Chapter 14

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Rhys point of view 

I hit the ground very hard but quickly stand up. I wipe the dirty of my face and notice my surroundings, I'm somewhere different it seems that I'm on a mounting again. I take out my sword from it holder and breath heavily checking the temperature of where I am. My breath is ice cold. 

"Guess that wasn't hard enough" A voice came from behind, I turned quickly swing my sword at who ever it was but they wasn't their. "The forgot one him self" The voice came from every direction "Who are you? If I have to guess you must be the masked man" I said out loud getting into defence stance. The air around me feels heavy as if something was pushing me down. "We'll you could say that" The voice says, footsteps sounds are right in front of me and slowly from the fog a person appears. The strange person was wearing a black plated armour with armed trousers, shoes and a dark black and red cap. Of course this person is wearing the mask too, It has grey all around it, red cross the sides and going down in a weird way and a black cover in the middle so that you can't see his eyes. 

"As you call me I am the masked man, also known as Revan" The person says looking towards me. "Right okay, so let's skip the greeting part. What do you want with us?" I asked Revan and for some reason the air was getting more heavier. Revan just stayed were he is, what should I do normally I would run in for the attack but something seems wrong. "We'll that would be telling but I guess I could tell you something" Revan says and then suddenly I couldn't move. I'm trying to move my body but I just can't, did he do something?.

"Do you recall the talk you had with ben about my fight with the gods?" Revan asked me and slowly walk towards me with his arms behind his back. I keep trying to move but I just can't. "Your point?" I replied to him and my arm with my sword in my hand slightly moves a little. Revan comes up to me "Thought you would be able to move by now" He says and pokes my sword, it falls out of my hand, hitting the floor with a loud sound. What! I didn't let go of my sword, what in the fuck is this guy doing. 

"We'll half of that is true but I'll explain that a different time. Do you remember reading something about the void?" He asked me. Their was something in the book about the void but it didn't actually know anything about it. Does he actually know what it is. "Maybe, maybe not what you trying to get at" I said and then felt a hard pain in my chest, the bastard punch me straight in the chest and I could feel my ribs being damaged and half of them broken. I know that this guy is a demon but fucking cries he strong. That hit from him was like getting impaled by my own fucking sword again but a lot worse. I don't even know what worse the fact I really want to spit my own guts up or the fact I'm still stuck in place so I can't even fucking more. 

"I could feel your rips crack from that one. Your demon powers seem to not be working as normal since that impalement" Revan says to me, moves back and looks at me. "Fuck off. Just fucking wait I'll kick your ass" I told him, slowly feeling blood coming out of my mouth and feel my body slowly moving. "The void is the embodiment of dark magic. It is were all the magic we all use comes from but it is mainly used for dark magic like blood magic, what demons use and rising the dead. It is basically the source of our power" He goes on. I quickly grab my sword and swing it at him. "If this is going somewhere just hurry up and say it" I said to him, swing my sword hard but then he grab the end of it. He just grab it like it was nothing "My point is this? Have you ever wondered what is wrong with your hand all of a sudden" He says pulls the sword, which pulls me to him, he straight punches me in the face to the ground and the ground breaks beneath me leaving a shock wave damaging the surrounding area. 

My face feels numb and my body feels cold. This guy what the living fuck is he. I try to speak but I'm choking on my own blood. He's holding my sword and stabs it to the broken ground next to him. "Thought you would put up a better fight than this but you can't die on me yet I need you for my plans" Revan says and picks me up by my neck. I can't move my arms, my body is so cold and numb I can't even feel his hand on my neck. "You can't control that power because your damaged by your own sword and it hasn't been awakened" He says and grips his grip on my neck harder. I can't even feel it so I don't know what is the point doing that. "Your something that shouldn't be possible but your here and your power will be mine" He says and keeps his grip tight. I lift my arm and put my hand on his arm. My hand is numb but I still grip his arm anyway, I spit out the blood to speak, the blood lands on his mask and armour. "W-why would you need m-my power? Ar-aren't you a demon a-anyway?" I asked and then he flicks my arm of him. "I don't mean that part" He says while taking the eye patch of my eye, seeing my demon eye, it glowing but going to normal repeatedly. "You have part of the void in you. Your not just a demon, your part of the void itself" He tells me and I felt a sharp pain in heart.

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