Chapter 25

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Ten minutes have goon by Tayanne point off view.

The werewolves have got me and Ben working for them. We got ordered to help them heal their injured kind. Problem was that they put these weird bracelets on mine and Ben arms. Which only lets us use little bits off magic. We could only use our magic to heal people or mix our magic with herbs for only five minutes.

Thankfully the nurses and doctors here are friendly enough to give us what we need to do the job. "Here you go" The nurse puts some herbs by the table next to me. "Thank you umm" I didn't know her name but she seems to come in and out off the room every twenty minutes. "It's Ylva miss" She tells me and goes over to a different patient. Most off them are only badly injured from defending their home.

After a bit off time most off the nurses and doctors decided to take a break and left the room. However Ylva is still working and mixing herbs together. "She really does takes her work seriously" Ben walks over to me and rubs his fore head. "Yeah but don't you find it odd she always leaves the room at random times" I asked him and washed my hands in a bowl of water. "Likely being asked to do something else" He takes off his hat and flicks it.

The door slowly opens, it likely one off the doctors or nurses coming back in. "I need a little chat with you nurse" A voice said and heard things getting move "What do you want?" Ylva asked with fear in her voice. I turned around noticing she's leaning back against the wall shaking to bits. The other voice was "How in the fuck did you break out off prison?" Ben walking over to the stranger it was Rhys. "Long story. How's doing the dogs work going for you" He says and looks at the injured. I walk over to Ylva to check if she alright. "Skip that. Why do you want Ylva" I asked him and lifting her up and walking to a chair to sit her on it.

Ylva nurse cloths are covered in blood from the injured patients. The way her heart is beating she has been none stop working. "Information" Rhys said and goes on his knee in front off Ylva. She is still shaking from the way Rhys acted. "What did you want to find out if you don't mind me asking?" Ben asked him and sits on an empty patients bed. "About Everlyn" He's looking straight at her. As soon as he said that name she looked to the side straight away. "Who's Everlyn?" I asked him and folded my arms. He sighed and stand back up. "As far as I know the person is the daughter off the king. But Iestyn said she would normally be wondering around the castle and would have been their when we showed up" He looks at me and Ben while telling us and Ylva heart beat goes faster. "You spoke to Iestyn how?" Ben asked Rhys interested in how. "Long story" He tells been with no patients in his voice.

Looking at her she is gripping the clothing over her legs. "I-I ca-can't tell y-you" Ylva says with a lot of fear in her voice. "Look I don't have time for th-" Rhys was speaking and I slap him in the face vey hard it leaves a red mark. Ben mouth opened in surprise but no words came out. "Act like a human being for one fucking minute. If this is how you always are then stay a monster!" I shout at him and his head looked at the floor.

I go on my knees and hold Ylva hand "It's okay Ylva you can trust us. We won't say a word to anyone. We promise" I look at her with a smile. She looks at the three off us for the moment. Rhys turns around and puts his hand over the eye patch. "W-we'll ... She is i-ill you see" She tells us and puts her other hand over mine. It's cold as ice but her heart beat is going down which is good. "But isn't most off these people ill off some sort" Ben asked her and holds his hat. "S-she ... has a mutation p-problem you see. When she turned eighteen in our years which for vampires is a bit different. She has been stuck in her wolf form and human form. Basically half off her body is half each but she is suffering with a lot a pain from it and we don't have anything to treat it" Her hands start to shake a little "I was ordered by the king to look after her and try to reduce the pain as much as possibly. But I fear she not going to last any longer. She's starting to turn ice cold and her skin has goon pale as snow" She starts to cry and uses my shoulder to hide her face. I let her and start to rub her back.

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