to ask me something. I turn towards him with my arms folded. "Is this really the time?" I asked him while keeping my arms folded. "Yes. Can Iestyn become you know more wolf?" He's asking me this while pulling out four bottles from the bag. He shouldn't know that about the werewolves. It's bothering me that he knows this but for now I'll let it slide. "Yes he can but he doesn't like using it" I'm regretting this but I told him and grab my dagger out off it's holder. "Oh good. I'm not letting him have a chose" He smirks, putting two bottles by Tayanne and is holding two more. "No! He can't control it yet!" I shout at him pointing the dagger at his neck. He sighs and holds out one off the glass bottles to me. "That what the potion for. The potions we have will increases our speed, one that Tayanne has will increase her magic to give Iestyn more power. The one Iestyn going to have will only let him be in his wolf form for a couple off minutes. 

I keep the dagger by his neck and my eyes start to change checking and hearing his heart beat if he is lying. "What is the cost of using these potions?" I asked him gripping the dagger, he rubs his heading thinking for a moment. "We will properly all pass out. The extra powers it will give us is to much for our body's to handle so we will be unconscious after a couple off minutes. This shouldn't take long trust me" He tells the two off us and holding the potion out to me still. "And if it doesn't?" I move the dagger closer to his neck to the point the sharp end touching his skin. "Then we die. Simple" He says with a smirk, the odds are not in our favour but he must know something we don't. I honestly don't want to do this, Iestyn hasn't turned full form in years and he can't control it because off his anger problem. I start gripping the dagger even tighter but I sigh moving the dagger away from Rhys neck. "Fine. I don't like this but what is the plan" I ask him and take the potion off him. 

Rhys point off view         

"We keep the monster distracted, while Tayanne gives the potion to Iestyn, Increasing his strength and dog Iestyn will do the work" I tell the two off them. "Will it work?" Tayanne asked me while Courtney is looking at the potion "Couldn't say to be honest but it our only shoot" I tell her, tossing the potion in my hand up and down. 

I wait for the moment for them to make up their minds. "Alright" Tayanne tells me, "Okay" Courtney says to us. "Good" I say and break the potion in my hand to take it's effect. Courtney and Tayanne drink theirs. Once Tayanne is down she breaks the bottle over Iestyn for it's effect to work. "Courtney throw your dagger at me and I'll throw it back to you close to the monster so it thinks we are trying to hit it" I tell her, she nods and we start running towards the monster. 

The monster starts roaring at us loudly and tries to attack us but we are moving to quickly for it to hit us. Me and Courtney jump, run on the walls, dodging the attacks while throwing the dagger at each other to keep the monster attention on us. Tayanne used her magic to increase our speed even more, makes Courtney eyes able to see the monsters attack and is increasing Iestyn strength. 

Iestyn slowly gets up but when he did Tayanne fell down. She's goon for a while. Now it's Iestyn turn to take over. Iestyn slowly turned into his second form, slowly walking towards the monster. His eyes started to change to dark red and slowly began to change even more. Slowly turning into a giant wolf, covered in white hair with a long tail and body as big as one off the giants we went up against before.

"What the fuck did I let you do!?" Courtney shouts at me while gripping her dagger, she was about to go for me but her legs have given out on her. I get over to her quickly and go on my knee by her. Iestyn roars at the monster and runs towards it. To help Iestyn out I allowed the attack to go through my shoulder and grip onto it like before. "Listen carefully because they are coming" I tell her and whisper in her ear. She can see the hole thing Iestyn bites the monster body and bites it to the point it falls into piece. Iestyn roars so loud it shakes the hole room, luckily the potion takes it's effect and start turning him back to normal. 

He slowly crawls to Courtney reaching out to her before falling unconscious. "Alright" Courtney says to me before falling next to him. I get up off my feet and can feel the potion kicking in. I slowly walk over to the monsters corpse and run my hand into the monster chest were it heart is and pull out the necklace the Namidas were on out. I look at it carefully seeing the dark blue colour in it moving as if it was alive it self.  

The Namidas haven't showed up which is strange. I put the necklace on but hide it under my shirt just in case someone takes it from us in a moment. I sit by the monster using it corpse as a back rest. "Their almost here" I say out loud, I grab my eye patch and make a sign quickly on the inside off the eye patch. I put it over my left eye and my eyes start to go bleary. "SIR!!! we have found the intruders!!!" A voice come from somewhere and I as well fall unconscious.      

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